Originally Posted by
Steve, I don't know if this would be wise. As it stands the best medics, and most tenured and or least burned out are fire medics. Rarely will you see a 20 year street paramedic unless employed by the FD. Right now, I recognize maybe 2 of the 12-14 rides I make a day.
I also think that it is misleading to say that fires are "way down." The split has been 80% medical and other rides to 20% fire for a very long time. Our ride totals increase yearly by fairly significant margins therefore it stands to reason that fires are also increasing. Already we are at 46,500(ish) rides this year with 5 more months to count and the biggest bulk of the fire season ahead (winter). Personally I am good for 7 working structures this year (starting in January), 4 vehicles (1 of which was threatening a structure), and countless rubbish and random materials fires. This is a decrease from years past due to the construction of the Penn bridge which interferes with our response to that neighboring district, and the housing of Engine 7 in Station 19 while their house is being gutted for remodel. I can forsee almost 2 fires per month by season's end for the year's total. This is one shift, one station, we have 3.
Not every station will carry these numbers, but houses that traditionally don't see a lot of fire are on the march and the apartments on the North side are catching with great frequency these days. Our numbers as a city are offset by outlying stations whose fires while usually more developed due to longer response times, are fewer in frequency. Perhaps the greater importance for these stations is their ability to respond to medical and other emergencies. Emsa will never staff out as far as these stations no matter how well staffed they are.
RC why you are fighting this fight is beyond me. I'm asking you to leave this thread alone. You don't belong here because you have nothing of worth to say and you are inflamatory for its sake alone.
"Job security, contract negotation leverage, make them appear busier than they really are." -RC
"This savings plus the fact that a judge ruled in the City's favor re: 1% pay increase, the budget looks better every day." - RC
This is really dispicable. We have a right to our opinions as do you but following a thread just to ridicule and debase them is not cool.
It sounds like you have a great deal of time on your hand for constructive activities (boating, fishing, enjoying retirement) in the scheme of things your ravings mean nothing. Nobody, really nobody and I mean this genuinely gives a shiny red cent about your posts because they are without worth. They are worthless. You will get a rise out of a fireman because you are purposely choosing your words to that effect. Look at your previous posts, besides us, nobody cares what you think. Let us fight this fight, with those people who matter, people who argue their side because they feel they are as right as we feel we are.
You are just background noise. I have a feeling that with this post, rather than bow out gracefully, you will just turn up the volume and that is your most deplorable trait.