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That's a little histrionic, don't you think? And not very defensible. Who is trying to hold whom hostage over what? And who feels short-changed? I don't think either candidate has ever been short-changed in their very comfortable lives. From what I can see, both of their platforms are positive. Neither one has any plans to do anything I as a citizen of the city am concerned about. And even if they did, there's only one of them in a council of nine. Brian Walters, for all that I never heard him say anything I considered reasonable (and granted, I'm sure he has, I just don't attend or watch every city council meeting), had no significant impact on the council because there was only one of him. My concern, with the first election, was more that we would end up with three Brian Walters than that we would have just one. One doesn't really worry me. So, I'm having trouble seeing how the outcome of this election is going to keep the city from moving forward, no matter which of the two is elected.
I would prefer to see Shadid win. I think he's got some new ideas that could be good for the city to hear. I'm not even sure how many of them would be implemented, but I like the idea of them being proposed. But I don't really see anything negative happening regardless of who wins.