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Well, today is the day. Even though Hefner is 2/3rds full, OKCWT has given Canton Lake the death sentence. The Corps will open the only usable gate, and drain the Lake. It is unknown when the water will stop, but at that point, OKC is done. Until the drought breaks in the North Canadian watershed above Canton Lake, there will be NO more water from Canton.
OKCWT set our house on fire, and it's burning down, no way to stop it. But now, it's YOUR (the 200,000 who only get water from Hefner) house that is on fire, the burn will be slower, but burning it is, what is PLAN B? You should ask your councilmen why they have risked your water reserve, before the spring rains had a chance to fill Hefner.
So, happy days are here for you. When you drive by Hefner, and it looks nicer, say a prayer for those who will suffer, and the disaster that will happen, because OKC wanted it to be. So, get out there and water those gutters in the rain! It's yours to waste as you see fit. The sooner it's gone, the better.