I think Christians are vilified here, sometimes unfairly, but in many cases, they are just ignorant rubes who don't understand the issues. Not supporting a candidate for the state legislature because they aren't anti-abortion is something only a rube would do.
Would you vote for someone who you believed would support abortion rights ? You shouldn't care--and it doesn't matter how you feel about the issue, It's not a state issue. No state legislator has the power to place any undue burden on the right to have an abortion. That's Supreme Court law and no state legislator can affect it in the least. Sure they can pass anti abortion laws, but all of those get overturned immediately because they are unconstitutional--which actually creates more pro-abortion precedent. A state legislator who comes out strong against abortion is either ignorant of the law (not good) or pandering to people he or she thinks are rubes (also not good).
Voting against a state legislator for their position on abortion makes as much sense as not supporting a state legislator because of that individual's stance on U.S. foreign policy to North Korea. Know what you're voting for, what their job is and how their positions are relevant to the job.
I have a great example of this, actually. Dan Fisher is running for Governor and he doesn't know what the governor does. He has boiled down his ideas to 4 letters--ASAP. And none of them are things the Governor can do.
Abolish Abortion--as discussed, the state can't do this without amending the U.S. Constitution or the SCOTUS undoing many years of precedent. This is not something remotely in the Governor's wheelhouse. He can, however, support legislation which will rack up legal fees which will be paid to the AG's office and private attorneys protecting abortion rights. So in a sense, Dan Fisher wants to subsidize pro-abortion lawyers, mostly from out of state by signing unconstitutional laws which won't do anything but strengthen precedents supporting abortion rights.
State Sovereignty--Dan wants to restore state sovereignty whatever the hell that means. I believe that was tried in 1860 and it didn't go very well. If you want to see what quixotic warrrgarbls against federalism will get you, take a look at the song and dance coming from the Texas Congressmen who yammered about wasteful spending during Hurricane Sandy, but are suddenly pro-FEMA when Houston gets hit. A smart leader looks for win-wins with the federal government and works with them rather than against them. Especially when you're a state which receives more money than it pays in.
Audit Everything--we already do that, Dan. Talk to the State Auditor, Dan. Gary Jones does a fine job, Dan.
Proper Government--Jesus, Dan, this is nearly "faith/family/freedom." We ask the government to do "too much"? I'm sure some out there would advocate for abolishing DHS and the public school system, but I can't for the life of me think of any branch of Oklahoma's government which needs to be reduced or eliminated. We run extremely lean right now after budget cuts everywhere since 2008 despite a growing population.
Dan thinks you're a rube. His entire platform is bull****. The problem is that there is a significant part of the GOP electorate which gobbles up Dan's B.S. This is the same electorate which sent a church camp counselor to the U.S. Senate.
Sorry if I come off as hostile, but I am extremely frustrated with the unChristian Christians who put these guys in office. We can do better but we're too dumb to vote in our own best interests because of things like abortion which aren't actually things.