Sorry for the duplicate post, but it makes sense to post this here as well.
I haven’t posted here often since I was elected to the city council in The Village. But I thought in this case I’d share my thoughts which I’ve also posted on my Facebook account.
Monday evening we discussed to new developments. A new office building on Hefner and the second development was the new Braum’s in Casady Square. After seeing the initial plans months ago, I had some concerns regarding certain aspects of the proposal. My concerns related mainly to traffic safety issues along Penn, Braum’s signage, and how this development could set the tone for improved walkability in The Village. The options I presented would have created a more walkable area along Penn and brought their signage slightly more in line with the codes that were recently passed at the suggestion of the Village Vision task force.
Regrettably, each time I offered a suggestion, I was met with a firm no from the company. Therefore, I voted no on this proposal, knowing that my fellow council members would be voting yes and the development would pass. Don’t get me wrong, I am excited about Braum’s building here and will be a repeat customer! However, I feel strongly that the codes and suggestions developed by the Village Vision and my other council members should at least try to be followed.
In the end, I know that Braums will be a great community partner and will be a welcome addition to The Village.