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Thread: Worst local commercial?

  1. Default Re: Worst local commercial?

    Channel 4 has a spot plugging the snow tubing at the Brick. It starts with a series of clips of children screaming. It's ear-splitting, comes on without warning, and is too short to even reach for the mute button.

  2. #127

    Default Re: Worst local commercial?

    Two new ones that send me diving for the remote. Again the Richadson homes commercial......now everytime I watch it I concentrate on the mans upper lip that never moves.....botox anyone?

    And the new Staples commercial..."WOW, THATS A LOW PRICE".....usually played twice, back to back. Wow thats an annoying commercial.

  3. #128

    Default Re: Worst local commercial?

    My vote is for ANY Richardson home commercial. I can't stand them. I'm sure they are nice people, and probably build very lovely homes, but I'd live in a tent before I'd buy one of their houses because I find those commercials so offensive. I basically hate any local commercial that uses the business owners kids. It's just cheezy.

  4. #129

    Default Re: Worst local commercial?

    The Richardson Homes commercials are without a doubt the worst things ever to be perpetrated on the good people of Oklahoma City.

    I'm not saying I would go so far as to *wish harm* on that ugly, monotone sap and that moonfaced-daughter of his (what the H is *with* that kid, anyway?), but if they were both to, say, come down with some sort of ailment which would leave them with the inability to use their faces or voices to sell their houses on TV, ever again, well, let's just say I wouldn't exactly be shedding any tears.

  5. #130

    Default Re: Worst local commercial?

    Quote Originally Posted by Matt View Post
    The Richardson Homes commercials are without a doubt the worst things ever to be perpetrated on the good people of Oklahoma City.

    I'm not saying I would go so far as to *wish harm* on that ugly, monotone sap and that moonfaced-daughter of his (what the H is *with* that kid, anyway?), but if they were both to, say, come down with some sort of ailment which would leave them with the inability to use their faces or voices to sell their houses on TV, ever again, well, let's just say I wouldn't exactly be shedding any tears.

    Without a doubt this is the most rude, hateful, nasty and mean spirited thing that's has ever been posted on OKCTALK.

    Do you say these hateful things to minimize your short comings or are you just a total A$$.

    I bet your mom and dad are so proud of you.

  6. #131

    Default Re: Worst local commercial?

    I agree with RC....

    It's one thing not to like there commercials, and I, like others don't like it when children are used to sell a product by their parents (diffee), but to make fun of the little girl is just rude. Real classy Matt!!

  7. #132

    Default Re: Worst local commercial?

    Meh. They're using her to sell their crap; she's fair game for ridicule as far as I'm concerned. I get the heebie-jeebies every time I hear the "letouwfamiwybiuwdyouwfamiwy'shome" line, for reals. I wouldn't let her family build my family's anything. Unless it was some sort of device that would block their own commercials from appearing on my TV.

  8. Default Re: Worst local commercial?

    Maybe the kids want to be on tv to be kool? Ever think about that? If I had a parent that do commercials for their business, I'd want to be in them.

  9. #134

    Default Re: Worst local commercial?

    .........and then there is Brandon's Here For You.........the little boy, (the son I am assuming), throwing his cuteness in front of the cam....his parents look soooooo proud of him. I'm sure they have the right to be, but it sure seems advertisement in the metro area is being performed by the kids....

    I would have to draw the line at Norman Nobody teaching his kid to be a Nobody !

  10. #135

    Default Re: Worst local commercial?

    anything with screeching brakes, car horns or sirens.
    Danny Williams on the hearing aid commercials
    Jack Elliott and Al Eschbach Othello's commercials. I can tell they're just reading off cards and voice tracked it separately and then edited it together. Horrible.

  11. #136

    Default Re: Worst local commercial?

    The Oklahoma Lottery is running commercials with school kids thanking the lottery for money for education. I think this is tacky. The kids in the commercials can not even buy lottery tickets. I know school kids benefit from a lot of things adults do, but the lottery commercials are creepy to me.

    Bigray in Ok

  12. #137

    Default Re: Worst local commercial?

    The newest RH commercial is not that bad people..

  13. #138

    Default Re: Worst local commercial?

    The one that drives me crazy is the furniture commercial with the decrepid man that talks....... really......slow. I think it's a Marquis furniture commercial. Not sure though.

  14. #139

    Default Re: Worst local commercial?

    It's Brown Furniture. It's terrible. That guy sounds like he's about to die. When I first saw the commercial, I thought he was advertising a funeral home.

  15. #140

    Default Re: Worst local commercial?

    One might at least consider that the existence of a physical impediment, whether speech or hearing or otherwise centered, should not preclude folks from living full and normal lives, or from promoting a family business.

    Sheesh, next thing you know there will be a multi-page thread focused primarily on who possesses the more attractive appearance amongst female staff at the local tv stations.

  16. #141

    Default Re: Worst local commercial?

    Quote Originally Posted by Matt View Post
    Meh. They're using her to sell their crap; she's fair game for ridicule as far as I'm concerned. I get the heebie-jeebies every time I hear the "letouwfamiwybiuwdyouwfamiwy'shome" line, for reals. I wouldn't let her family build my family's anything. Unless it was some sort of device that would block their own commercials from appearing on my TV.
    I hear from a source that as a child she had a hearing defect that caused a speech impediment. May not be true, but thats the story.

  17. #142
    Uncle Slayton Guest

    Default Re: Worst local commercial?

    I don't know if the Platt College commercials are local or not, but they're excruciating, and whoever writes their slogans and the rest of the commercial narrative should be fired and sued. First it was "sound and solid", which sounds like the aftermath of a Taco Bell dinner, now it's that "you will be ready, you will be needed, and you *will* believe."

    The culinary arts part of the Platt commercial where the students learn how to use both spices AND ingredients?? Oy...

    And anything by Bobbie Burbridge Lane. Her patronizingly moralistic radio segments are nausea inducing.

  18. #143

    Default Re: Worst local commercial?

    The Chayse Insurance couple use their daughter and that commercial is great. Been the same since Chayse started airing them several years ago.

    Ads that really bother me are any kind that have a bell ("ding!") at the end.
    I get the urge to go look in the mirror when I hear that bell and verify that I'm not Pavlovs' dog. Speak about talking down to your audience!

  19. #144

    Default Re: Worst local commercial?

    How about anything with a Barry Switzer (or any OU Has been for that matter) Endorsement.

  20. #145

    Default Re: Worst local commercial?

    Quote Originally Posted by oneforone View Post
    How about anything with a Barry Switzer (or any OU Has been for that matter) Endorsement.
    Why do some people hate winners!! (let me guess Aggie or Longhorn).

  21. Default Re: Worst local commercial?

    Quote Originally Posted by oneforone View Post
    How about anything with a Barry Switzer (or any OU Has been for that matter) Endorsement.
    Barry Switzer came from a childhood of virtually nothing and had less than you could likely imagine, was able to cast off a path that leads most people to the trailer park or prison, totally made himself into one of the most successful college football coaches in history. He also helped his brother, who also had the childhood of nothing to also be a success in life. Barry Switzer most certainly has his faults but he has turned absolutely nothing into lifetime achievment and is far more of a success than you or I will ever be.

    Envy and willfull ignorance are truly ugly things.

  22. #147

    Default Re: Worst local commercial?

    forgot the business but we saw one last night where there was a big fat harry dude with no shirt breast feeding a baby.

    I was half asleep and had to ask the gf if she saw it or I was hullicinating

    I think it was for a weight loss place or something

  23. #148

    Default Re: Worst local commercial?

    haha, that sounds disturbing.

    whats up with the cattleman's commercial i see lately? it's not that the ad is bad, it just seems old. like it was shot it 1988 and they still use it.

  24. #149

    Default Re: Worst local commercial?

    Quote Originally Posted by ultimatesooner View Post
    forgot the business but we saw one last night where there was a big fat harry dude with no shirt breast feeding a baby.

    I was half asleep and had to ask the gf if she saw it or I was hullicinating

    I think it was for a weight loss place or something
    The commerical is for Shape Fitness.

  25. #150

    Default Re: Worst local commercial?

    God bless/damn (circle one) YouTube.

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