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Thread: First National Center

  1. #1726

    Default Re: First National Center

    Quote Originally Posted by jn1780 View Post
    I wouldn't exactly put it that way. Could be he is just busy following leads to do a live chat. Getting good information for his NewsOK articles is more important than the live chats that really only a small segment of the population actually reads and takes part in.
    Earlier yesterday he posted this.

    Steve's OKC Central @stevelackmeyer · 12h 12 hours ago
    Truth time: Not sure I want to do OKC Central Live Chat tomorrow. I can't yet answer what I suspect will be the biggest question...

  2. #1727

    Default Re: First National Center

    Quote Originally Posted by Urbanized View Post
    Good grief, could we just start a "bash on the Oklahoman" thread, a "bash on Brianna" thread and a "bash on Steve" thread and keep such posts in there? It seems like every thread on this board these days devolves into a referendum on their respective coverage. It is getting tiring.

    I'm not even making this post to defend their coverage; I'm just saying that I don't want to read a play-by-play on it in EVERY. SINGLE. THREAD.
    Agreed. I have no dog in this fight, but obviously Pete and Steve still have some beef that has now included the entire DO. It is annoying to see both adults be so passive aggressive towards each other on their respective mediums. Either confront each other in person, like men, or move on.

  3. #1728
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    Default Re: First National Center

    Quote Originally Posted by bchris02 View Post
    Earlier yesterday he posted this.

    Steve's OKC Central @stevelackmeyer · 12h 12 hours ago
    Truth time: Not sure I want to do OKC Central Live Chat tomorrow. I can't yet answer what I suspect will be the biggest question...
    He usually doesn't answer many big questions in the chats anyway.

  4. Default Re: First National Center

    I have refrained from saying anything negative online or in print about Pete or OKC Talk for several months despite several attempts by various folks on social media and in my chats to bait me. My last communication to Pete was one of attempted reconciliation. We are absolutely competitors now in terms of trying to get information. But I am in that situation with Ben Felder and others and it doesn't seem to involve the commentary that goes on here at OKC Talk. Look to yourselves, and quit blaming Pete and I.... now to settle this once and for all, there is no conspiracy on my behalf, no shirking from the job. I've been working long hours to get to the bottom of all this and I cancelled the chat because I can't answer a lot of questions on First National and I don't want to say "I don't know" repeatedly. I am spending my day trying to get answers. Some of you think I'm lazy. Some of you think I'm a sell-out. Some of you think I'm worthless. Fine. Can we just move on or create a "bash Steve Lackmeyer and Brianna Baily" thread as suggested? Thanks.

  5. #1730

    Default Re: First National Center

    Quote Originally Posted by Steve View Post
    I have refrained from saying anything negative online or in print about Pete or OKC Talk for several months despite several attempts by various folks on social media and in my chats to bait me. My last communication to Pete was one of attempted reconciliation. We are absolutely competitors now in terms of trying to get information. But I am in that situation with Ben Felder and others and it doesn't seem to involve the commentary that goes on here at OKC Talk. Look to yourselves, and quit blaming Pete and I.... now to settle this once and for all, there is no conspiracy on my behalf, no shirking from the job. I've been working long hours to get to the bottom of all this and I cancelled the chat because I can't answer a lot of questions on First National and I don't want to say "I don't know" repeatedly. I am spending my day trying to get answers. Some of you think I'm lazy. Some of you think I'm a sell-out. Some of you think I'm worthless. Fine. Can we just move on or create a "bash Steve Lackmeyer and Brianna Baily" thread as suggested? Thanks.
    I have to give you props.

    You tell us you are busting your butt trying to get info about FNC, so you come to OKCtalk to find some (obviously if you are posting here in this thread). Good choice!

    Seriously though, we know you work hard & we realize you are hog tied by your employer. OKCtalk almost always have the scoop before what you are allowed to release, but you always have details that OKCtalk doesn't when you finally do print your articles. I think most of us here read basically all of your articles about OKC developments, so I wouldn't say we think you are worthless either. I think we all even enjoy most of what you write & research. A lot of us still feel ill will from when you were bashing this site a couple months ago. I appreciate you not doing it anymore, but you never apologized for it so a bit of the ill will remains.

    Keep doing what you do for OKC, its really good for the city. Seriously.

  6. Default Re: First National Center

    That is the most back handed compliment I've had all week. Bye.

  7. #1732

    Default Re: First National Center

    Quote Originally Posted by BillyOcean View Post
    Agreed. I have no dog in this fight, but obviously Pete and Steve still have some beef that has now included the entire DO.
    I don't think that's all there is to it. Print journalism is on the decline everywhere, not just here in OKC. I'm not happy with the situation, but it's an undeniable fact.

    For well over 50 years, OPubCo has had a tradition of hiding some stories, but until its purchase by an absentee owner that has not been so obvious as it has become in the last couple of years. Those of us who remember "the good old days" of the Gaylords are saddened and dismayed by what we see happening to what once was the major newspaper in the state. Is it "bashing" to point out obvious shortcomings in coverage?

  8. #1733

    Default Re: First National Center

    Steve does a good job and I really have to thank him for helping us elevate the OKC Boulevard debate. The First National story was a great read. I am excited for that building.

    That stated, it's ok to say, "I don't know."

  9. #1734

    Default Re: First National Center

    Quote Originally Posted by Steve View Post
    That is the most back handed compliment I've had all week. Bye.
    As one who once was in exactly the same position as you, having to respect sources' confidential material and being restricted by certain company policies, I thought it was anything but back-handed. Seemed to me to be a perfectly honest appreciation of your efforts -- and open blogs are notorious for their general lack of fact-checking. I have no dog in this fight, other than hating to witness the decline of an institution. You deserve better!

  10. #1735

    Default Re: First National Center

    Maybe for a reporter, it isn't ok to say "I don't know."

  11. #1736

    Default Re: First National Center

    Someday OKCTalk will be held to the same standard people are now holding the Oklahoman to.

  12. #1737

    Default Re: First National Center

    Quote Originally Posted by Steve View Post
    That is the most back handed compliment I've had all week. Bye.
    Honestly, how childish. Steve does great reporting, but he is clearly having sever issues with not being the place to go first for downtown information anymore and he cant seem to stand that. He used to always have the scoop and people always use to clamor about him for that scoop which inflated his ego. His ego is hurt now.

  13. #1738

    Default Re: First National Center

    Oh lordy, people, just drop it. Stop picking this fight, stop trying to stir up trouble between Pete and Steve, just give it a damn rest.

  14. Default Re: First National Center

    This is probably the thing I hate most about being associated with this forum. The constant attacking of Steve's reporting. It is very tiring to continually see it here, but people will continue to do it as long as anonymity remains.

  15. #1740

    Default Re: First National Center

    Quote Originally Posted by AP View Post
    This is probably the thing I hate most about being associated with this forum. The constant attacking of Steve's reporting. It is very tiring to continually see it here, but people will continue to do it as long as anonymity remains.

    Steve and Pete both do their own things very well. OKCTalk and DOK both have their own strengths and weaknesses and competition is good.

  16. #1741

    Default Re: First National Center

    This conversation is like a bad case of herpes. It just keeps on popping back up.

  17. #1742

    Default Re: First National Center

    Back to topic...

    All I know is that all of us - or many of us, at least - feel an almost personal connection to First National. The excitement of the announcement was accompanied with a huge sigh of relief. Then the news that came out later about the developer and the Cleveland project made most of us slap our heads with an almost cruel sense of Déjà vu. It's been confusing for all of us and you can bet it is for Pete, for Steve, for all who care about this building. But one thing we are all united on - we want the absolute best for this grand building with no more games. We should cut some slack on the coverage from Pete, Steve, wherever...it's just all very confusing.

  18. #1743
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    Default Re: First National Center

    Quote Originally Posted by zookeeper View Post
    Back to topic...

    All I know is that all of us - or many of us, at least - feel an almost personal connection to First National. The excitement of the announcement was accompanied with a huge sigh of relief. Then the news that came out later about the developer and the Cleveland project made most of us slap our heads with an almost cruel sense of Déjà vu. It's been confusing for all of us and you can bet it is for Pete, for Steve, for all who care about this building. But one thing we are all united on - we want the absolute best for this grand building with no more games. We should cut some slack on the coverage from Pete, Steve, wherever...it's just all very confusing.
    Well said! Hoping for the best and everyone knows it's going to be a long road.

  19. #1744

    Default Re: First National Center

    As much as downtown has been raised up and we should as much as possible let market conditions be the driving force behind development, First National is a unique case.

    Not only because of it's history, beauty and prominence but because there is going to be a ton of tax dollars involved.

    With the benefit of hindsight, it seems the City should have been proactive in trying to obtain it, then have some measure of control.

    As it is now, we are at the mercy of whoever happens to own it and that's bad enough, but when you start talking about tens of millions of public funds -- and maybe even over a hundred million -- then you want to be sure this benefits the community as much as possible and is done right.

  20. Default Re: First National Center

    Totally agree. I think it is as important and as iconic (and nearly as threatened) as the Skirvin was when the City decided to pull out all of the stops to make things work. You can even draw some parallels between various owner groups of both properties promising the moon and then being revealed to be shady flim-flam men. The only difference between the situations is that market conditions today are generally better.

  21. #1746

    Default Re: First National Center

    Quote Originally Posted by Urbanized View Post
    Good grief, could we just start a "bash on the Oklahoman" thread, a "bash on Brianna" thread and a "bash on Steve" thread and keep such posts in there? It seems like every thread on this board these days devolves into a referendum on their respective coverage. It is getting tiring.

    I'm not even making this post to defend their coverage; I'm just saying that I don't want to read a play-by-play on it in EVERY. SINGLE. THREAD.

  22. #1747

    Default Re: First National Center

    Quote Originally Posted by Urbanized View Post
    Totally agree. I think it is as important and as iconic (and nearly as threatened) as the Skirvin was when the City decided to pull out all of the stops to make things work. You can even draw some parallels between various owner groups of both properties promising the moon and then being revealed to be shady flim-flam men. The only difference between the situations is that market conditions today are generally better.
    Right, and the City at least controlled the Skirvin so their investment was protected.

    The City has zero control here at all and you can be sure tons of public money will be involved.

  23. #1748

    Default Re: First National Center

    I am frustrated by how much building mass in the very center of our downtown is proposed to be demolished in this project for a HUGE parking garage. Particularly in lieu that we successfully fought for and won front door streetcar service for First National on Robinson.

    Public Works really didn't want us on Robinson due to the quantity of utility conflicts.

  24. #1749

    Default Re: First National Center

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    Right, and the City at least controlled the Skirvin so their investment was protected.

    The City has zero control here at all and you can be sure tons of public money will be involved.
    Such a disconnect here. There are things happening behind closed doors with people who speak with authority when, in fact, they have none. If the amount of public money is as extensive as expected, we need to have complete transparency and not handle this deal at the local level like Obama and others are doing with the trade bill. Secrecy until everything is all wrapped up and then simply have public input "for show." A lot of things to be nervous about with this deal. Just wishing and hoping that things work out and we get answers - sooner rather than later. And for the city, they surely should be involved. Especially, those representing us on the Council. They are not simply a rubber-stamp for the private interests of the few. They have every right to wonder what's going on. We have, in many respects, a "shadow government" in this city that lacks any input from the public at large. Sometimes even kept secret from members from our own representative body at city hall. That can stop right here, right now with this project. Too much at stake.

  25. Default Re: First National Center

    Quote Originally Posted by Urban Pioneer View Post
    I am frustrated by how much building mass in the very center of our downtown is proposed to be demolished in this project for a HUGE parking garage. Particularly in lieu that we successfully fought for and won front door streetcar service for First National on Robinson.

    Public Works really didn't want us on Robinson due to the quantity of utility conflicts.
    This is a good point that I haven't been at ease with all along. I would rather there be some creative way to re-marry FNC to the Main Street garage. What a disservice was done when those two things were split apart. Honestly, you can go back to that move and blame it for a lot of the ongoing ownership/development issues around FNC. I hate crying over spilled milk, but that is something you would sure change if you could time-travel.

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