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The only difference here being that this is the only instance I have ever seen that a theater has charged a separate price for a bigger screen with the same viewing experience (as in non-IMAX, 3D, etc). I mean why not just make a different price for all the other 13 screens in there? Start at $5 for the smallest screen, then $5.50 for the next, then $6.00 for the next and so-on.
To compare this to the difference between coach and first class really doesn't apply as both the size of the seats and the service received are much greater than that of the rear cabin. In this instance, the only difference is screen size where the product/service received is identical to the other screens. Now as I said in my previous post, if you want to charge more for the balcony seats or the director's suites then by all means do so as both the seats and service are much better. I understand Warren has the market cornered and I completely understand why but the continual price increases just seem to me to be flaunting the fact they can do whatever they want.
Who knows what the ticket price for the IMAX will be (probably in the $16 range).