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One of the LNC renovations included lowering the floor and the creation of a few more rows of seats to bring the crowd "closer" to the game. The cavernous feel of LNC is its biggest liability, and frankly I don't think that structure can ever truly overcome that liability. It was designed, as I recall, back in an era when OU bkb was barely a blip on the radar (early/mid 70's), so considerations to that end just weren't a high priority. It supported a court, put in scoreboards from the same manufacturer as had done the boards for OMS during the STEP upgrade in '74, and called it good. I think had they known that OU bkb would get a (somewhat) bigger following over the years, they'd probably have given that configuration more consideration. Just my opinion, of course..
My trick knee tells me that the regents would be hard pressed to support a new, dedicated arena just for basketball. That's because that, while basketball is more popular than it was in the, say, 70's or so, its hard to see (at least right now) a time when OU would ever consistently pack in 18-20K for hoops. Granted, you could use it for things like wrestling, but its hardly at a hallmark of popularity right now, either, so it just seems to me a full new arena isn't very likely. Could surely be wrong - and heck, probably am - but just kinda reading the tea leaves right now makes it hard to see a new arena. Would be a great project, to be sure, but I'm just not sure I see it getting a lot of support.