The more I read about this story the angrier I get at the senselessness of it. I just want to slap (not really) the mother of the surviving teen robber. I KNOW she is worried as any mother would, but I think she is just a flat out crappy parent. She "loves" her son but she couldn't make a good decision to save her soul. She lies for him - and thinks that is just part of being a parent. She is utterly clueless about parenting and her responsibilities to the rest of us.
She blames others for his actions and to a point, I can see it. But she has some control over who this kid hangs with. Or she should. If she doesn't, who the hell does? Because she didn't have control over her child, other people DIED. Other people's lives are ruined. She is not the only one at fault but she is a big part of it.
Parents like her have kids they aren't prepared to parent, they let them run wild, then look around, wide eyed asking, "What happened? I never thought this would happen!" You could see this happening five years down the road.
She worries about losing him to the state of Oklahoma when she should have been concentrating on not losing him to the street. She LOST him to the street before he ever pulled on a mask and walked into that place. It is too late at this point to wring her hands. Kids are savages if they aren't civilized. Hell, we confine pitbulls. But no one was confining this little thug running around out there with a gun and opposable thumbs. I am going out on a limb here but I am willing to bet this kid has been been pretty much running the street for a couple of years. Where did he meet this criminal adult that led him astray? I'm betting mom's hook-up. Or someone he runs with on a regular basis. She either brought that adult criminal into their home or sent her kid out to the street. Either way, crappy parenting.
She says he is "learning" from his mistakes. He hasn't learned squat. He is just freaked out that it went bad. And at this point, it isn't about him. When he picked up that gun and went into that store, society can't really be too worried about whether he learns or not. They need to be protected from that animal. Parents need to understand that if they want their kids to have a good life, they have to teach them to respect the rights of others to have good lives. When kids throw away consideration for others, they lose the right to have society care about them, too. That part of the contract seems lost on some people.
I am so sorry this pharmacist's life is being ruined over this waste of humanity. And I am refering to the one who got away. Thanks, Mom. You did a real service to your community. If you want to blame someone, take a look in the mirror. Kids don't raise themselves and boys need dads. Maybe his dad is there and just not speaking up. Sounds like he hasn't been speaking up for awhile.
Yes, I know this is sanctimonious. And probably unfair. But it steams me to see potential thrown away on stupid or nonexistent parenting. We all make mistakes as parents but this is a lifestyle mistake. I'm betting. This woman's instincts were to cover for him. He is out there with guns menacing total strangers to rob them and she is willing to protect him from his consequences. She has NO concept that she brought this child into the world and has a sacred trust to protect us from HIM. It is part of the parenthood contract.
I repeat - where is this kid's dad? This woman has NO business bringing a child into this world and dropping him into society with no more help than she was giving him. Kids don't raise themselves. What a waste.
From KOCO:
Pharmacy Robbery Not Son's Idea, Mom Says - Oklahoma City News Story - KOCO Oklahoma City
"My son made a mistake, and he is learning from this mistake," she said.
She said that Ingram and Antwun Parker went into the store on May 19 and most likely planned to rob it. Pharmacist Jerome Ersland shot and killed Parker. Ersland has been charged with first-degree murder.
"Antwun's mom lost her son," Spigner said. "I really feel if I don't fight for my son, I am going to lose him to the state of Oklahoma."
She said she knew about her oldest son's involvement but didn't tell police.
"He wanted to go downtown, but me, being a parent, I had to protect him," she said.
She said that the robbery wasn't the boys' idea. She blames Emanuel Mitchell, who was charged Thursday with driving the getaway car. She said Mitchell and another man put the boys up to it, though police have not mentioned any other names.
"When you have older men telling kids, 'We are going to do this and you are going to get some money,' they are going to listen," she said.
She said her son has been traumatized by the whole ordeal.
"He is 14 years old, and he ain't no monster," she said. "He never did none of this in his life."
Jevontia Ingram will be in juvenile court on Friday. District Attorney David Prater will have to decide whether to charge him as an adult.