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Thread: KMZ/KML of Metro routes?

  1. #1

    Question KMZ/KML of Metro routes?

    Anyone have them? I appreciate the route-by-route maps shown in the Nelson/Nygaard summary that is around but it would be helpful to see a citywide perspective of old v new. And if someone is going to do that, it might as well be in GoogleMaps. I almost started doing it myself and then thought I'd better ask!

  2. #2

    Default Re: KMZ/KML of Metro routes?

    Quote Originally Posted by plaws View Post
    Anyone have them? I appreciate the route-by-route maps shown in the Nelson/Nygaard summary that is around but it would be helpful to see a citywide perspective of old v new. And if someone is going to do that, it might as well be in GoogleMaps. I almost started doing it myself and then thought I'd better ask!
    OK, so I ask, then some stuff happens and I don't so much as login until, well, today. No replies, eh? OK. I'll start poking at Google Maps.

  3. #3

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