OkieBear, you seem to truly care about what Life is truly about just like myself. My guess is that it will be a merger or remodel of an existing building in West OKC. Before they built South OKC, they seriously looked at West OKC. Craig announced so far the only new construction planned this year is the new Stillwater location, therefore my conclusion that it would have to be a merger or remodel of existing building. Life is on the far extreme sides of the city far far North OKC and in South OKC. They need something more centrally located. As you know Life is also heavily missions oriented, they even ask that if you join as a member that you go on at least one missions trip a year or if your physically unable to to help fund one if you can. They are also the only church I know that says if your an adult in need of food, clothing or shelter to take out of the offering. I don't think they preach or make you feel guilty if you don't tithe, or give offerings as much as most traditional churches do, but that's just my experience. It's truly reaching out to a new generation in a modern world. Just like in business, you can't do business the way you did it two years ago because of global competition, etc. The same goes with church, you can't do church the way you've always done it. Acts 2:47 says, “…And the LORD added to the church daily..” Jesus is the Foundation, the Owner and the Builder of the church of called-out believers.
In conclusion, I respect whatever stance one wants to take on Life or church in general. It is not my job to judge or condemn anyone, but merely love them unconditionally. I invite all to worship freely at LC dispite disagreements at times.