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Thread: Devon Energy Center

  1. #1801

    Default Re: Devon Tower: Officially Under Construction

    Quote Originally Posted by architect5311 View Post
    Some sketchup perspective on the location and construction progress.....

    Bonus View
    Thanks for this post Architect5311 this illustrates exactly what I was saying but verifies it graphically. Look at the first illustration and notice the shape of the shear walls that form the elevator cores. You will notice that it matches exactly the geometry scrawled in the earth that we are all watching with rapt attention. Then as mentioned above the curtain wall and then exterior main columns (which are being installed currently). Again great timing and thanks for the extrusions that you did! Will really help many understand what the plan is communicating.

  2. #1802

    Default Re: Devon Tower: Officially Under Construction

    Pure coincidence, I was looking at the same thing.........OKC

  3. #1803

    Default Re: Devon Tower: Officially Under Construction

    Upper Floor Plan rotated w/ North downward.........note core shape compared to costruction photos above, as noted by OKC@heart.

  4. Default Re: Devon Tower: Officially Under Construction

    Looks quite smaller than ever before. This the building thinner than the black tower?

  5. #1805

    Default Re: Devon Tower: Officially Under Construction

    Nothing's changed other than the height Thunder.

  6. Default Re: Devon Tower: Officially Under Construction

    It gotten shorter again?

  7. #1807

    Default Re: Devon Tower: Officially Under Construction

    Quote Originally Posted by Thunder View Post
    It gotten shorter again?
    There has only been one reduction in height from its original 925'. None since.

  8. Default Re: Devon Tower: Officially Under Construction

    Okay, I was just saying with the presentation and graphic designs, it appeared so huge previously. Now with the outline outside on the ground, it appear much smaller.

    But you know how buildings look small on the outside when actually is huge on the inside. Let's hope it will be more than spacious.

  9. #1809

    Default Re: Devon Tower: Officially Under Construction

    Quote Originally Posted by Thunder View Post
    Okay, I was just saying with the presentation and graphic designs, it appeared so huge previously. Now with the outline outside on the ground, it appear much smaller.

    But you know how buildings look small on the outside when actually is huge on the inside. Let's hope it will be more than spacious.
    Well the outline on the ground is not the extent of the building rather the extent of the elevator cores. Outside of that will be the circulation space around the core, and then outside of that will be the exterior (main tower supporting columns) and then based on the floor plans the floor plates cantilever out a bit, so it is going to be quite a bit bigger than the shape that you see in the dirt as of now.

  10. Default Re: Devon Tower: Officially Under Construction

    That is a huge elevator shaft! How many elevators?

  11. #1811

    Default Re: Devon Tower: Officially Under Construction

    Can someone please update the Devon Tower wiki? Also if whomever can upload some pics of the renderings of Devon Tower on the wiki it'd be great. There are currently none.

    Thunder, I can't remember exact count on elevators, I think 36. Here are some other facts from Page 1 though.

    Let’s start with the facts:

    • 50 stories (originally announced at 54 stories)
    • 850 feet tall (originally announced at 925 feet)
    • 1.8 million square feet (originally announced at 1.9 million sq. ft.)
    • Six story “podium” building due west of the tower (originally announced at 7 stories)
    • Six story atrium/rotunda centered on Harvey Avenue
    • Large public park with water features
    • Auditorium on the corner of Hudson & Sheridan, approx. 250 seats (not in the original announcement)
    • Will be connected to the Colcord Hotel (also currently owned by Devon)
    • City Center west parking garage purchased by Devon for its exclusive use and will be increased to 10 floors (from existing five).

    Estimated completion late 2012; construction start Oct. 2009 (groundbreaking Oct. 6)
    Estimated cost is $750 million.
    Estimated TIF district at $115 to $175 million over a 25-year life ($95 million line of credit extended to OKC in September of 2009).

  12. #1812

    Default Re: Devon Tower: Officially Under Construction

    I was wondering where the best place to take pictures is? My daughter and I drove downtown last weekend with the best intentions of taking some nice pictures to post here, but found the construction site to be walled off like a prison. I’m guessing the only good place to take pictures (other than nearby office buildings) is the east garage. Does anyone know if access to the garage is restricted?

    Also to those who have posted pictures, please keep it up. The close-ups are great!

  13. #1813

    Default Re: Devon Tower: Officially Under Construction

    Does anyone know if access to the garage is restricted?
    I believe it is now for month parkers only... So you can't just grab a ticket and pull in.

    However, I'm sure you can park nearby and just walk in and up the stairs at the far southwest corner.

    Then, you will have a great vantage point from the top of the east garage.

    Good luck!

  14. #1814

    Default Re: Devon Tower: Officially Under Construction

    Thanks! I'll ride the trusty bicycle down there this weekend and maybe I'll have better luck.

  15. #1815

    Default Re: Devon Tower: Officially Under Construction

    Quote Originally Posted by dedndcrusr View Post
    I was wondering where the best place to take pictures is? My daughter and I drove downtown last weekend with the best intentions of taking some nice pictures to post here, but found the construction site to be walled off like a prison. I’m guessing the only good place to take pictures (other than nearby office buildings) is the east garage. Does anyone know if access to the garage is restricted?

    Also to those who have posted pictures, please keep it up. The close-ups are great!
    Yes, you can freely walk through the east garage but you will have to park along the street to the north of the garage. The elevator is located on the north side of the garage which you can take up to the top and then walk across. Or you can walk up the 5 flights of stairs. I'm too lazy to do that.

  16. #1816

    Default Re: Devon Tower: Officially Under Construction

    Yeah, just walk in the east garage. Also walk over to Hudson Avenue on the SW corner of the library and take photos of the west garage progress. I ride my scooter over there frequently by the construction entrance and take pics.

  17. #1817

    Default Re: Devon Tower: Officially Under Construction

    Here are some pics I took this morning around 10:30.

    The work site looks like a colony of ants. There is so much going on it's hard to imagine how something of this scale stays organized. Very impressive up close.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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  18. #1818

    Default Re: Devon Tower: Officially Under Construction

    What's the best way to post pictures on here? I seem to have exceeded my daily allowance of uploads.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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  19. #1819

    Default Re: Devon Tower: Officially Under Construction

    Quote Originally Posted by dedndcrusr View Post
    Here are some pics I took this morning around 10:30.

    The work site looks like a colony of ants. There is so much going on it's hard to imagine how something of this scale stays organized. Very impressive up close.
    What is the cluster of digging going on directly west of the main tower? Is that the based for the rotunda?

  20. #1820

    Default Re: Devon Tower: Officially Under Construction

    Pic #3 on post #586 illustrates how big the site really is! That hole for the west construction crane is massive in that pic with all the guys working on it! Amazing...

  21. #1821

    Default Re: Devon Tower: Officially Under Construction

    Quote Originally Posted by warreng88 View Post
    What is the cluster of digging going on directly west of the main tower? Is that the based for the rotunda?
    As OKCisOK4me stated, I think the general consensus is that the digging west of the tower is the foundation for the tower crane.

  22. #1822

    Default Re: Devon Tower: Officially Under Construction

    And that they are likley to pour it later today or tomorrow. Just my guess but they have a lot of the steel in place and should be all tied up later this afternoon and then they can pour the foundation cap that will tie the supporting columns together. I can't wait for them to set the base section of the tower crane! Woohoo!!!

  23. #1823

    Default Re: Devon Tower: Officially Under Construction

    Here's a close up of the piers being uncovered. It also illustrates the enormous size again. Oh and I (obviously) figured out how to post full size images.

  24. #1824

    Default Re: Devon Tower: Officially Under Construction

    Thanks for all the great new pictures. I'll try and take/post some tomorrow from my regular vantage point.

  25. #1825

    Default Re: Devon Tower: Officially Under Construction

    Tower crane base being lifted into place

    update: they have picked it back up and moved it to the side to complete the work on the foundation

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