The discussion about John A. Brown's started me thinking about many places that are no longer here that I really miss. I'm going by memory here, so I may misspell some of the names (feel free to correct me!), but here is my list.
St. John's (the clothes were wonderful!)
Pappagallo's (best shoe store ever!)
Ralph Lauren shop (in 50 Penn Place)
Laura Ashley shop (in 50 Penn Place)
Stefanie's (heart healthy food/restaurant)
Glen's Hickory Inn
Dairy Queen
Chinese restaurant in Shawnee est. by Ann & George Ing
Pinnochio's (salad/pizza/sandwich shop in Norman)
Queen Ann Cafeteria
Anna Maude's (best cafeteria ever!)
Continental Theater
The Plum Tree
Caddeedid Gifts (MWC; I'm sure I've blown the spelling!)
Anyone else?