I am starting to think that while there was previous hope that this may drag out for a while..
I am starting to think that while there was previous hope that this may drag out for a while..
The only real issue seems to be the risk to the future buyer in terms of this whole mess not being resolved in the manner they hope.
They are probably just making sure nothing else pops up and that the ruling of this judge doesn't change.
A Story of Hope (The large retail store in the middle across from the Tag Agency) is going out of business.
They have had their store 50% off for several weeks now. FYI
What a great day for our city![]()
Pete the article says remaining tenants will be asked to vacate. I'm assuming that does not include Cafe 7?
Omg its actually happening!
How are they going to start all that demo while Park Ave is closed because of P180? Will that section be open by July 23?
Great news. Thanks for the scoop Pete.
So the center section will be completely demolished and replaced with a parking structure? Can't wait for this building to get the attention it deserves. Perhaps this city's future 5 star hotel?
Not exactly sure how they'll do it but they will demo some of the center and/or east sections to make way for structured parking.
And I'm sure the hotel will be fantastic. Not sure how much of the tower will be hotel vs. residences but there will be a mix of both.
Also, the one tenant that may stay is Cafe 7. They have their own outside entrance but I suspect the nature of this massive overhaul would create all types of utility and access problems.
BTW, I'm quite sure the new owners have a specific plan in place -- both for the development and the financing/incentives -- they just haven't shared exactly what it is yet.
It's my impression they have everything ready to go and just need to gain possession to start moving forward.
This is the best news I've read here in a long time. And what a long time coming it was.
This really is the last big piece of the puzzle for downtown.
It will finally go from sad and worrisome to beautifully restored, vibrant and provide lots of reasons for people to go in and experience all the awesomeness.
I wonder how much TIF they'll ask for?
Great news! I'm going to celebrate by taking a whole bunch of unauthorized photographs in the banking hall.
This and Dowell will do a TON for street life in this area, especially on nights and weekends (in First National's case). Everyone throws the term "game changer" around a lot, but I feel like this truly is for the CBD.
Do you know if the retail in the center portion will be retained in some way?
There has been talk of creating a TIF just for FNC; probably taking all the increased property taxes and giving them back to the developer, perhaps sales tax as well.
Similar to what was done at the Skirvin but also like the Skirvin, I'm sure there will be a big mix of incentives, loans, etc.
I know the new owners have been working with Cathy O'Connor and I'm sure they've come to some sort of general understanding of what to expect.
I don't know the details but I would think there would be ground-level retail/commercial for the entire block, even the part that includes parking above.
And it will be a game-changer not just due to the highest and best use but because almost certainly the Great Banking Hall will be activated in some ways, and it's perhaps the most beautiful space in all of OKC and we need to show it off to both residents and visitors alike.
The huge majority of people in OKC don't even know it's there. Soon, it will be on covers of magazines and be a tourist draw in itself.
Even when it was still operating as a bank lobby, not that many people knew or went up there.
It is gorgeous space but when I banked there in the early 80's I thought it was dark and dreary and cold.
That can all be changed by the right lighting scheme and furniture. I pray they plan to restore the skylight because that would make the most difference of all.
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