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Thread: Cannabis

  1. #1501

    Default Re: Time to Legalize Cannabis for recreational and medicinal use.

    IMO from a revenue standpoint I don't see this being very large. From a cost savings standpoint, when it comes to prosecutions, enforcement, and incarceration? That should be significant. And if it helps with the opioid crisis as well, that's another benefit.

  2. Default Re: Time to Legalize Cannabis for recreational and medicinal use.

    Be leery of anything NORML puts out, expecially if they are sponsors of the medical marijuana legislation. They ran it in Colorado and it was so filled with loopholes it became a joke. If the state wants medical marijuana only, NORML is not the group to support. Their goal is clearly full recreational use which, per Colorado, brings up a whole new slate of problems .

  3. #1503

    Default Re: Time to Legalize Cannabis for recreational and medicinal use.

    Quote Originally Posted by mugofbeer View Post
    Be leery of anything NORML puts out, expecially if they are sponsors of the medical marijuana legislation. They ran it in Colorado and it was so filled with loopholes it became a joke. If the state wants medical marijuana only, NORML is not the group to support. Their goal is clearly full recreational use which, per Colorado, brings up a whole new slate of problems .
    So no wonder no out of state pro marijuana organizations, such as NORML or MPP, was interested in doing much of anything to assist writing the wording for the medical marijuana petition. And they sure weren't interested in putting up money to pay for anything, such as signature takers, for the petition, so there were none. The group, which sponsored the petition, working from the grass roots level, held meetings with supporters in Oklahoma City, Tulsa and Stillwater to help arrive at how the petition, which is now SQ 788 was worded. How medical marijuana was regulated in other states was considered. Hopefully, similar type steps will be taken in legalizing rec marijuana for Oklahoma, but with much more money provided for support.

  4. #1504

    Default Re: Time to Legalize Cannabis for recreational and medicinal use.

    Quote Originally Posted by loveOKC View Post
    Where does one go for info on becoming a grower in oklahoma?
    See section 3: https://yeson788.com/sq-788

  5. #1505

    Default Re: Time to Legalize Cannabis for recreational and medicinal use.

    Quote Originally Posted by pw405 View Post
    Thank you

  6. Default Re: Time to Legalize Cannabis for recreational and medicinal use.

    If people want recreational pot, thats fine with me because the legality here in CO causes relatively few major problems. Just dont be fooled by medical pot legislation that is so full of loopholes its obvious its designed for recreational use. Recreational availability has other considerations that must be dealt with such as growing laws, edibles regulations, DUI considerations and, most importantly, the who want to refine THC into dramatically more potent substances. Grow houses in family neighborhoods are also a problem

  7. #1507

    Default Re: Time to Legalize Cannabis for recreational and medicinal use.

    Quote Originally Posted by mugofbeer View Post
    If people want recreational pot, thats fine with me because the legality here in CO causes relatively few major problems. Just dont be fooled by medical pot legislation that is so full of loopholes its obvious its designed for recreational use. Recreational availability has other considerations that must be dealt with such as growing laws, edibles regulations, DUI considerations and, most importantly, the who want to refine THC into dramatically more potent substances. Grow houses in family neighborhoods are also a problem
    I haven't really followed CO's progress very closely... what problems are occurring from growing in neighborhoods?

  8. #1508

    Default Re: Time to Legalize Cannabis for recreational and medicinal use.

  9. Default Re: Time to Legalize Cannabis for recreational and medicinal use.

    Quote Originally Posted by pw405 View Post
    I haven't really followed CO's progress very closely... what problems are occurring from growing in neighborhoods?
    People who haven't been around a growing operation may not be aware of it but it produces a pungent, skunk-like smell....not the smell you may be more aware of from a rock concert. There is a stretch of I25 south of downtown, where you can pick up that odor in your car as you whiz by at 45-50. As far as neighborhoods, the first problem is that it is illegal. You must have a license for a growing operation and a rental house is not an appropriate business location. Houses will also emit this skunk odor so the neighbors generally will know. The grows ops also pull a huge amount of power and the grow operator sometimes makes an illegal hookup to avoid the bill. The people who own these ops are generally organized crime of some sort so you wouldn't want them near your kids. Finally, some of these ops are also places where they are attempting to do more than just grow pot. They may be producing hash oil which is an explosives risk. 2 years ago, a house about 2 miles from where I live exploded from roofvto basement because of the butane used in making hash and hash oil. You see, people won't be satisfied with legalized recreational pot, they will always be trying to push the evelope to make new, more potent products.

  10. Default Re: Time to Legalize Cannabis for recreational and medicinal use.

    Actually sounds pretty American to me.
    Also, I thought you could cultivate up to 6 plants in your residence there.

  11. Default Re: Time to Legalize Cannabis for recreational and medicinal use.

    Quote Originally Posted by StuckInTheCapitol825 View Post
    Actually sounds pretty American to me.
    Also, I thought you could cultivate up to 6 plants in your residence there.
    6 plants PER resident over 21 - but, only 3 plants budding at one time.

    However, I don't think 6 plants (give or take) is considered a 'grow operation.' It's just personal use.

  12. #1512

    Default Re: Time to Legalize Cannabis for recreational and medicinal use.

    Quote Originally Posted by mugofbeer View Post
    People who haven't been around a growing operation may not be aware of it but it produces a pungent, skunk-like smell....not the smell you may be more aware of from a rock concert. There is a stretch of I25 south of downtown, where you can pick up that odor in your car as you whiz by at 45-50. As far as neighborhoods, the first problem is that it is illegal. You must have a license for a growing operation and a rental house is not an appropriate business location. Houses will also emit this skunk odor so the neighbors generally will know. The grows ops also pull a huge amount of power and the grow operator sometimes makes an illegal hookup to avoid the bill. The people who own these ops are generally organized crime of some sort so you wouldn't want them near your kids. Finally, some of these ops are also places where they are attempting to do more than just grow pot. They may be producing hash oil which is an explosives risk. 2 years ago, a house about 2 miles from where I live exploded from roofvto basement because of the butane used in making hash and hash oil. You see, people won't be satisfied with legalized recreational pot, they will always be trying to push the evelope to make new, more potent products.
    I'm sure there are people who are illegally growing and even producing concentrates, but how does cannabis being legal make this worse? I'd imagine that these types of operations would be much less common since most folks would rather just go to the store and buy them legally.

  13. #1513

    Default Re: Time to Legalize Cannabis for recreational and medicinal use.

    Quote Originally Posted by mugofbeer View Post
    People who haven't been around a growing operation may not be aware of it but it produces a pungent, skunk-like smell....not the smell you may be more aware of from a rock concert. There is a stretch of I25 south of downtown, where you can pick up that odor in your car as you whiz by at 45-50. As far as neighborhoods, the first problem is that it is illegal. You must have a license for a growing operation and a rental house is not an appropriate business location. Houses will also emit this skunk odor so the neighbors generally will know. The grows ops also pull a huge amount of power and the grow operator sometimes makes an illegal hookup to avoid the bill. The people who own these ops are generally organized crime of some sort so you wouldn't want them near your kids. Finally, some of these ops are also places where they are attempting to do more than just grow pot. They may be producing hash oil which is an explosives risk. 2 years ago, a house about 2 miles from where I live exploded from roofvto basement because of the butane used in making hash and hash oil. You see, people won't be satisfied with legalized recreational pot, they will always be trying to push the evelope to make new, more potent products.
    Yawn... All these seem to be pretty minor, especially when compared to the 65,000 opioid deaths last year.

    Stock yards, farms, dog food plants, busy highways also give off odors, much worse actually.
    Bitcoin miners also suck a lot of power, but why does power use matter? You are much more likely to see someone illegally hook up power if pot wasnt legal.
    Illegal operations would happen regardless. If something is legal is makes it much harder on the illegal groups.
    Way more homes have exploded from meth making, and thats illegal.

  14. #1514

    Default Re: Time to Legalize Cannabis for recreational and medicinal use.

    So let me preface this by saying again, I'm 100% pro legalization...

    Is one of the problems with grow houses in neighborhoods crime related. It's by nature a cash business. Now this can be fixed by federal law corrections but as the laws stand now...

  15. #1515

    Default Re: Time to Legalize Cannabis for recreational and medicinal use.

    Looks like the legislature is already trying to destroy this initiative and it hasn't even passed yet. One of the things they want to do is limit THC to minuscule amounts, which will basically defeat the purpose of the entire thing (CBD oil is already legal). I thought they would at least wait until next session.


  16. #1516

    Default Re: Time to Legalize Cannabis for recreational and medicinal use.

    Quote Originally Posted by bchris02 View Post
    Looks like the legislature is already trying to destroy this initiative and it hasn't even passed yet. One of the things they want to do is limit THC to minuscule amounts, which will basically defeat the purpose of the entire thing (CBD oil is already legal). I thought they would at least wait until next session.

    It's not like Oklahoma is pioneering to be the first state to legalize medical marijuana. Hopefully, Yen's bill ends up getting well stripped of the nonsense, if it goes far at all. He might as well be more concerned with drugs that can kill from an overdose.

  17. #1517

    Default Re: Time to Legalize Cannabis for recreational and medicinal use.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bunty View Post
    It's not like Oklahoma is pioneering to be the first state to legalize medical marijuana. Hopefully, Yen's bill ends up getting well stripped of the nonsense, if it goes far at all. He might as well me more concerned with drugs that can kill from an overdose.
    For whatever reason, religious authoritarians are always more concerned with marijuana than actual dangerous drugs. Ironic given that the Bible says God created all the herbs of the field and called them "good." It might have something to do with the stereotypes associated with cannabis, I don't know.

  18. #1518

    Default Re: Time to Legalize Cannabis for recreational and medicinal use.

    More scaremongering from the Oklahoman.


  19. #1519

    Default Re: Time to Legalize Cannabis for recreational and medicinal use.

    Quote Originally Posted by bchris02 View Post
    More scaremongering from the Oklahoman.

    Wonder when we will see some articles supporting MM in the Oklahoman?

  20. #1520

    Default Re: Time to Legalize Cannabis for recreational and medicinal use.

    Quote Originally Posted by OKCRT View Post
    Wonder when we will see some articles supporting MM in the Oklahoman?
    When Mark Woodward endorses MM.

  21. #1521

    Default Re: Time to Legalize Cannabis for recreational and medicinal use.

    Sigh, the question hasn't even been voted on yet, and here we are with our idiotic legislature already trying to pass bills to counteract what they assume will be the will of the people. Nothing to see here folks, just another State of OK Legislative session. Your tax dollars hard at work to circumvent something you haven't had the chance to vote on yet!

    Senator Yen has SB1120, which seemingly counteracts everything in SQ788, such as:

    -Only allows 5 (FIVE!!) dispensaries to operate in the entire state.
    -Limits health conditions that medical MJ can be prescribed for.
    -Felony penalties for non compliance with certain aspects of SQ788

    SB1120 full text text: (55 page PDF): http://webserver1.lsb.state.ok.us/cf...1120%20INT.PDF
    Legiscan Link: https://legiscan.com/OK/bill/SB1120/2018
    Senator Yen's office phone: 405-521-5543
    Senator Yen's Email: yen@oksenate.gov
    Random disparaging article about Senator Yen & his wife: http://algerhart.blogspot.com/2017/1...s-yen.html?m=1

    Call and Email Your State Senator and let them know you strongly oppose SB1120 by Senator Yen. Takes a few minutes and you have nothing to worry about!

    You can find your state legislature's info here: http://www.oklegislature.gov/FindMyLegislature.aspx

    Not to be outdone by the Senate, the House is already at work to counteract (unpassed) SQ788 as well. Again, your tax dollars at work trying to counteract something that doesn't exist!
    The Oklahoma (Legislative) Standard.

    HB 3214 by Claudia Griffith turn control of SQ788 to the Oklahoma Bureau of Narcotics instead of the Health Department.

    -Requires the OBN to create a database of patients & providers to be shared with federal law enforcement
    -Publish data to show the societal damages of "controlled dangerous substances".
    Overall, HB3214 is very vague and appears to grant seemingly random responsibilities to the OBN, essentially requiring them to publish and propagandize the data they collect.

    Claudia Griffith's contact information: https://www.okhouse.gov/Members/Dist...px?District=45
    HB 3214 Bill text (8 page PDF): https://legiscan.com/OK/text/HB3214/2018

    Contact your state representative to let them know you strongly oppose HB 3214

    The official call to Action link from the Yes On 788 team:

    Figured this would happen, but voicing your concerns with your state Rep and state Senator about this (and other issues) is the only way we are going to get out of the current disaster of a state government we have. Oh ya, and voting!!!!

    Senator Ervin Yen is up for re-election in November of 2018.
    Representative Claudia Griffith is up for re-election in November of 2018.

  22. #1522

    Default Re: Time to Legalize Cannabis for recreational and medicinal use.

    This is exactly why two weeks ago I stated that a constitutional amendment was needed. That is the only way to keep the grubby hands of the legislators off of citizen initiatives. Putting medical marijuana under the auspices of Mark Woodard in the OBN would be like putting Scott Pruitt in charge of the EPA. Oh wait...

  23. #1523

    Default Re: Time to Legalize Cannabis for recreational and medicinal use.

    I’ve always wondered why this “protect neighborhoods and families” paranoia exists. When farming/growing is legal, why wouldn’t a grower rent one of the thousands of metal buildings in industrial parks all over the msa and outskirts for penies on the dollar over converting a home into a grow operation?? It’s sounds like propaganda to me.

  24. #1524

    Default Re: Time to Legalize Cannabis for recreational and medicinal use.

    Cannabis causes paranoia in those who haven't consumed it.

  25. #1525

    Default Re: Time to Legalize Cannabis for recreational and medicinal use.

    Quote Originally Posted by pw405 View Post
    Sigh, the question hasn't even been voted on yet, and here we are with our idiotic legislature already trying to pass bills to counteract what they assume will be the will of the people. Nothing to see here folks, just another State of OK Legislative session. Your tax dollars hard at work to circumvent something you haven't had the chance to vote on yet!

    Senator Yen has SB1120, which seemingly counteracts everything in SQ788, such as:

    -Only allows 5 (FIVE!!) dispensaries to operate in the entire state.
    -Limits health conditions that medical MJ can be prescribed for.
    -Felony penalties for non compliance with certain aspects of SQ788

    SB1120 full text text: (55 page PDF): http://webserver1.lsb.state.ok.us/cf...1120%20INT.PDF
    Legiscan Link: https://legiscan.com/OK/bill/SB1120/2018
    Senator Yen's office phone: 405-521-5543
    Senator Yen's Email: yen@oksenate.gov
    Random disparaging article about Senator Yen & his wife: http://algerhart.blogspot.com/2017/1...s-yen.html?m=1

    Call and Email Your State Senator and let them know you strongly oppose SB1120 by Senator Yen. Takes a few minutes and you have nothing to worry about!

    You can find your state legislature's info here: http://www.oklegislature.gov/FindMyLegislature.aspx

    Not to be outdone by the Senate, the House is already at work to counteract (unpassed) SQ788 as well. Again, your tax dollars at work trying to counteract something that doesn't exist!
    The Oklahoma (Legislative) Standard.

    HB 3214 by Claudia Griffith turn control of SQ788 to the Oklahoma Bureau of Narcotics instead of the Health Department.

    -Requires the OBN to create a database of patients & providers to be shared with federal law enforcement
    -Publish data to show the societal damages of "controlled dangerous substances".
    Overall, HB3214 is very vague and appears to grant seemingly random responsibilities to the OBN, essentially requiring them to publish and propagandize the data they collect.

    Claudia Griffith's contact information: https://www.okhouse.gov/Members/Dist...px?District=45
    HB 3214 Bill text (8 page PDF): https://legiscan.com/OK/text/HB3214/2018

    Contact your state representative to let them know you strongly oppose HB 3214

    The official call to Action link from the Yes On 788 team:

    Figured this would happen, but voicing your concerns with your state Rep and state Senator about this (and other issues) is the only way we are going to get out of the current disaster of a state government we have. Oh ya, and voting!!!!

    Senator Ervin Yen is up for re-election in November of 2018.
    Representative Claudia Griffith is up for re-election in November of 2018.
    Thank you for posting this info. I have emailed my Rep and Senator and will be urging my friends to do the same.

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