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Thread: Braum's

  1. #176

    Default Re: coming soon to your neighborhood braums

    Wow guys.

    You did just about everything but call her an awful person.

  2. #177

    Default Re: coming soon to your neighborhood braums

    Quote Originally Posted by Steve View Post
    Braum's manager, don't let the negative folks get to you. Thanks for the heads up.
    Meh, Steve Lackmeyer. Meh. If Mr. Manager doesn't like the feedback he's gotten here, well, that's too bad. He should have posted this in the "promote a local business" section instead.

  3. #178

    Default Re: coming soon to your neighborhood braums

    Quote Originally Posted by buckt View Post
    Heck - I'd be thrilled to just find a clean Braum's....that's good start before introducing more products....ya think?

    Or a hot burger. If not hot, at least warm. I hate it when I have to nuke a burger.

  4. #179

    Default Re: coming soon to your neighborhood braums

    The best I can say about Braum's is that it is inconsistent.

  5. #180

    Default Re: coming soon to your neighborhood braums

    as a long time fan of braums....

    i dont think its hurtful or mean to tell a manager of a location how you really feel about the chain/their store.

    braums is great if you hit a location at the exact right time. their burgers, fries, and shakes are hard to beat. but the majority of the time its the exact opposite coupled with long wait times; its no secret that their consistency is lacking.

  6. #181

    Default Re: coming soon to your neighborhood braums

    I love Braums and I love the fresh food market. However, the store in Spencer has issues.

    I don't know how their computer system works, but it seemed like nobody could figure out if an order had been filled or not. I sat there and watched them fill 3 different orders 2x and wound up throwing out the food while I waited 30 minutes for a single Mix.

  7. #182

    Default Re: coming soon to your neighborhood braums

    Quote Originally Posted by Matt View Post
    Try telling that to the next wheelchair-bound person you see buying milk at Braum's, and they'd probably kick your ass. . . if only they had legs.
    Or a Mom with toddlers needing to drag them inside trying to keep them from pulling things off the shelves and then lugging it out to the car and making sure they don't bolt out into the parking lot and hoping the whole time it doesn't start to rain.

    Anybody else I can see it not being a problem or if I'm by myself it's not a problem.

    Sorry for the but when is Braum's going to get their bathrooms updated to have a diaper changing station? I wrote the company a long time ago about this and received no response and those manager's that I have asked just shrug their shoulders. Again sorry for the .

    We now return you to our program already in progress.

    I'll be interested in these new items. One dumb clarifying question, are they part of the menu?

  8. #183

    Default Re: coming soon to your neighborhood braums

    I wish Braums sold milk and other groceries through the drive through? It would be a smart business move.

  9. #184

    Default Re: coming soon to your neighborhood braums

    Braums should have rule, three grocery items sold through the drive through, any more than that, the customer needs to come inside. This may help improve their image and attract more customers. I cant say i like Braums any more, Every time I order a malt, it has been nasty. The best malts are the ones i make at home.

  10. #185

    Default Re: coming soon to your neighborhood braums

    A Braum's w/ Fresh Market grocery, built with an urban design, would be an excellent addition to downtown. It's local and would fill a niche. Produce, hamburgers, and ice cream...a great combination for downtown.

  11. #186

    Default Re: coming soon to your neighborhood braums

    Quote Originally Posted by airplane777 View Post
    I wish Braums sold milk and other groceries through the drive through? It would be a smart business move.
    The reason people were stating that, is because they used to do that up until last year. Made some people mad.

    Quote Originally Posted by airplane777 View Post
    Braums should have rule, three grocery items sold through the drive through, any more than that, the customer needs to come inside. This may help improve their image and attract more customers. I cant say i like Braums any more, Every time I order a malt, it has been nasty. The best malts are the ones i make at home.
    I agree in theory, but have you ever waited in a Braum's drivethru? It's ridiculous, and that's just for people ordering food, I couldn't imagine how long the line would take if people wanted to add a couple groceries to their order. It's for that reason Braum's quit doing this last year. The lines are still ridiculous, even if only one car is in line.

  12. Default Re: coming soon to your neighborhood braums

    Quote Originally Posted by bradzilla View Post
    i dont think its hurtful or mean to tell a manager of a location how you really feel about the chain/their store.

    agreed. within reason.

    remember we are still talking about a real, living and breathing, human being here. and just because you are on the internet does not mean that normal rules of human decency do not apply.

    i am not sure if food critics made it acceptable to talk about restaurants so harshly or not, but they certainly are not acting like responsible human beings when they do so. yes, they are getting paid for the opinion, but there is a way to phrase it so their own humanity remains intact.

    another soap box: why is it ok to treat service personnel like third class citizens? a lot of people think that they can speak however they like to some one in the food industry, but (heaven forbid!) that person reacts! when did it become ok to completely lose your mind if you don't get exactly what you ordered in exactly the right time and way that you think it should be?

    Two things apply in life; even on the internet or in a restaraunt:
    * treat others like you want to be treated
    * if you can't say something nice, maybe you just aren't a good person

  13. #188

    Default Re: coming soon to your neighborhood braums

    Quote Originally Posted by metro View Post
    The reason people were stating that, is because they used to do that up until last year. Made some people mad.

    I agree in theory, but have you ever waited in a Braum's drivethru? It's ridiculous, and that's just for people ordering food, I couldn't imagine how long the line would take if people wanted to add a couple groceries to their order. It's for that reason Braum's quit doing this last year. The lines are still ridiculous, even if only one car is in line.
    Good point. Maybe in the future they could offer a second drive through for groceries. I know that is a stretch though.

  14. #189

    Default Re: coming soon to your neighborhood braums

    Quote Originally Posted by Jim Stark View Post
    agreed. within reason.

    remember we are still talking about a real, living and breathing, human being here. and just because you are on the internet does not mean that normal rules of human decency do not apply.

    i am not sure if food critics made it acceptable to talk about restaurants so harshly or not, but they certainly are not acting like responsible human beings when they do so. yes, they are getting paid for the opinion, but there is a way to phrase it so their own humanity remains intact.

    another soap box: why is it ok to treat service personnel like third class citizens? a lot of people think that they can speak however they like to some one in the food industry, but (heaven forbid!) that person reacts! when did it become ok to completely lose your mind if you don't get exactly what you ordered in exactly the right time and way that you think it should be?

    Two things apply in life; even on the internet or in a restaraunt:
    * treat others like you want to be treated
    * if you can't say something nice, maybe you just aren't a good person

    Good Idea

  15. #190

    Default Re: coming soon to your neighborhood braums

    I like braums but the one on N May is wayyyy to slow!.

    The last few times I was there I ordered a burger..the person who took my order then went back and prepared the food. ...So the person waiting in line behind me had to wait till my order was totally done before they ordered.

    And this has happened to me more than once.

    The problem I have with this is there were 3 people in the back and the manager all talking and doing nothing. It was lunch time and I had to wait 20 mins for my burger..

    Same thing happened to my wife and some friends on different occasions....

  16. #191

    Default Re: coming soon to your neighborhood braums

    I just wish they would remodel some of their existing stores. The one on Danforth in Edmond is like walking back into 1980. It's just gross. When we first moved here a few years ago, my kids would laugh at the antiquated television commercials for Braums. Then when we finally went in one, they were like "okay we get it. The inside of the stores match the commercials."

  17. #192

    Default Re: coming soon to your neighborhood braums

    Quote Originally Posted by Jim Stark View Post
    agreed. within reason.

    remember we are still talking about a real, living and breathing, human being here. and just because you are on the internet does not mean that normal rules of human decency do not apply.

    i am not sure if food critics made it acceptable to talk about restaurants so harshly or not, but they certainly are not acting like responsible human beings when they do so. yes, they are getting paid for the opinion, but there is a way to phrase it so their own humanity remains intact.

    another soap box: why is it ok to treat service personnel like third class citizens? a lot of people think that they can speak however they like to some one in the food industry, but (heaven forbid!) that person reacts! when did it become ok to completely lose your mind if you don't get exactly what you ordered in exactly the right time and way that you think it should be?

    Two things apply in life; even on the internet or in a restaraunt:
    * treat others like you want to be treated
    * if you can't say something nice, maybe you just aren't a good person

    Nobody's attacked "braums manager" personally, just the company that he's representing and advertising for here on OKC Talk. Nobody cares that Braum's is going to start selling pasta sauce; they do care about shopping and eating in a clean store and getting their orders in a timely manner--which is something that Braum's appears to care little about. And that's frustrating because Braum's has some great things going for it otherwise.

    If this thread was titled "Coming soon to your neighborhood Braum's: A mop" I'd wager it would have been received much more warmly than it has.

  18. #193

    Default Re: coming soon to your neighborhood braums

    Quote Originally Posted by icemncmth View Post
    I like braums but the one on N May is wayyyy to slow!.

    The last few times I was there I ordered a burger..the person who took my order then went back and prepared the food. ...So the person waiting in line behind me had to wait till my order was totally done before they ordered.
    And this has happened to me more than once.

    The problem I have with this is there were 3 people in the back and the manager all talking and doing nothing. It was lunch time and I had to wait 20 mins for my burger..

    Same thing happened to my wife and some friends on different occasions....
    If the service is that bad, why do you keep going back ?

  19. Default Re: coming soon to your neighborhood braums

    I've always found it interesting that the harshest critics on this site are those who operate with complete anonymity.

  20. #195

    Default Re: coming soon to your neighborhood braums

    Quote Originally Posted by Steve View Post
    I've always found it interesting that the harshest critics on this site are those who operate with complete anonymity.
    It is called internet courage.

    Braum's is fast food. Your crazy if your expecting first class service at anyplace that has a drive thru.

    The next time service is that bad, be an adult and ask for the manager. Try your best to keep it respectful and he/she just might give you a freebie. If the manager blows you off, walk out respectfully and call the corporate office. You would be suprised what contacting the big bosses can do these days.

  21. #196

    Default Re: coming soon to your neighborhood braums

    Quote Originally Posted by Steve View Post
    Sounds good. Braum's manager, switching topics - is there a chance a Braum's fresh market will come to downtown?
    i was floored when i recently went to Braums and tried to order a smoothie. Apparently Braums doesnt have smoothies listed anywhere on their menu board and the idea of mixing yogurt with fresh fruit hasnt crossed into the mindsets yet of this corporate dairy giant. they are missing potential revenue, not just mine.

  22. #197
    Uncle Slayton Guest

    Default Re: coming soon to your neighborhood braums

    Quote Originally Posted by decepticobra View Post
    i was floored when i recently went to Braums and tried to order a smoothie. Apparently Braums doesnt have smoothies listed anywhere on their menu board and the idea of mixing yogurt with fresh fruit hasnt crossed into the mindsets yet of this corporate dairy giant. they are missing potential revenue, not just mine.
    As shameful as it is to admit this, if Braum's didn't have that damnable blue birthday cake ice cream, there would never be a reason to go in one.

    In Norman, there's Passionberri and Rusty's. I only go to Braum's when the urge for sickly sweet, robin's egg blue ice cream demands to be assuaged and will accept no substitutes.

    Their business model seems a bit Donny and Marie, like they can't quite decide what they want to be. (I'm a little bit ice cream shop, I'm a little bit grocery store, with the rest folded into a burger joint).

  23. #198
    Uncle Slayton Guest

    Default Re: coming soon to your neighborhood braums

    Quote Originally Posted by oneforone View Post
    call the corporate office. You would be suprised what contacting the big bosses can do these days.
    I can vouch for that. Years ago my family and I were eating at the Garfield's in Crossroads Mall, and business was slow, so a large group of the server staff was standing about three tables away, discussing, apparently, their sexual exploits, preferences, proclivities, etc.

    It was a mixed crowd of male and female staff members, and the terms in which these things were being described were right of urbandictionary.com. My wife was absolutely mortified, and the rest of the meal was rather uncomfortable and embarrassing.

    We finished our meal, and the next morning I fired off an email to corporate, figuring I'd get the form letter response. Within about 90 minutes, the receptionist at my office called and said "I'm transferring a call. Some guy named Vince Orza wants to talk with you."

    That was a most interesting conversation, I can assure you, and totally unexpected.

  24. Default Re: coming soon to your neighborhood braums

    Quote Originally Posted by oneforone View Post
    Braum's is fast food. You're crazy if you are expecting first class service at anyplace that has a drive thru.
    not necessarily true. often true, but there are exceptions.

    Quote Originally Posted by oneforone View Post
    The next time service is that bad, be an adult and ask for the manager. Try your best to keep it respectful and he/she just might give you a freebie. If the manager blows you off, walk out respectfully and call the corporate office. You would be suprised what contacting the big bosses can do these days.


    if it was bad enough to complain to other people about, then it should be important enough to let the people who really care know. if you can't find anyone who really cares, don't go back.

    your local business owners thank you for your frank, rational feedback.

  25. Default Re: coming soon to your neighborhood braums

    I like Braum's dairy products, burgers, and fries, but more and more I'm thinking maybe they should stop trying to diversify so much and just stick to what they do best.

    As for remodeling their stores, they've been doing a lot of that this past year or so. Some of them have been torn down and rebuilt (I don't much care for the new model but it's better than the old ones). Some of them have just gotten a facelift. In any case, they're at least trying in that area.

    Also, I've learned to never go into a Braum's in the evening hours. All you get are surly teenagers who don't give two poops whether you get your order or not.

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