Originally Posted by
BChris with all due respect, shut up. Even though you've lightened up here...you've continued to spew this same crap under another user name on the OKC city-data forum and it's beyond annoying. Just because you hate it here and can't leave because of whatever messed up situation you got yourself into, does not mean the rest of the country perceives OKC as soulless and characterless. Most people I've encountered in cities outside of OKC know little to nothing about OKC. If they do know anything, it's about our indian and western heritage (or the Thunder) and that is in no way soulless or characterless. Even without this block, there is absolutely no reason to view OKC that way. You act as if we are the only city that has ever knocked down a historic block, hint your favorite escape destination (or maybe second to Charlotte), Dallas, knocked down it's historic buildings and built a bunch of glass, soulless towers on a scale greater than anything we could hope to achieve.
The demolition of this block sucks, but it is not the end of the world and certainly doesn't render the city "soulless and characterless"