Floor 11 almost complete:
Floor 11 almost complete:
Good to see full panes of glass going on now too!
Have there been any hints at the restaurant, or is it too early for that?
Does that look about the same as the Devon glass in person?
Looks like the have raised the crane for the first time.
Yeah, it was definitely raised. I was going for a bike ride along the river and you could see it was raised all the way from near Portland
If they did raise it, it looks like they should have raised it higher as they soon will need to raise it again.
If they haven't raised it, it should be soon.
It was raised. Looks like they can stack another 8 - 10 floors before they raise it again.
^ That picture is definitely different than the pictures from last week.
Great angle - skyline will change forever from this angle: Photo from Flickr
It's going to be great when there is a fully built out park there as well. I've been waiting for that sucker for so long.
Not to mention the convention center instead of that OGE substation.
Wow, look at how much prime real estate will be available right on the Blvd! Lumber yard might be the most attractive piece of property (outside of Old Fred Jones Site) in the entire city.
I had no idea until I drove by tonight at 3am that they work during the night. No wonder it's going up so fast, the crane doesn't rest!
I find it somewhat interesting that they are using different construction methods on the two parking garages here. Whereas the NE parking garage was cast-in-place, the SW parking garage appears to be completely precast. Is there any real rhyme or reason as to why at the same construction site they would use two different construction methods for similar structures? Aside from time, of course - precast garages go together remarkably quickly.
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