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Now, while they were building Arthur just off Independence, they sent the kids to Herronville until the school was finished. I was in the 2nd grade and shared a room with the 3rd grade kids...Our teachers name was Miss Nancy Stump later Mrs. Meeks (still hate the guy who married the love of my life at the time). We started at Arthur after Christmas Break. I can remember going to school in Heronville and the room being in a basement....Miss Stump probably was a playboy model I'm sure....even though there wasn't a Playboy....Childhood Crushes....I remember Our room was right by the Cafeteria and the smell was wonderful....I don't think anyone could make as good of Yeast rolls as they baked....But fish sticks on Friday meant I was taking my lunch......Do you know what you could get for a bologna sandwich on Fridays????many Comic Books traded hands during that time...the other guys weren't smart enough I guess to convince their mom into making them Two (2) sandwiches cut in half....3 Comic Books....Yee haw....and then I got Lucky, Miss Stump (now mrs. Meeks) became my 3rd grade teacher.....See ya next time>>>>>