Read a story once about some peopling driving to Las Vegas. They packed some food to eat along the way, including a watermelon. Got to Vegas, valet parking and they did not see the car for three days. Checkout to go home, valet brings car around with his his hanging out the drivers window.
Forgot about the melon and it blew-up in the trunk. Makes me want to gag just thinking about it.
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Just before Waco, Texas on I-35 there is a small Czech town (West, Texas). There used to be a Family Restaurant that served the best food (The Family Restaurant was the name). However the Baptist group from around the local towns would NOT indulge in a Cold Beer.....So, the guy that owned the restaurant had a "Lean-to" shed attached to the building with opening and closing Garage Doors.....You "Honked", the door went up, you pulled in ...gave your order....a young KID would load your purchase in an inconspicuos the tab and go home with No One knowing any different.....the food was Better that great....No One ever beat their chicken Fry....the beer was ICE COLD....I meant the Tea......
Liquor store in Edmond has a back door. Parking spaces marked out - about 4 spaces - for the Baptists. Only bad thing, a Sonic was built right by it and now the east row of stalls at Sonic have a view of the Baptist parking spaces.
Will Rogers said, "Oklahoma will remain dry as long as the voters stagger to the polls."
Was in the neighborhood today (purposely) of where I thought the "Black Brick" coffee house was located. The building is gone. I thought I had found it but the building is no longer there. Stopped and talked to a guy sitting on his front porch who said he had lived at 13th and N. Blackwelder since 1971, said he thought it was located in the 1300 block of N. McKinley! Buildings have been torn down, siding installed etc. It was either the 1300 block of Blackwelder or McKinley!! I went by and looked at it about 30 years ago just to see if I could find it. Where can a person get access to old OKC phone books, that would tell the tale!!
It's kind of a mind bender that nobody seems to remember the exact location but, I think it is because it was in a residential area. I'am pretty sure it was orginally a home. (not positive) My memory of the place was that it was kind of a "beatnick" kinda place and I thought it was boreing.
The Black Brick was definitely north of 23rd street on McKinley.
Yep, on the west side of the street at the end of an ally that ran between two rows of houses. It looked like a detached garage with a walk-in door on the NE corner of the building. The only indication it was a business was a small light set into a cubbyhole on the east outside wall. I'm not sure it ever actually had an address. The inside was painted black with psychedelic designs painted with florescent paint on the walls and lit by blacklights as was common in that era.
"It was far-out man! A real happening!"
I just Google streetviewed that whole area and it sure don't look like it did in the 60's.
That immediate area has changed quite a bit from even the early 80's.
Maybe I was a weeeeeeeeeeee bit under the weather when I went there!! LOL
The fruit drinks at the Black Brick had names like:
Purple Passion
Black Bugs Blood
Sunshine something...
I'm letting you guys roll, but I have always thought it was east of Classen, about 1 block
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