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Thread: San Antonio | Deep In The Heart.

  1. #126

    Default Re: San Antonio | Deep In The Heart.

    Quote Originally Posted by Spartan View Post
    Help me understand what this has to do with Cleveland... Or me slighting Texas. This guy has a chip on his shoulder because we all hype the other Texas cities besides SA.

    You get your panties in a wad to defend suburban places in every thread. Texas has great cities, but anyone coming on here ranting and raving about how much better SA is than Austin has to be insane. This is an urbanism forum. Not a suburban sprawl fan club, for which I agree SA would be superior.
    I understand that not all talk on OKCTalk is cordial and polite, but OKCTalk is not, in my understanding, an urbanism forum.

  2. #127

    Default Re: San Antonio | Deep In The Heart.

    Quote Originally Posted by Spartan View Post
    Help me understand what this has to do with Cleveland... Or me slighting Texas. This guy has a chip on his shoulder because we all hype the other Texas cities besides SA.

    You get your panties in a wad to defend suburban places in every thread. Texas has great cities, but anyone coming on here ranting and raving about how much better SA is than Austin has to be insane. This is an urbanism forum. Not a suburban sprawl fan club, for which I agree SA would be superior.
    Don't know Spartan. I have never heard you once say anything good about Texas and you always seem to bash Texas with anything you have to say about it. I will defend places and give credit where it is due, and SA is doing great things here.

    Also, please explain to me how exactly OKCTalk is an urbanism forum. I thought it was a forum for people to view OKC's development progress by a group of people who take great interest in the city, not just urbanist. Am I wrong on this?

  3. #128

    Default Re: San Antonio | Deep In The Heart.

    Quote Originally Posted by Spartan View Post
    Help me understand what this has to do with Cleveland... Or me slighting Texas. This guy has a chip on his shoulder because we all hype the other Texas cities besides SA.

    You get your panties in a wad to defend suburban places in every thread. Texas has great cities, but anyone coming on here ranting and raving about how much better SA is than Austin has to be insane. This is an urbanism forum. Not a suburban sprawl fan club, for which I agree SA would be superior.
    Oh and to answer your original question, you said this

    Okay, great. That's not out of line with development in downtown OKC, and wouldn't compare very favorably to downtown Cleveland. Stick to bragging about the climate in South Texas.
    I also believe you questioned what SA had to do with OKCTalk, maybe that was someone else, please correct if so. You were the first to bring up Cleveland and since you were downplaying San Antonio's development, I brought up Cleveland saying I think SA is a better city, which I do.

    Also, this is apparently his hometown and he is defending it. Wouldn't you do the same? Josh asked a simple question, someone responded and he responded. We suggested he create a SA development thread to keep with new developments similar to what you and UrbanNebraska do and he did. You said "OMG I can't believe this thread is happening" and that is dissing Texas by insinuating that a thread of SA's development isn't worthy, yet somehow Cleveland is. That is worth laughing out loud for. I think you're jealous of what is happening in Texas and everyone needs something to hate in a certain category and Texas is a popular state for people to bash on with no insight.

    You don't like 20 lane highways and massive interchanges, fine. I do, you can stick to your urban cities and you might as well move to NYC is sprawl bothers you so much(even though they do have problems with sprawl in NY), Cleveland is no stranger to sprawl either, Spartan. Keep bashing sprawl and saying the burbs are done for even though it has been happening for over 50 years now.

  4. Default Re: San Antonio | Deep In The Heart.

    Quote Originally Posted by Plutonic Panda View Post
    Don't know Spartan. I have never heard you once say anything good about Texas and you always seem to bash Texas with anything you have to say about it. I will defend places and give credit where it is due, and SA is doing great things here.

    Also, please explain to me how exactly OKCTalk is an urbanism forum. I thought it was a forum for people to view OKC's development progress by a group of people who take great interest in the city, not just urbanist. Am I wrong on this?

  5. #130

    Default Re: San Antonio | Deep In The Heart.

    Quote Originally Posted by Spartan View Post
    Whatever floats your boat dude

  6. Default Re: San Antonio | Deep In The Heart.

    1. I often see people on here mis-use the term "New Urbanism". What is happening ind downtown OKC is NOT New Urbanism. It is revitalization of an existing urban environment. New Urbanism can happen in the suburbs, new communities, etc., and is usually a carefully planned approach to creating a walkable environment from scratch. At times if not done properly it can be a bit corny and inauthentic. But overall it is a wonderful way to make places more livable.
    2. Lots of great stuff is happening in SA's urban core. I've seen it with my own eyes, and was pleasantly surprised. Shouldn't be THAT much of a surprise; downtown redevelopment is happening in nearly every major city in America, and SA has the benefit of some pre-existing downtown amenities and some great historic building stock.
    3. SA also has a cool vibe in certain old neighborhoods similar to what is happening on NW 23rd here in OKC. SA has some great neighborhood bars, dining, etc. It's a very old city for this part of the world, and that gives it some cool funkiness that we could only dream of here.
    4. As much as I sometimes wish it were, OKC Talk is not strictly an urbanist forum (sorry Sparty). Obviously, the most active commenting is often on urban projects (perhaps because the most exciting stuff happening in OKC is happening downtown, and/or perhaps because urbanists tend to be a bit more on the zealot end of the spectrum). But the board is a city-wide forum, with tons of suburban-oriented topics (which I usually have little interest in) and posters (who I welcome, other than when they come and crap on urbanist issues without solicitation). Considering OKC is HEAVILY suburban, many if not most people here are going to be interested in what is going on in their part of town, and that is totally fair.

  7. #132

    Default Re: San Antonio | Deep In The Heart.

    Quote Originally Posted by Plutonic Panda View Post
    Also, please explain to me how exactly OKCTalk is an urbanism forum. I thought it was a forum for people to view OKC's development progress by a group of people who take great interest in the city, not just urbanist. Am I wrong on this?
    Quote Originally Posted by Spartan View Post

  8. #133

    Default Re: San Antonio | Deep In The Heart.

    This was created and posted on another forum. It's a scorecard of all the current developments happening or planned for the urban core.

    I'll try and post about all of them.

  9. #134

    Default Re: San Antonio | Deep In The Heart.

    Here's a map and number guide to show where and what the urban core projects are.

    Click on the picture for a LARGER version

    I added a couple of projects that the scorecard doesn't list. Those are: 930 Broadway, Wyndam Garden, Hemisfair Park redevelopment, San Pedro Creek redevelopment.

  10. #135

    Default Re: San Antonio | Deep In The Heart.

    Hilton Garden Inn │ 10 Stories │ Downtown

    Tobin Center for the Performing Arts │ 11 STORIES │ Downtown

  11. #136

    Default Re: San Antonio | Deep In The Heart.

    W Hotel and Residences │ 33 Stories │ Downtown

  12. #137

    Default Re: San Antonio | Deep In The Heart.

    That is awesome man!!!!!!!!

  13. #138

    Default Re: San Antonio | Deep In The Heart.

    Merchants Ice Lofts │ 6 Stories │ Near East Side

    The renderings are not of the finished design, it's just generic structures to show the height of the under design buildings.

  14. #139

    Default Re: San Antonio | Deep In The Heart.

    UIW Medical School Phase I │ 10 Stories │ River North

  15. #140

    Default Re: San Antonio | Deep In The Heart.

    The Phipps │ 5 Stories │ River North

  16. #141

    Default Re: San Antonio | Deep In The Heart.

    The River House │ 5 Stories │ River North

    Construction occurs with 1221 Broadway in the background.

  17. #142

    Default Re: San Antonio | Deep In The Heart.

    Confluence Park │ Mission Reach

  18. #143

    Default Re: San Antonio | Deep In The Heart.

    The Cellars │ 10 Stories │ The Pearl

  19. #144

    Default Re: San Antonio | Deep In The Heart.

    Rolling Homes Townhouses │ 1-2 Stories │ SoSo District

    An abandoned trailer park, in the South of Southtown District, is currently being transformed into an urban community comprised of 27 modern homes.

  20. #145

    Default Re: San Antonio | Deep In The Heart.

    1130 Broadway │ 4 Stories │ River North

  21. #146

    Default Re: San Antonio | Deep In The Heart.

    930 Broadway │ 4 Stories │ River North

  22. #147

    Default Re: San Antonio | Deep In The Heart.

    Thanks for all the updates Josh. San Antonio is a boom town with more projects on the horizon.

  23. #148

    Default Re: Okc boom?

    Quote Originally Posted by hoyasooner View Post
    Seriously dude, SanAntonioTalk.com. That's where you want to be. You are on the wrong forum.

    You ask a totally subjective question. Moreover you ask a totally subjective question that can only end with you getting your feelings hurt. "Why don't people talk about San Antonio when they talk about all the great Texas cities? We're just as good as blah blah blah." That's like the ugly girl asking "you guys are flirting with all the cheerleaders, why don't you ask me out instead?"

    San Antonio is home to the Alamo, a small building where a handful of white people were overrun by a horde of Mexicans. Nobody talks about San Antonio because everyone thinks its still that way. It's not hip and cool like Austin, it's not a sprawling metropolis heavily identified with Air and Space and oil like Houston. It didn't have it's own soap opera like Dallas. Instead it has a million Mexicans.

    You asked why people don't talk about it? That's why. That's the perception. You can argue as much as you want. That's still the perception. And that's why no one talks about it.


    That came across just a little bit harsher than I intended it. San Antonio is probably a great place. Of course I went to college with a guy from San Antonio and he was a dick. But it's in that same situation that OKC is in. It's going to get very limited attention from people outside of its area. It is not sexy. It is not high profile. Oklahoma's equivalent to San Antonio is Lawton.
    It's cool, I know your just blowing off steam. Btw I wouldn't say Lawton is Oklahoma version of San Antonio. I would say Lawton is more in line with Killeen. Both cities have a diverse military population, and both are nearly the same size as well.

  24. #149

    Default Re: San Antonio | Deep In The Heart.

    I'm not sure how like this will be, But there is talk about a high speed bullet train from San Antonio to Monterrey MX.

    TX congressman backs high-speed rail from SA to Mexico | News - Home

    If anything I think a bullet train will do wonders for the Austin- San Antonio Corridor. A region that has 4.2 million people and about the size of Massachusetts. We need this this train as well as more public transportation.

  25. #150

    Default Re: San Antonio | Deep In The Heart.

    Quote Originally Posted by JoninATX View Post
    I'm not sure how like this will be, But there is talk about a high speed bullet train from San Antonio to Monterrey MX.

    TX congressman backs high-speed rail from SA to Mexico | News - Home

    If anything I think a bullet train will do wonders for the Austin- San Antonio Corridor. A region that has 4.2 million people and about the size of Massachusetts. We need this this train as well as more public transportation.
    Given the section only in Texas is roughly equal distance to Dallas to Houston, it seems a little hard to believe it happens before a DFW-Houston line. Which has like six times the voters in Texas and more than double the total population of potential riders.

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