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Thread: American Idol 2006

  1. #126
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: American Idol 2006

    Here are the current results from Dialidol.com

    1-2 Taylor Hicks 0560.138 2.02
    1-3 Chris Daughtry 0659.569 2.035
    2-4(B3) Elliott Yamin 0255.508 2.135
    3-4(B3) Katharine McPhee 0151.323 2.233
    5-6(B3) Kellie Pickler 0344.8 2.378
    5-6(B3) Paris Bennett 0440.154 2.476

  2. #127
    Keith Guest

    Default Re: American Idol 2006

    Quote Originally Posted by Patrick
    First off, Keith, yup, I ended up staying home from the Arts Festival to watch. I just couldn't miss it.

    Regardless of who I liked before, Elliott really moved me tonight. Not only did he give Paula tears, he gave me chills up my spine. I was really moved by his performance.

    Chris was excellent as usual. Brian Adams was a great pick for him.

    I really thought the song Taylor picked fit his voice well. I thought he actually sounded like the actual singer of "Just Once," James Ingram.

    I know the judges said Katherine was no Whitney Houston, but I thought she really wailed tonight. I didn't think she was as good as the guys, but she was still good.

    Paris really didn't move me tonight. She some some Barbara Streisand song. Barbara is really difficult to sing after, and I think it was a poor song choice. She had some pitch problems.

    I'd have to say Kellie was the worst tonight, and the worst I've ever seen her. Absolutely no emotion whatsoever. Extremely monotone.

    My bottom 2: Paris and Kellie. I'm really hoping Kellie goes home.
    You dirty dog.....:tweeted:
    I bet you get the couch tonight, especially since you didn't take your wife to the arts festival. Oooh, I sure would not want to be in your shoes tonight.......

    Anyway, I did get to watch some of American Idol this evening. Here are my picks.

    Elliot, Chris, and Taylor, all did outstanding. I was very impressed.

    Katharine did not do as well as I thought she could have.

    Paris dissappointed me tonight. It definitely was not one of her best performances.

    Kellie is history, IMHO. She butchered the song, and didn't seem like herself. She said she was a little nervous this evening......maybe she was not comfortable with the song she sang.

    I hate to say this, but I agree with Patrick. I believe Kellie and Paris will be the bottom two.

  3. #128
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: American Idol 2006

    Actually we went to the Arts Festival, we just went after the show. Am I out of the dog house now?

  4. #129
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: American Idol 2006

    sweetdaisy, you need to go on American Idol next go around. We'll all vote for you. That way you can show them that not all blondes are like Kellie!

  5. #130
    Keith Guest

    Default Re: American Idol 2006

    Quote Originally Posted by Patrick
    sweetdaisy, you need to go on American Idol next go around. We'll all vote for you. That way you can show them that not all blondes are like Kellie!
    Ouch......now you are out of the doggy house with your wife, but you are now in the doggy house with sweetdaisy

    Well, well, look at the time......why am I still up? Patrick, you are a bad influence on me. Do you want me to give you a wake up call at 5:15 in the morning? I have a feeling you will be dreaming about American Idol.


  6. #131
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: American Idol 2006

    Quote Originally Posted by Keith
    but you are now in the doggy house with sweetdaisy
    Wha? I'm confused! All I said was sweetdaisy was intelligent!

    Anyways, sweetdaisy,

  7. Default Re: American Idol 2006

    Oh honey! I have enough sense to know better than to ever try and sing in public. The only song I can even muster for karaoke (and that's after a few shots of "liquid courage") is "Jose Cuervo". LOVE THAT SONG. Was singing it when I was in middle school, even though I didn't know what it was. Anyway, I wouldn't even hold a candle to the "Pickle" and her singing "talent".

    I pray that Kellie goes home tonite...she's a "has been", IMO.

  8. Default Re: American Idol 2006

    Chris was incredible tonight.. I really think he should win.. he reminds me of Vin Deisel but cuter.

    What did Elliot sing? I missed that.

    Why do we always get cruddy weather for the Art's Festival?
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  9. #134
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: American Idol 2006

    Quote Originally Posted by Karried
    Why do we always get cruddy weather for the Art's Festival?
    I agree. It was freezing last night. We bolted for the car after about 30 minutes.

  10. Default Re: American Idol 2006

    C'mon, guys! It's the one time during the year that we can count on rain! I've actually been looking forward to the Arts Festival in hopes that we can get some relief for our parched earth!

    It was cold last nite, though. I made the mistake of going outside wearing scrubs and immediately turned around to get a sweatshirt.

  11. Default Re: American Idol 2006

    Quote Originally Posted by sweetdaisy
    C'mon, guys! It's the one time during the year that we can count on rain! I've actually been looking forward to the Arts Festival in hopes that we can get some relief for our parched earth!

    It was cold last nite, though. I made the mistake of going outside wearing scrubs and immediately turned around to get a sweatshirt.
    I just gotta know where you wearing heels with those scrubs? hehe

    I'm not gonna get to watch tonight but I'm hoping this will be the last night for Kellie. She makes my ears hurt!

  12. #137
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: American Idol 2006

    Hooray, Kellie is gone.

    For those of you that missed it:

    1. Chris and Katherine were the top 2.
    2. Elliott and Taylor were in the next group
    3. Paris and Kellie were in the bottom 2.

  13. Default Re: American Idol 2006

    Kellekokid, surprisingly, I wasn't wearing heels!!!

    HURRAH, Pickler is gone!!! YAY!!!

    And another note for those of you who missed it, Simon apologized to Katherine for being overly harsh! FANTASTIC!

  14. #139
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: American Idol 2006

    sweetdaisy, who is your favorite at the moment?

    I know Keith likes Paris, and I like Elliot.

    I actually think the remaining 5 are all good.

    I'm willing to bet Paris leaves next week though.

    If I were to rank, not on my order of preference, but the order I think they're currently in overall, I'd have to say:

    1. Chris
    2. Taylor (wasn't near the top this week but has been for most of the show)
    3. Katherine
    4. Elliott
    5. Paris

  15. Default Re: American Idol 2006

    My favorites:

    1. Katherine - she's amazing! poised, pretty, and an fantastic voice
    2. Taylor - still love Taylor, though I don't think he'll win.
    3. Chris (I haven't heard good things about his behavior outside of the show...mostly that he's really obnoxious)
    4. Elliott - he was really good this week.
    5. Paris - too young

    But Patrick, you're probably correct with picking Chris first. He'll probably win this season. If he does, I think Kat will be a close second.

    BTW, I'm going to the ARTS FESTIVAL TONITE!!!! WHOO HOO!!!

  16. #141
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: American Idol 2006

    Very interesting night tonight. I think the results are about right on DialIdol. Katherine really messed up her first song, and Paris, although decent, is still not up there.

    Here's the latest from DialIdol.com. It's still early though, so I'll post the latest results later tonight.

    1Taylor Hicks65.2651.844-
    2-3(B3)Chris Daughtry55.6182.084-
    2-3(B3)Elliott Yamin55.3972.09-
    4-5(B3)Katharine McPhee50.4552.235-
    4-5(B3)Paris Bennett45.972.334-

  17. #142
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: American Idol 2006

    BTW, sweetdaisy, I think Taylor is everyone's personal favorite. He's incredibly unique. I wouldn't have a problem at all if he won!

  18. #143
    Keith Guest

    Default Re: American Idol 2006

    Quote Originally Posted by Patrick
    BTW, sweetdaisy, I think Taylor is everyone's personal favorite. He's incredibly unique. I wouldn't have a problem at all if he won!
    After watching it tonight, I would say that the winner will either be Chris or Taylor. My wife's favorite is Taylor.

    It looked like Paula was sober tonight.....

  19. #144
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: American Idol 2006

    Quote Originally Posted by Keith
    It looked like Paula was sober tonight.....

    Keith, I hate to say this...I do thing Paris can sing, but it really disappointed me tonight that they had to bleep her out because she said sh*t in her song.

  20. #145
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: American Idol 2006

    Here are the final results from dialidol:

    1Taylor Hicks50.1681.761-
    2-3(B3)Elliott Yamin42.2241.896-
    2-3(B3)Chris Daughtry41.9161.901-
    4-5(B3)Katharine McPhee37.7941.967-
    4-5(B3)Paris Bennett35.1122.009-

  21. Default Re: American Idol 2006

    OH NO! Katharine is in the bottom two??? WHAAAA!!! Loved her second song last nite. She did a great job!

    I'm getting a little tired of Chris and Elliott. Don't know what the deal is, but I'm just not real excited by them anymore.

    Paris is going home tonite. (Though I think she's done great!)

  22. Default Re: American Idol 2006

    Wow, what song had that word in? it I missed it last night! What did Chris sing? What was the theme of the night and the star helping them.. I missed it all!
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  23. Default Re: American Idol 2006

    Well, they had two songs to do. The first set's theme was a song from the year they were born. I'm not sure what the second set was (the same theme?). I'm with sweetdaisy, Katherine's my pick -- she had me at her audition. I see Elliott, Chris, and Kat as the final three.
    Continue the Renaissance

  24. #149
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: American Idol 2006

    They're all good. I'm not sure who will win at this point. Taylor still seems to be the most popular among fans.

    Karrie, Chris did okay last night, but the judges told him his voice was about to crash on the last song. I think he'll be safe this week.

    Katherine is cool, but her first song wasn't great. I think she picked up points on the second song though.

    Elliott was average this week. Nothing spectacular, but didn't make any mistakes either.

    Paris decided to show her black side this week. And yeah, they had to bleep her out during her first song, because the song had a cuss word in it.

    I still think Chris will win it all though. Based on public support, Taylor has a shot though.

    It's interesting but a white guy has never won the competition.
    Last edited by Patrick; 05-03-2006 at 06:13 PM.

  25. Default Re: American Idol 2006

    each time I look at this thread today, Katharine's second song pops into my head. She did a fantastic job with that and then having the guys with the box drums was icing on the cake.

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