In case there was any doubt in the Oklahoman's complicity in this ruse and how they always, always put the interests of big business (and their main advertisers) ahead of the general public:
Stalled OGE development a reminder of energy prices' impact on Oklahoma |
Stalled OGE development a reminder of energy prices' impact on Oklahoma
By The Oklahoman Editorial Board | January 13, 2016
LAMENTATIONS from preservationists have begun. Their beloved, architecturally unique Stage Center was demolished because …
… Because private developers wanted the site for a four-tower commercial complex, the plans for which are officially on hold. These included a new headquarters building for OGE Energy Corp. On Monday, OGE said it must suspend the plans because market conditions are unfavorable.
It was the latest cautionary signpost on a route to lower expectations in the energy-driven Oklahoma economy. Other metrics include the gaping hole in the state budget, the New York Stock Exchange delisting of SandRidge Energy Inc. and the city of Oklahoma City's declining sales tax revenue.
What irks preservationists, understandably (to a point), is that Stage Center is gone and can't be brought back but the thing that was supposed to replace it seems gone as well. But one development is permanent and the other, we feel sure, is temporary.
Lest we forget, Stage Center, a community theater complex designed by architect John Johansen, was in serious disrepair. Had the OGE development not
materialized, Stage Center might still be standing. But it also would still be falling apart because no one had a plan to save it. Even if they had, the extant economic woes would likely have reduced contributions for any nonprofit endeavor.
Also noteworthy is that the redevelopment plan was thoroughly vetted. OGE and others involved in the plan went through hoops to get it approved before Stage Center was carted away in pieces.
Oil prices slid again Monday, the day the OGE decision was unveiled, and that caused yet another slide in the stock market. Oklahoma's economy thrived by the energy industry and is now suffering because of it.
This is an industry enured to feast and famine. The current downturn has lasted longer and dived deeper than anyone could have predicted a couple of years ago. The price of any commodity — and oil and natural gas are commodities as much as wheat and cotton — is subject to great swings. Decisions are made according to the best information available at the time. This includes decisions to pull back as well as to expand.
When the Stage Center site came into play, oil prices were as high as $100 a barrel, compared with around $30 today. Given such a precipitous drop, it's a wonder the local economy and jobless rate aren't worse or that development in the central city hasn't come to a total standstill.
Instead, this seems to be a bump in the road — albeit a serious one — in the reconstruction of downtown Oklahoma City. However it's worth noting that same day of the OGE announcement came news that First National Center has a new buyer, with plans to convert the building into a mix of apartments and a hotel. And OGE's leaders are determined to have a first-class headquarters building among the structures to replace the entire Stage Center footprint.
The OGE development was already morphing from the original plan, owing to developments not directly related to the oil price slump. A failure to reach agreement on tax increment financing was also complicating the start of construction. The site has been cleared for more than a year; it may remain so for years to come.
The rub for preservationists is that massive downtown demolitions in the past (as part of an ambitious urban renewal plan) didn't always result in promises kept. They can use this argument to fight future redevelopment proposals, but they can't make the case that Stage Center had any future at all.
The site's highest and best use remains within the private sector's domain — perhaps with help from public-sector incentives.