Re: Local Investors buy Frontier City & White Water
Elitch's moved to downtown Denver because they ran out of land where they originally were. And at that time, downtown was in the dumps but there were HUGE projects being built - Coors Field, a remodelled/rebuilt Mile High stadium, and Pepsi Center. In addition, Lower Downtown LoDo was taking off - so to seal the deal - they wanted to develop that parcel of industrial land near downtown Denver - either housing or .... Elitch's Gardens. They combined the water park and amusement rides, and voila! Six Flags came in to market it and there you go.
I think OKC should do the same thing, but NOT in Bricktown. Lets put the park somehwere else. We cant have EVERYTHING in Bricktown. I say, lets put the new Frontier City/WhiteWater Theme Park along the OK river SW of downtown. That is the PERFECT LOCATION and would significantly pick-up that area.
Besides, Frontier City would be a great park if you JUST added the water rides from White Water ALONE! Add in several more theme rides and a few roller coasters - then Frontier City wouldn't be that far off from Elitch's Gardens. Move it near downtown, and the park could enjoy the same success.
Perhaps we should write the city so they can start to promote our idea - but like I said, the combined/expanded park should be SW of downtown along the OK river NOT IN BRICKTOWN!!!
However, I do think downtown should have a lone ferris wheel - similar to most cities in Japan - they have a ferris wheel in their downtown. This would be separate from an expanded frontier city but I think it is an addition to downtown proper that would work. I say, the ferris wheel should be added to the Ford Center or a new shopping arcade in S. Downtown.
But Frontier City, once again, should be SW along the river.
Oklahoma City, the RENAISSANCE CITY!