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Thread: Time to expand Oklahoma Memorial Stadium?

  1. #126

    Default Re: Time to expand Oklahoma Memorial Stadium?

    Quote Originally Posted by ou48A View Post
    I won't vouch for the accuracy of this.. but KREF talk show host Hale indicated today that OU would need to conduct a fund raising campaign for it's football and basketball facility's and that OU would need a total of $200 million dollars in new donations.
    Hmmm...lots of wiggle room in that...

    That is, did he mean "They know they've got $X to spend, but also know the projects to come are probably going to cost $X+200M?", or "The renovations for OMS and LNC are going to cost $200M"?

    And considering the design/architectural firm only started work on stadium assessment/master plan review in the last couple of weeks, I'm not sure how they'd have any concrete figures yet on which to base a fund raising campaign. That is, if they're not even sure what they're going to do, you don't really know how much it will cost. I realize this is never going to happen, but LNC needs to be replaced as a basketball venue, IMHO...but I won't start that here, this is the OMS thread

    Just glad to see things are being assessed with an eye to the future.

  2. #127

    Default Re: Time to expand Oklahoma Memorial Stadium?

    Quote Originally Posted by SoonerDave View Post
    Hmmm...lots of wiggle room in that...

    That is, did he mean "They know they've got $X to spend, but also know the projects to come are probably going to cost $X+200M?", or "The renovations for OMS and LNC are going to cost $200M"?

    And considering the design/architectural firm only started work on stadium assessment/master plan review in the last couple of weeks, I'm not sure how they'd have any concrete figures yet on which to base a fund raising campaign. That is, if they're not even sure what they're going to do, you don't really know how much it will cost. I realize this is never going to happen, but LNC needs to be replaced as a basketball venue, IMHO...but I won't start that here, this is the OMS thread

    Just glad to see things are being assessed with an eye to the future.
    He made it sound like it was going to be a $200 million dollar fund raising campaign and the 200 million would be spent on renovating both facilitys.

    OU might have a reasonable idea about what they are going to do based off of previous assessments adjusted for inflation... ? OU may already know they would need to issue bonds to fund part of these projects. OU probably already has major pledges that have been quietly lined up that will be announced in the future to maximize publicity.

    But I'm like you when it comes to the LNC...
    I would much rather OU save the money and build a new arena just NE of the football stadium.

  3. #128

    Default Re: Time to expand Oklahoma Memorial Stadium?

    The most logical place to build a new basketball arena in my opinion is just south of the football stadium at Lindsey and Jenkins where the practice fields are. Practice fields could move over to the other side of Jenkins if the parking lot was replaced with a parking garage.

  4. #129
    HangryHippo Guest

    Default Re: Time to expand Oklahoma Memorial Stadium?

    Quote Originally Posted by dankrutka View Post
    The most logical place to build a new basketball arena in my opinion is just south of the football stadium at Lindsey and Jenkins where the practice fields are. Practice fields could move over to the other side of Jenkins if the parking lot was replaced with a parking garage.
    Are you suggesting something similar to what OSU has with their combo football/basketball setup?

  5. #130

    Default Re: Time to expand Oklahoma Memorial Stadium?

    I don't understand why we're wasting our time on this when OU doesn't even have a proper quiditch pitch.

  6. #131

    Default Re: Time to expand Oklahoma Memorial Stadium?

    Quote Originally Posted by dankrutka View Post
    The most logical place to build a new basketball arena in my opinion is just south of the football stadium at Lindsey and Jenkins where the practice fields are. Practice fields could move over to the other side of Jenkins if the parking lot was replaced with a parking garage.
    OU spent lots of money redoing its practice fields just a few years ago.
    No head OU football coach would ever want them moved for logistical reasons.
    The closer any new OU arena is to the new OU commuter rail station the better.

  7. #132

    Default Re: Time to expand Oklahoma Memorial Stadium?

    Quote Originally Posted by traxx View Post
    I don't understand why we're wasting our time on this when OU doesn't even have a proper quiditch pitch.
    OU has a decent enough pitch though!

  8. #133
    HangryHippo Guest

    Default Re: Time to expand Oklahoma Memorial Stadium?

    Quote Originally Posted by ou48A View Post
    OU spent lots of money redoing its practice fields just a few years ago.
    No head OU football coach would ever want them moved for logistical reasons.
    The closer any new OU arena is to the new OU commuter rail station the better.
    I would love for the practice fields to be moved. Would help the aesthetics of that area tremendously in my opinion.

  9. #134

    Default Re: Time to expand Oklahoma Memorial Stadium?

    Quote Originally Posted by OnlyOne View Post
    Are you suggesting something similar to what OSU has with their combo football/basketball setup?
    Yes. Not exactly like it. I'm not sure what's architecturally doable with the Switzer center, but something of the sort.

    And, I'm sure the football coaches wouldn't want their practice fields moved, but that's prime time real estate that will eventually be used for something besides practice fields. Re-locating fields across the street would still be very convenient. Also, it's not like this is something happening in the next 5 years...

  10. #135

    Default Re: Time to expand Oklahoma Memorial Stadium?

    Quote Originally Posted by OnlyOne View Post
    I would love for the practice fields to be moved. Would help the aesthetics of that area tremendously in my opinion.
    The only aesthetics I care about are another couple of NCs up on the score board.

    The practice fields are fine where they are.

  11. #136
    HangryHippo Guest

    Default Re: Time to expand Oklahoma Memorial Stadium?

    Quote Originally Posted by traxx View Post
    The only aesthetics I care about are another couple of NCs up on the score board.

    The practice fields are fine where they are.
    They're not, but okay. I agree 100% about the national titles. MOAR!

  12. #137

    Default Re: Time to expand Oklahoma Memorial Stadium?

    Quote Originally Posted by OnlyOne View Post
    I would love for the practice fields to be moved. Would help the aesthetics of that area tremendously in my opinion.
    I have never really thought about that area being aesthetically poor.

    I have always thought of it as a place where special things happened and big dreams came true.
    What would you want built on this sacred plot of Sooner land?

  13. #138

    Default Re: Time to expand Oklahoma Memorial Stadium?

    The most logical place to build a new basketball arena in my opinion is just south of the football stadium at Lindsey and Jenkins where the practice fields are. Practice fields could move over to the other side of Jenkins if the parking lot was replaced with a parking garage.
    Quote Originally Posted by ou48A View Post
    OU spent lots of money redoing its practice fields just a few years ago.
    No head OU football coach would ever want them moved for logistical reasons.
    The closer any new OU arena is to the new OU commuter rail station the better.
    Also, didn't they do a renovation on Lloyd Noble arena just a few years ago? I could see the dorms just south of Lindsey being torn down to build an arena before they do it one the practice feilds

  14. #139

    Default Re: Time to expand Oklahoma Memorial Stadium?

    Quote Originally Posted by Snowman View Post
    Also, didn't they do a renovation on Lloyd Noble arena just a few years ago? I could see the dorms just south of Lindsey being torn down to build an arena before they do it one the practice feilds
    OU spent million's at the LNC for new coaches offices, 2 new practice/ training facility and new locker rooms for both men and women.
    There are several locations that a much better than the practice fields for a new arena, including your suggestion. I prefer the area just NE of the football stadium but the parking lot north of the track and field facility would be good too. These location's would have come in very handy for large numbers of fans during the lightning delay at the Tech game.

  15. #140

    Default Re: Time to expand Oklahoma Memorial Stadium?

    Quote Originally Posted by ou48A View Post
    OU spent million's at the LNC for new coaches offices, 2 new practice/ training facility and new locker rooms for both men and women.
    There are several locations that a much better than the practice fields for a new arena, including your suggestion. I prefer the area just NE of the football stadium but the parking lot north of the track and field facility would be good too. These location's would have come in very handy for large numbers of fans during the lightning delay at the Tech game.
    One of the LNC renovations included lowering the floor and the creation of a few more rows of seats to bring the crowd "closer" to the game. The cavernous feel of LNC is its biggest liability, and frankly I don't think that structure can ever truly overcome that liability. It was designed, as I recall, back in an era when OU bkb was barely a blip on the radar (early/mid 70's), so considerations to that end just weren't a high priority. It supported a court, put in scoreboards from the same manufacturer as had done the boards for OMS during the STEP upgrade in '74, and called it good. I think had they known that OU bkb would get a (somewhat) bigger following over the years, they'd probably have given that configuration more consideration. Just my opinion, of course..

    My trick knee tells me that the regents would be hard pressed to support a new, dedicated arena just for basketball. That's because that, while basketball is more popular than it was in the, say, 70's or so, its hard to see (at least right now) a time when OU would ever consistently pack in 18-20K for hoops. Granted, you could use it for things like wrestling, but its hardly at a hallmark of popularity right now, either, so it just seems to me a full new arena isn't very likely. Could surely be wrong - and heck, probably am - but just kinda reading the tea leaves right now makes it hard to see a new arena. Would be a great project, to be sure, but I'm just not sure I see it getting a lot of support.

  16. #141

    Default Re: Time to expand Oklahoma Memorial Stadium?

    Quote Originally Posted by SoonerDave View Post
    One of the LNC renovations included lowering the floor and the creation of a few more rows of seats to bring the crowd "closer" to the game. The cavernous feel of LNC is its biggest liability, and frankly I don't think that structure can ever truly overcome that liability. It was designed, as I recall, back in an era when OU bkb was barely a blip on the radar (early/mid 70's), so considerations to that end just weren't a high priority. It supported a court, put in scoreboards from the same manufacturer as had done the boards for OMS during the STEP upgrade in '74, and called it good. I think had they known that OU bkb would get a (somewhat) bigger following over the years, they'd probably have given that configuration more consideration. Just my opinion, of course..

    My trick knee tells me that the regents would be hard pressed to support a new, dedicated arena just for basketball. That's because that, while basketball is more popular than it was in the, say, 70's or so, its hard to see (at least right now) a time when OU would ever consistently pack in 18-20K for hoops. Granted, you could use it for things like wrestling, but its hardly at a hallmark of popularity right now, either, so it just seems to me a full new arena isn't very likely. Could surely be wrong - and heck, probably am - but just kinda reading the tea leaves right now makes it hard to see a new arena. Would be a great project, to be sure, but I'm just not sure I see it getting a lot of support.
    I doubt they would use a larger arena for wrestling, outside of maybe a tournament. They still use the McCasland Field House now

  17. #142
    HangryHippo Guest

    Default Re: Time to expand Oklahoma Memorial Stadium?

    Quote Originally Posted by ou48A View Post
    I have never really thought about that area being aesthetically poor.

    I have always thought of it as a place where special things happened and big dreams came true.
    What would you want built on this sacred plot of Sooner land?
    My personal preference would be for the Switzer Center to rebuild close to Lindsey St (maybe even at the corner of Lindsey and Asp, but at the least fronting Lindsey). Then, the stadium is free to expand/redo the south endzone in whatever way at whatever time and I think that could give Lindsey St. a better appeal.

  18. #143

    Default Re: Time to expand Oklahoma Memorial Stadium?

    Quote Originally Posted by SoonerDave View Post
    One of the LNC renovations included lowering the floor and the creation of a few more rows of seats to bring the crowd "closer" to the game. The cavernous feel of LNC is its biggest liability, and frankly I don't think that structure can ever truly overcome that liability. It was designed, as I recall, back in an era when OU bkb was barely a blip on the radar (early/mid 70's), so considerations to that end just weren't a high priority. It supported a court, put in scoreboards from the same manufacturer as had done the boards for OMS during the STEP upgrade in '74, and called it good. I think had they known that OU bkb would get a (somewhat) bigger following over the years, they'd probably have given that configuration more consideration. Just my opinion, of course..

    My trick knee tells me that the regents would be hard pressed to support a new, dedicated arena just for basketball. That's because that, while basketball is more popular than it was in the, say, 70's or so, its hard to see (at least right now) a time when OU would ever consistently pack in 18-20K for hoops. Granted, you could use it for things like wrestling, but its hardly at a hallmark of popularity right now, either, so it just seems to me a full new arena isn't very likely. Could surely be wrong - and heck, probably am - but just kinda reading the tea leaves right now makes it hard to see a new arena. Would be a great project, to be sure, but I'm just not sure I see it getting a lot of support.

    I also believe that the cavernous feel of the LNC is its biggest liability. But to a degree this can be over come by reshaping the inside of the structure. The current seating is is like a bowl. If you bring the east and west sides of the bowl in and closer to the court you can create a more rectangular shaped seating area... This would mean pouring a large amount of concrete over the existing seating area. This would cost lots of money and reduce the seating capacity.
    With that said I still feel a new arena would be a better option but as your trick knee (LOL) says a new arena isn't very likely.....

    An oil man help build the LNC, we can hope that a new oil man or several, will step up to the plate again just as they have time and again for nearly 100 years across the entire campus. Unlike the school to the north, OU has more than one big possibility.

  19. #144

    Default Re: Time to expand Oklahoma Memorial Stadium?

    Quote Originally Posted by OnlyOne View Post
    My personal preference would be for the Switzer Center to rebuild close to Lindsey St (maybe even at the corner of Lindsey and Asp, but at the least fronting Lindsey). Then, the stadium is free to expand/redo the south endzone in whatever way at whatever time and I think that could give Lindsey St. a better appeal.
    I have heard talk that OU was considering moving the Switzer center to a renovated Bub Wilkinson dorm or to one of the other 2 athletic dorms that have been vacated....
    The furthest south dorm sits fronting Lindsey.... perhaps this location would be the best and cheapest location to help improve the aesthetics of that area and do what you would like?
    The vacated Switzer center would be used for an expanded weight/ training area and more office space which is said to be needed.
    I'm sure there is plenty of room as it is now to expand the south end zone to it's maximum capacity.
    But it would be nice to have a better walking path on the south end.

  20. #145
    HangryHippo Guest

    Default Re: Time to expand Oklahoma Memorial Stadium?

    Quote Originally Posted by ou48A View Post
    I have heard talk that OU was considering moving the Switzer center to a renovated Bub Wilkinson dorm or to one of the other 2 athletic dorms that have been vacated....
    The furthest south dorm sits fronting Lindsey.... perhaps this location would be the best and cheapest location to help improve the aesthetics of that area and do what you would like?
    The vacated Switzer center would be used for an expanded weight and training area and more office space which is said to be needed.
    I'm sure there is plenty of room as it is now to expand the south end zone to it maximum capacity.
    But it would be nice to have a better walking path on the south end.
    This would be another great option honestly. I didn't know it was plausible since I thought I had read/heard that condos or some sort of housing was going to be built where the vacant dorms are. Perhaps the economy killed that plan? Anyway, what you suggest would work well, but the main goal being that I think we could have a tremendous setup right there in lieu of just the practice fields. Really make it a magnificent entry into the stadium area.

  21. #146

    Default Re: Time to expand Oklahoma Memorial Stadium?

    Quote Originally Posted by OnlyOne View Post
    This would be another great option honestly. I didn't know it was plausible since I thought I had read/heard that condos or some sort of housing was going to be built where the vacant dorms are. Perhaps the economy killed that plan? Anyway, what you suggest would work well, but the main goal being that I think we could have a tremendous setup right there in lieu of just the practice fields. Really make it a magnificent entry into the stadium area.
    The condos that I remember were going to be built south of the Duck Pond...but those plans fell though.
    I tried talking my wife into buying one, but she didn't go for it.

  22. #147

    Default Re: Time to expand Oklahoma Memorial Stadium?

    Quote Originally Posted by ou48A View Post
    I have heard talk that OU was considering moving the Switzer center to a renovated Bub Wilkinson dorm or to one of the other 2 athletic dorms that have been vacated....
    The furthest south dorm sits fronting Lindsey.... perhaps this location would be the best and cheapest location to help improve the aesthetics of that area and do what you would like?
    The vacated Switzer center would be used for an expanded weight/ training area and more office space which is said to be needed.
    I'm sure there is plenty of room as it is now to expand the south end zone to it's maximum capacity.
    But it would be nice to have a better walking path on the south end.
    Man, that Wilkinson house is (relatively speaking) kinda old and I can't imagine they'd want to move the Switzer center there. Stranger things, I suppose....

  23. #148

    Default Re: Time to expand Oklahoma Memorial Stadium?

    Quote Originally Posted by SoonerDave View Post
    Man, that Wilkinson house is (relatively speaking) kinda old and I can't imagine they'd want to move the Switzer center there. Stranger things, I suppose....
    Structurally its really not that old.
    My guess is that OU would gut it out and reconfigure it into whatever they want.
    It might be possible to gut and reconfigure the other 2 dorms too?
    If not they would probably be torn down?
    I would bet OU will include these things in the new assessment study they are doing.

  24. #149

    Default Re: Time to expand Oklahoma Memorial Stadium?

    Quote Originally Posted by ou48A View Post
    I have heard talk that OU was considering moving the Switzer center to a renovated Bub Wilkinson dorm or to one of the other 2 athletic dorms that have been vacated....
    The furthest south dorm sits fronting Lindsey.... perhaps this location would be the best and cheapest location to help improve the aesthetics of that area and do what you would like?
    The vacated Switzer center would be used for an expanded weight/ training area and more office space which is said to be needed.
    I'm sure there is plenty of room as it is now to expand the south end zone to it's maximum capacity.
    But it would be nice to have a better walking path on the south end.
    Given the location it seems hard for it not to be something in the athletic department (most likely football, though track, a program wide gym (since it is right next to the athletic dorm) or offices could get a part) but those buildings it seems hard to believe step one is not leveling the existing structures. Though the Switzer center is located as well as possible to serve the outdoor fields and the stadium, even if they expanded the current end zone section up, they could still keep the practice facilities at the lowest level.

  25. #150

    Default Re: Time to expand Oklahoma Memorial Stadium?

    The plan was for the bud to be torn down. And for that corner to have a park amphitheater and more sooner statues Including one of the selmon brothers

    Don't know if that is still the plan

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