who gives a rats rear what any NBA member thinks of our city??!!!
thats the problem with our soceity in general, people care too much about what other people think. so much to the point that (keyword:some) some people spend money relentlessly to simply appease to the taste of complete & total strangers.
They buy more expensive clothes than what they really need, they throw down thousands of more dollars than what is really necessary in buying vehicles that are more lavish than what they should truly be driving.
..and im talking about everyday people, not celebrities here.
but going back to celebrities, specifically the NBA variety this thread is based upon.
Does anyone recall a few years back when Charles Barkley dubbed Oklahoma as a wasteland?? Oh, we okies took great offense to that and so much to the point WE offered HIM an all-expense paid visit here to try to wow him and simply asked for his apology in return.
Barkley REJECTED our offer, and never even bowed out an apology to us.
This clown is a millionaire! Why should we be spending our money on him? Does OKC really care about what Barkley said? Are we that determined to alter negative spoken words from anyone with celebritorial clout for fear that they have the potential of reaching millions of viewers/listeners/readers?
So why should anyone care what any NBA player says about Oklahoma from that point forward? Are we caring because of their financial status? Because they are members of our home team? (or maybe some other teams players are bad mouthing us)
Why care? seriously.
We have our civic plans in place and we have an excellent mayor leading us. Maybe these fools will someday take back the words they cast. Until then lets just go about our own business.
Some people will hate OKC, and some will love it. Word of mouth is word of mouth, and NO CITY can please EVERYONE.
nba=negative badmouthing attitudes.
(thats me badmouthing the nba)