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I'm not taking political sides on this issue. However, I am completely against corruption and criminals, and those who are guilty need to have their day in court
Having said that, I was born and raised, and still have lots of family, very near the Quartz Mountain State Park, which had a restaurant run by Swadleys.
If you live in a rural area, and for now let's just say SW Oklahoma, Western Oklahoma, NW Oklahoma and the Panhandle, and let's throw in the Texas Panhandle, there are very few good places to eat. Many towns don't even have anything more than a convenience store selling crap and coffee, or possibly a greasy spoon diner that is serving crappy food and barely keeping their doors open, etc.
When the restaurant space was taken over by Swadleys everyone was excited, and when it opened everyone who dined there was so happy to have a nice place to eat and enjoy a good meal.
Yeah, I know, that's all a relative experience, and most people might turn their nose up at Swadleys and go to a place more their liking, but when you have little to zero opportunity to eat a a decent place, it makes you happy and go you go again and again.
So, here is the, I can't think of the right word at 1:45 in the morning, but I'll use conundrum. Here is the conundrum: Someone had the idea to come into underserved areas and give folks a decent place to eat, to entertain, to gather with friends or family reunions..... And some greedy person thoroughly mucks up, FUBAR's it up, all in the name of GREED, and in the end, people who were happy with their new circumstances have had that taken away from them.
I am NOT defending Swadleys, the governor, the others. Politicians and greedy folks always muck things up, and that's sad. Really sad.
You could have run things honestly and ethically and been legal, but noooooooooooo you had to get greedy and steal and connive and cheat because you wanted even more money and were willing to do this.
Or so it seems, the facts will come out in the end, and charges may or may not be filed, people may or may not be fined or jailed,
Justice must be served.