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Thread: New license plates on the way

  1. #126

    Default Re: New license plates on the way

    For the very same reason that when I purchase a vehicle, I remove all dealer advertising from the car. They're not paying me to advertise for them. So is the same with this tag. Aside from the fact that to me, it doesn't look good, I'm being forced to advertise for the state. And yes, I can buy a tag frame to cover it up.

    One of our local news shows interviewed a lady who worked for the graphics agency that came up with the tag design. She says that the reason folks don't like the new tag is because it's new, and most people don't accept new things well when they're used to something else. So in effect, she's telling the public what they're feeling, and that their tastes, and opinions on the subject aren't real. .... Here's the real reason you don't like it.

    Uhh.. no lady. People don't like it because it's a cruddy design that is being forced on them along with the priveledge of having to pay for it.

    For me personally, it won't be going on my truck. I'll throw in the additional $13 and grab one of the Original 46 plates. That's what they want anyway.

  2. Default Re: New license plates on the way

    When I lived back home in Penn, the "year" stickers would be on the bottom corners, but thieves would clip them off. I started putting it in the middle, and they eventually changed to the upper corners.

  3. Default Re: New license plates on the way

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  4. #129

    Default Re: New license plates on the way

    Quote Originally Posted by rezman View Post
    For the very same reason that when I purchase a vehicle, I remove all dealer advertising from the car. They're not paying me to advertise for them. So is the same with this tag. Aside from the fact that to me, it doesn't look good, I'm being forced to advertise for the state. And yes, I can buy a tag frame to cover it up.

    One of our local news shows interviewed a lady who worked for the graphics agency that came up with the tag design. She says that the reason folks don't like the new tag is because it's new, and most people don't accept new things well when they're used to something else. So in effect, she's telling the public what they're feeling, and that their tastes, and opinions on the subject aren't real. .... Here's the real reason you don't like it.

    Uhh.. no lady. People don't like it because it's a cruddy design that is being forced on them along with the priveledge of having to pay for it.

    For me personally, it won't be going on my truck. I'll throw in the additional $13 and grab one of the Original 46 plates. That's what they want anyway.
    That is the classic fall back line of all graphical artists. And senior management.

  5. #130

    Default Re: New license plates on the way

    Quote Originally Posted by Zorba View Post
    That is the classic fall back line of all graphical artists. And senior management.
    In my professional experience there's some validity to that, though.

  6. #131

    Default Re: New license plates on the way

    I don't really mind the new plate, its fairly simple... although ever since I saw an image with the twitter bird logo instead of the scissor tail I cannot get that out of my head.

    This may be slightly tangent, but I went to renew my tag and special plate yesterday at the OTC hq. I was talking to the lady about the fee(tax) and she said I was good since it didn't start until friday. I always assumed that since I would be forced to getting the new plate next year, I would just pay the $5 when I renew in Aug 2017. She informed me that I would never have to pay the $5 since they are only going to collect it until mid June.

    <Warning::Rant>I hadn't read this anywhere before she told me. I mean, WTF. This whole thing is stupid. Lets force everyone to get new plates so we can in a very roundabout way increase revenue. I mean, if you're going to go that route, wouldn't it only make sense if everyone had to pay it? I just cannot understand why our state does anything. Like, fine, new plates I'm not that bent over about it, but geez now you're not even going to hit everyone up for it, so you're gonna shift the burden to pay for the plates to 5/6ths of the states driving citizens? All this does is hurt your revenue.</rant>

  7. #132

    Default Re: New license plates on the way

    False. 100% false. Even the parts that are almost true miss the mark. The reason you haven't read it anywhere is because it's not true.



    Everyone is getting the new plate. Period. Everyone is paying the $5. Period.

    If you want something to rant about, scroll down at that KFOR link for the related stories. This fee is supposedly for 'public safety', but DPS is considering furloughing some people, and our driver's licenses aren't valid for identification according to Federal standards.

    The state is very literally giving us the bird.

  8. #133

    Default Re: New license plates on the way

    Quote Originally Posted by stile99 View Post
    our driver's licenses aren't valid for identification according to Federal standards.
    TBH, the majority of the states haven't implemented REAL ID standards on their IDs, and the law isn't in effect yet (2018 for the next phase, although that will likely get pushed back yet again).

  9. #134

    Default Re: New license plates on the way

    Quote Originally Posted by jerrywall View Post
    In my professional experience there's some validity to that, though.
    Yeah, I agree sometimes people just don't like the new thing, sometimes the new thing is just bad. As for this plate, meh, don't really have strong feelings.

  10. #135

    Default Re: New license plates on the way

    On a slightly related note, I think we should follow Ohio's note and issue bright orange/yellow license plates to DUI offenders. Public shaming can be put to good use. Charge them for the plates too.

  11. #136

    Default Re: New license plates on the way

    Quote Originally Posted by jerrywall View Post
    On a slightly related note, I think we should follow Ohio's note and issue bright orange/yellow license plates to DUI offenders. Public shaming can be put to good use. Charge them for the plates too.
    I'm all for that except for my prior disposition to have the cars of such people impounded, crushed, burned, and with all ashes and remnants thereof sprinkled on the offender's oatmeal.

    But I digress...

  12. Default Re: New license plates on the way

    Quote Originally Posted by jerrywall View Post
    On a slightly related note, I think we should follow Ohio's note and issue bright orange/yellow license plates to DUI offenders. Public shaming can be put to good use. Charge them for the plates too.
    Except when it is the SO or the teenage child driving the car.

  13. #138

    Default Re: New license plates on the way

    New specialized plate being submitted after voting. Don't know which I prefer, but for anyone looking for an alternative you can help pick one being hyped by The Nature Conservancy.

  14. #139

    Default Re: New license plates on the way

    Quote Originally Posted by Rivalyn View Post
    New specialized plate being submitted after voting. Don't know which I prefer, but for anyone looking for an alternative you can help pick one being hyped by The Nature Conservancy.
    These are great! I like B, D, and H (voted for H) but will likely get whichever one gets chosen because I prefer them all to the new plate.

  15. #140
    HangryHippo Guest

    Default Re: New license plates on the way

    Quote Originally Posted by Rivalyn View Post
    New specialized plate being submitted after voting. Don't know which I prefer, but for anyone looking for an alternative you can help pick one being hyped by The Nature Conservancy.
    These are much better alternatives. I hate to have to do it (because I really like the current tags), but the Twitter design is terrible.

  16. #141

    Default Re: New license plates on the way

    These are cool. .... I pick F, followed by A.

  17. #142

    Default Re: New license plates on the way

    I picked H. Also liked F.

  18. Default Re: New license plates on the way

    I voted for G, but also liked B, C, and F.

  19. Default Re: New license plates on the way

    I voted B, but also liked F and C.

  20. #145

    Default Re: New license plates on the way

    I've noticed that the new license plates are starting to appear on vehicles. The artwork and color scheme have created a problem when quickly identifying a license plate number. The old license plate design is far more legible. I believe that many potential witnesses to a crime involving a vehicle will not be able to clearly read the license plate number when assisting law enforcement. This design flaw gives offenders an advantage when breaking the law.

  21. #146

    Default Re: New license plates on the way

    Noticed that yesterday myself. Honestly my first thought was "Hey, turns out they were right and they need machines to read the tags, cause now the humans can't".

  22. #147

    Default Re: New license plates on the way

    I haven't seen one yet, but in general I wish if you got a custom license plate you didn't have to keep a standard one as well. I'm fine with paying the extra $10 a year, just wish it was only one tag.

  23. #148

    Default Re: New license plates on the way

    Quote Originally Posted by Zuplar View Post
    I haven't seen one yet, but in general I wish if you got a custom license plate you didn't have to keep a standard one as well. I'm fine with paying the extra $10 a year, just wish it was only one tag.
    So, the vanity tags are being replaced as well? I wasn't sure they were. So, it will cost me $30.00 since I retained registration on my late wife's "FBC" tag (it's on the front of my car) and my original "FBC" tag on the rear, and of course the standard tag which has never been mounted on a car. Oh well, retired, and on a fixed income, so I guess dog food will be on my menu for the next few weeks! Ok, maybe not, I'm not poor but I'm certainly not rich and I'm not thrilled the extra expenditure. It is irritating that my brand new original tag has to be replaced.
    C. T.

  24. #149

    Default Re: New license plates on the way

    Quote Originally Posted by Brett View Post
    I've noticed that the new license plates are starting to appear on vehicles. The artwork and color scheme have created a problem when quickly identifying a license plate number. The old license plate design is far more legible. I believe that many potential witnesses to a crime involving a vehicle will not be able to clearly read the license plate number when assisting law enforcement. This design flaw gives offenders an advantage when breaking the law.
    So the state tried to fix what wasn't broken.

  25. #150

    Default Re: New license plates on the way

    Quote Originally Posted by ctchandler View Post
    So, the vanity tags are being replaced as well? I wasn't sure they were. So, it will cost me $30.00 since I retained registration on my late wife's "FBC" tag (it's on the front of my car) and my original "FBC" tag on the rear, and of course the standard tag which has never been mounted on a car. Oh well, retired, and on a fixed income, so I guess dog food will be on my menu for the next few weeks! Ok, maybe not, I'm not poor but I'm certainly not rich and I'm not thrilled the extra expenditure. It is irritating that my brand new original tag has to be replaced.
    C. T.
    Sorry if my post is misleading, I don't believe custom plates have to be replaced. My statement was directed to the fact that if you have a custom plate (say the OU plate that my wife has), that you also have to have the standard plate. Places like Florida only require you to have the one custom instead of both. I think a lot more people would buy the custom plates if you didn't have to maintain the other plate.

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