He did not say OU is not expanding. Expect a 5 to 10k increase in seats
He did not say OU is not expanding. Expect a 5 to 10k increase in seats
A local sports writer told me yesterday that OU “might” have some type of stadium announcement at it's next Board of Regents meeting next month?
Also, OU apparently wants to maximize the number of suits in the stadium.
I think the thrust of what Joe C said was that upgrading and enhancing the stadium was the focus, but seat expansion for it's own sake was not an objective. If the stadium capacity increased as a result of the other changes, so be it, but expansion of the stadium seating capacity was not, as I heard it, a primary objective of the upcoming upgrades.
I think Joe C is learning a valuable lesson from the folks in Nebraska who are apparently already lamenting their recent seating expansion, and also looking at how the secondary ticket market for home games is typically very soft. If other schools have already learned that adding seats isn't a wise idea, its great we've got an AD smart enough to not repeat the mistake.
Think the renovations are exciting, always fun to see OMS brought more up-to-date.
In modern times, it's all about suites and I'm sure that will be the main focus.
I know they'll be adding some at Loyd Noble as well.
The money those things generate is pretty astounding.
RE: Nebraska, I bet there were other factors that played "bigger" roles than just "too much inventory". Winning at an elite level, is what their fanbase is accustomed to. Big Ten conference was not as attractive to fans as they were advertised. The fans lost out in the OU / Neb rivalry game. ...the Husker fans are very close to OU fans, we get spoiled to winning the NC and average doesn't taste that good.
Its not too many seats, it's all the other factors that are far more visible now.
The folks who actually study this stuff from a business perspective disagree with you.Originally Posted by TheAllSeeingAllKnowingOneWhoThisVeryMinuteIsInLine AtBraumsForAMilkshake
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Must be nice to have a sports thread where rival school posters don't have to take it over with their unwanted opinions.
Suit, tie and HAT were standard attire at games for decades.
Really hard to believe but also pretty cool.
Getting dressed up for games is still fairly common in the deep south, at most of the major football playing schools. You can still see some of it on TV.
On my trip to Tuscaloosa in 2003 many students had a date. Most guys wore a tie while the very hot looking girls wore cocktail dresses.
The members of various Greek houses stood on their front lawns and sung the various school songs at length before they walked to the stadium with chants along the way.
I have never seen anything close to that much heartfelt passion in Norman from OU students.
Most OU fans could not walk 10 feet with out being welcomed and offered food and drink.
Their campus atmosphere that day was what I wish all of college football could be.
PS: The extreme heat and cold that we see in the Big 12 makes dressing like they do a little tougher.
+Its nice to be 3-1-1 all time against Alabama.
Pending the Regents approval OU will be upgrading its weight room with new equipment, renovating the coaches offices and it's athletic academic center
Take this for what its worth.....? Hale on KREF just said that OU would be conducting a 500 million dollar fund raising campaign for its athlete facility's with most of going for football stadium improvements.
If this is true....? I find that to be a very surprisingly high amount of money.
Their have already been rumors out there that a $300 million upgrade was on the way for the football stadium.
I went to Tuscaloosa in 2003 also (and really enjoyed it) and I'm glad OU is not like southern schools. Do I want OU students dressing up in ties and singing songs to go to a football game? Not really. I find it kind of weird. I love tradition, but people can also be a little too fanatic about it (see Texas A&M). I'm good with OU's balance. Also, OU fans are very welcoming. We're not the south, and I'm good with that.
That's their tradition and their passion....
They would likely find what we do or don't do “ kinda of weird” and I have heard some fans from other teams express that what we do is “kinda of weird.”
I would agree that most OU fans are more than welcoming but I have heard fans from other teams some times say they feel “kinda of weird” about how warm we great them.
Balance is all in the eye of the beholder!
But a good many OU students could clearly and without question be better fans at the games.
Yes the price keeps escalating. It's probably safe to say that the renovation and modest expansion of 'Gaylord Family Oklahoma Memorial Stadium will probably settle in the $500 million range which will include improvements on the press box side of the stadium and enclosing the south end zone seating.
I'm predicting that you're probably looking at a stadium that will eventually seat somewhere around 90,000 with seats added to close the south end zone and some pretty elite suites on the press box side as that area is due for some needed upgrades.
This could include a retrofit of the press box side upper deck with suites, new upper deck seating and press box facilities.
Has anyone seen anything in print about future renovations at Gaylord Family Oklahoma Memorial Stadium?
"Oklahoma City looks oh-so pretty... ...as I get my kicks on Route 66." --Nat King Cole.
Dean Blevins KWTV OKC reports on OU Stadium expansion+
South End Zone will be bowled in after the existing season and existing suites will be upgraded with new suites added in the South End Zone as well. A new press box will run the length of the west side upper deck. Seating capacity will be more than 90,000.
Blevins also said that construction will begin after the last OU home game this. Work will be done around the clock
Blevins also just reported that this expansion & renovation would be approved at the next Board of Regents meeting. Cost is $350-$400 million. This will include a weight room, training, and locker room facilities would be totally remodeled and upgraded.
This is all going to be VERY state of the art.
Holy cats!
Another $300 to $400 million?? That's a ton of money considering they've spent $125 million just on the stadium over the last 10 years (doesn't include practice facility, Headington Hall, etc.).
To put that into perspective, OSU spent $260 million for their entire stadium project.
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