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Ed asked me to the post the following on his behalf:
Without exception, the actual outcome in life is always turns out different than the various scenarios that I fear or hope for.
Without exception, anger is a secondary emotion and when I experience it there are three primary sources: fear, hurt and/or loss of control. If I am angry and I ask myself what primary source(s) is/are at play it tends to have a calming effect especially if I can speak about such things with whomever I am angry. I have no doubt that some of my actions have scared some, have hurt some, and/or have led some to believe they are losing control. In addition, projection is a strong defense mechanism and sometimes I get upset when I recognize, perhaps subconsciously, my own behavior in others.
Without exception, everyone on this thread is passionate about OKC (or they probably wouldn't be interfacing on such a blog) and I believe, would like to see the transit system improved.
In terms of transit goals, my paramount one is to maximize dialogue and induce the interchange of a flurry of diverse thoughts and experiences so that we can arrive at better outcomes; possibly and probably ones that currently none of us see. Time is at a premium; we must act thoroughly but quickly.
The utility of OKC Talk, which was realized to such powerful effect in the Boulevard discussion, was that it served as a vehicle for diverse thoughts and solutions to rapidly be run up the flagpole and critiqued and improved by the suggestions of others. The larger the scale of participation the better will be the outcome and massive scale of such deliberations is my goal.
There are two significant transit studies in the works; one on the bus system which will be released in two weeks and one on the streetcar system in a couple of months. Hopefully they emphasize how multiple modes could work together as simply the transit system. Let's devour every word.
I think the process does break down though when we fail to treat each other with the utmost respect and I fear that if people see unhealthy expressions of anger it will suppress participation.
I think meeting in groups is advantageous as it is more efficient time wise and again, the exchange of multiple perspectives has a higher likelihood of achieving breakthroughs. I will be in the basement at the Belle Isle Library Sunday at 4pm whether anyone shows up or not. If anyone can't make it, we will do many more. If anyone still wants to meet privately I will certainly do that as well; call Boyd Fulton at 297-2402 to schedule