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Thread: Streetlight Outages

  1. #101

    Default Re: Streetlight Outages

    Thanks, Zach, for the info, good to know the city employees do report things, figured they did some of it, just wasn't sure how much.

  2. #102

    Default Re: Streetlight Outages

    I have reported several dozen streetlight issues over the last few months and can sum up my experience as follows:

    1. Lights that OGE is in charge of generally get fixed right away. I even had a contractor call me one time to clarify where a light I reported was located.
    2. There are TONS of lights attached to traffic signals that are out, when I have reported these the response is really spotty. For instance, At NW 19TH & Portland I reported that all four lights attached to the traffic signals at the intersection were out. Three were fixed about three weeks later and one is still out. So it seems the city is not as enthusiastic about fixing the ones they are in charge of. I have noticed a lot of these types of lights that are broken, which is concerning since they light intersections.

  3. #103

    Default Re: Streetlight Outages

    Quote Originally Posted by zachnash View Post
    Understand the frustration, but feel the need to point out that the City does tackle potholes, traffic signals and some other issues proactively.

    A few examples:

    - OKCPD officers and OKCFD firefighters report street, code enforcement traffic issues to our PW streets department when they see issues.

    - City crews are routinely out filling potholes in areas that weren't necessarily reported through the Action Center.

    - Code inspectors have areas of the city where they do proactive enforcement.

    - The Action Center staff regularly provides internal training so current City employees can report issues.

    - Each new employee that starts with the City is educated on the Action Center and how to report things to the Action Center.

    As you pointed out the city is large and we need as many eyes as we can to let us know where there are problems. This is especially true when it is a public safety hazard such as a traffic sign down, debris in the street, water line break or traffic signal malfunction. That way we can get a crew dispatched as quickly as possible. Because of limited resources, the City, through the Action Center's tools, has worked hard to make it as easy and convenient as possible for people to report and issue.

    I'm curious on the pothole issue for something I reported maybe a month ago. I reported several pot holes on sw 104th between council and county line road. Someone came out within a week or so and filled them, but this time instead of using asphalt I'm assuming they used chip/seal as it was very gravely. In the past it seems as though this is done right before the whole road is done chip/seal, so I was curious if this is the case, and if not why the City is opting to fill potholes this way instead of asphalt like they've done in the past?

  4. #104

    Default Re: Streetlight Outages

    While the City has been very responsive to my requests, I am STILL frustrated with ODOT/OG&E about lights out on State highways. I have been trying for 6 months to get the lights at the NW39th/I-44/OK74 interchange fixed. 39th is dark on both sides east from St. Clair. 44 westbound is also completely dark. I have called and written both ODOT and OG&E. At least OG&E responds, but the lights still don't get fixed

  5. Default Re: Streetlight Outages

    Quote Originally Posted by rte66man View Post
    While the City has been very responsive to my requests, I am STILL frustrated with ODOT/OG&E about lights out on State highways. I have been trying for 6 months to get the lights at the NW39th/I-44/OK74 interchange fixed. 39th is dark on both sides east from St. Clair. 44 westbound is also completely dark. I have called and written both ODOT and OG&E. At least OG&E responds, but the lights still don't get fixed
    Try calling your state House rep.

  6. Default Re: Streetlight Outages

    Yeah, there’s a stretch of Northwest Expressway about a mile long between Villa and Mosteller that has been out for some time (it reaches up May for a bit). I reported to OGE, but weeks later it was still out. Later realized it was ODOT, called that in. OGE perhaps passed it to ODOT but who knows. Haven’t been up there in a couple of weeks so not sure if anything has happened. Especilally fustrating, the ODOT stuff.

  7. #107

    Default Re: Streetlight Outages

    Quote Originally Posted by Urbanized View Post
    Yeah, there’s a stretch of Northwest Expressway about a mile long between Villa and Mosteller that has been out for some time (it reaches up May for a bit). I reported to OGE, but weeks later it was still out. Later realized it was ODOT, called that in. OGE perhaps passed it to ODOT but who knows. Haven’t been up there in a couple of weeks so not sure if anything has happened. Especilally fustrating, the ODOT stuff.
    This section in not on a state highway, OKCs road, and presumably lights.

  8. Default Re: Streetlight Outages


  9. #109

    Default Re: Streetlight Outages

    Quote Originally Posted by Urbanized View Post
    ... Especilally fustrating, the ODOT stuff.
    OK, no idea what happened, posted this last night, but it disappeared. Not going to type the whole thing in again, but the gist was ODOT sucks when it comes to responsibilities like this, they seem to answer to nobody, don't care what anybody else thinks, and just in general have a big "screw you" attitude towards citizens and any non-ODOT opinions. Question is - can we do anything about them or are we just stuck with what they decide to do?

    Back on topic, though, the guy working on our water main said OG&E was out doing something to the light on the Venice median right across from our house, hadn't noticed it was out, but it's still out, so I reported it, will see what they say.

  10. #110

    Default Re: Streetlight Outages

    Quote Originally Posted by Zuplar View Post

    I'm curious on the pothole issue for something I reported maybe a month ago. I reported several pot holes on sw 104th between council and county line road. Someone came out within a week or so and filled them, but this time instead of using asphalt I'm assuming they used chip/seal as it was very gravely. In the past it seems as though this is done right before the whole road is done chip/seal, so I was curious if this is the case, and if not why the City is opting to fill potholes this way instead of asphalt like they've done in the past?
    SW 104 from Council to County Line is a chip seal road. When crews went out to repair it they used the same material – chip seal. Public Works went out and looked at the location this morning and found the driving surface has a few small humps in the road and on the edge of the shoulder. They plan on heading back out there soon to make further repairs.

  11. Default Re: OKC Roads and Highways

    Quote Originally Posted by OKCbyTRANSFER View Post
    The city is responsible for any street light affixed to a traffic signal pole, OG&E won't touch them. Just have to be real clear that it's a traffic pole and a work order is placed
    So according to responses to requests I made, this appears NOT to be the case. Here is one of several nearly identical responses I got after reporting signal-pole-mounted overhead lights out at several different intersections in near-northwest neighborhoods:

    Location: 1818 N WESTERN AVE OKLAHOMA CITY 73106
    Case Number: C18-04636

    We received a response on the request you reported to the City's Action Center, on January 31, 2018.

    Traffic Management recently responded to the following: CROSSWALK lights (attached to signal light poles) are out at this intersection (3 lights of 3). my understanding is that these are NOT OGE responsibility but instead City Public Works responsibility due to being mounted on signal poles. many other OGE streetlights out in area should be reported separately.

    The Case was assigned to [City staff name redacted - my note] who responded: Street light at NW 18th Street and North Western Avenue has been reported out to OG&E for bulb replacement.
    The blue text is the wording is mine.

    Here is the photo I attached to the submission:


  12. #112

    Default Re: OKC Roads and Highways

    Ive had the exact same experience with the crosswalk lights I have reported, and for whatever reason they never get fixed.

  13. Default Re: Streetlight Outages

    Ha, I've had the same, pics as well and the response was around the lines of "no fault found". It's maddening! ��

  14. #114

    Default Re: Streetlight Outages

    I asked Councilman McAtee about this last night at my neighborhood association meeting. He mentioned that OGE is behind on some non-critical things right now due to the amount of people and equipment they sent down to Puerto Rico. Not sure is this has anything to do with the repairs being slowed down but I thought it was interesting.

  15. #115

    Default Re: Streetlight Outages

    I've been seeing posts about that on OG&E social media accounts, so that actually seems pretty reasonable. They shipped a bunch of equipment down to Puerto Rico on a barge, and then flew their people down to operate it once it arrived.

    Edit: https://twitter.com/OGandE for anyone who is curious. There are *lots* of pictures of them working in Puerto Rico, more than I was expecting.

  16. Default Re: Streetlight Outages

    Two things:

    1. It is super-admirable what OGE is doing related to Puerto Rico. Makes me proud to be an Oklahoman and proud to be the grandson of a retired OGE foreman.
    2. One thing has nothing to do with the other. The outages have existed to the same scale for years now, and are persistent. I know this is a new issue to many people, but as has been mentioned up-thread by several people, once you start paying attention you cannot unsee all of the lights that are out. And I have been paying attention for years. It's a big pet peeve for me. Terribly bad from a pedestrian safety standpoint, especially.

    I really believe the entire thing is a [lack of] communication problem. OGE's reporting mechanism is not adequate. First of all, I think it should be proactive, with people in the field who look for lights out. At night. Second, if you are going to rely almost 100% on the public to do the reporting, use tools that make it easy for them to do so. Certainly don't limit reporting to DAYTIME, Monday through Friday, by TELEPHONE, which by the way if you have service associated with the number you are calling from requires that you navigate prompts related to your account before you ever get to a live person. Automate it. The technology exists.

    Dallas, for example, has this system: https://www.oncorstreetlight.com/ (navigate the map to Dallas and zoom in on streets an you will see the map populate with markers for every light, with a simple process to report the light out). The good news is that I believe OGE is looking at something similar to this and is currently exploring the technology upgrades required. As they transition to LED they will probably be transitioning to this type of process. I think as they do the upgrade they will also be networking the lights, and the lights themselves will have sensors that will auto-alert that they are out. So all of this goes away eventually. Also, LEDs have MUCH longer expected lifespans, so there will simply be fewer lights burning out to begin with. All good news.

    But in the interim (the conversion will surely take years, and hasn't even begun) they can't just defer maintenance. I also think it stinks that the City is in the line of fire for things that are OGE's responsibility. But of course it is sometimes clear as mud as far as which lights are whose responsiblity, so that is its own issue, and I guess to some extent that's an issue for both parties. I think it is really great that the City has taken on the responsibility of collecting the reports and forwarding to OGE, so hopefully that helps a lot. But honestly they should not have to.

  17. #117

    Default Re: Streetlight Outages

    Well said. It is definitely something you can't unsee. The City just posted this on Nextdoor:

    "Call OG&E if you see a streetlight out in Oklahoma City.

    Dial (405) 272-9741 and be prepared to provide detailed location information to report a streetlight that doesn’t work.

    OG&E can assist in determining who is responsible for maintenance of a streetlight reported to be out.

    If it’s an OG&E streetlight within the Oklahoma City-metro area, the company will deploy its contract crews to investigate the problem and start the repair process. The repair timeline depends on what needs to be fixed or replaced.

    If the streetlight is maintained by the City of Oklahoma City, OG&E will notify them of the outage. The City uses a contractor to repair the streetlights it maintains.

    Some streetlights are privately owned. Fixing those lights, or paying for the electricity necessary for them to be turned on, is at the discretion of the owner.

    About 220 streetlights maintained by the City downtown have recently been restored, and more repairs are ongoing. About 40 streetlights maintained by OG&E downtown have also recently been repaired. The streetlights that remain out are most likely due to ongoing construction projects in the area."

    It just frustrates me that they don't seem to have any plan (or care) to remedy the rest of the city. Relying solely on citizen reports is not sufficient.

  18. Default Re: Streetlight Outages

    Regarding calling that number to report (or having the City take the report and pass it to OGE), the problem is that there is no acknowledgement, tracking, updates, etc.. So it just goes into the abyss. Is it OGE's light? You won't know until it comes back on. Is it someone else's responsibility? You'll never know. Do they pass the info on to the responsible party? You'll never know. Is there a technical problem or construction problem preventing the repair? You'll never know. Is the light fixed? Unless you drive/walk past it again, you'll never know. You'll just continue to walk/drive past the light(s) and get more and more aggravated.

    When you report non-streetlight stuff through the City's OKCConnect app, you get an acknowledgement. You get updates. You get notification when the ticket is closed. All via e-mail and also within the app. As you should in the 21st century.

    I will say this though: once it is reported to OGE it usually gets fixed pretty quickly IF it is an OGE responsibility.

  19. #119

    Default Re: Streetlight Outages

    Perhaps it's been answered previously, but what IS the normal procedure for an OGE or City of OKC employee to detect and report an inoperable light so that it is scheduled for repair? With a sudden plethora of burned out streetlights, it seems that the previous process - or personnel - has changed.

  20. Default Re: Streetlight Outages

    When I email OG&E, I get an email response with a work order number, but as mentioned above, no way to track it, unless I call or email a follow-up.

  21. #121

    Default Re: Streetlight Outages

    Urbanized brings up some great points, and it all comes down to consequences, IMO. There are no consequences for lights being out for OG&E, the city, nobody at all has to suffer anything bad at all for any streetlight being out (except us citizens), there are no penalties, no fines, no nothing. So why would anybody give a crap about fixing something that they won't get punished for not fixing? Cannot believe this kind of stuff isn't written into a contract somewhere, and probably never will be, and there is no recourse for the population to get anything happening (we can't sue OG&E or the city or ODOT, we can't give them a ticket, we can't fine them, we can't do anything to make them fix the lights, we're completely at their mercy).

    Having said that, yeah, the city's doing a halfway decent job of getting things going, but they shouldn't have to, and *now* they're telling us to report the outages to OG&E (on NextDoor), instead of being the centralized place to report the lights being out as they said they would be.....

    And totally agree with AusKlos that nobody has any plan on this, don't seem to care about anything besides downtown, and relying on citizen reports (not solely, it appears, but pretty close) is not sufficient. But I suspect this brouhaha will go on for a bit, then lights will keep burning out, and we'll all get tired of reporting them, and things will go back to the way they were, entropy rules...

  22. #122

    Default Re: Streetlight Outages

    Quote Originally Posted by TheTravellers View Post
    Urbanized brings up some great points, and it all comes down to consequences, IMO. There are no consequences for lights being out for OG&E, the city, nobody at all has to suffer anything bad at all for any streetlight being out (except us citizens), there are no penalties, no fines, no nothing. So why would anybody give a crap about fixing something that they won't get punished for not fixing? Cannot believe this kind of stuff isn't written into a contract somewhere, and probably never will be, and there is no recourse for the population to get anything happening (we can't sue OG&E or the city or ODOT, we can't give them a ticket, we can't fine them, we can't do anything to make them fix the lights, we're completely at their mercy).

    Having said that, yeah, the city's doing a halfway decent job of getting things going, but they shouldn't have to, and *now* they're telling us to report the outages to OG&E (on NextDoor), instead of being the centralized place to report the lights being out as they said they would be.....

    And totally agree with AusKlos that nobody has any plan on this, don't seem to care about anything besides downtown, and relying on citizen reports (not solely, it appears, but pretty close) is not sufficient. But I suspect this brouhaha will go on for a bit, then lights will keep burning out, and we'll all get tired of reporting them, and things will go back to the way they were, entropy rules...
    The City never said they were going to be the centralized place to report streetlight outages. The best way to report outages is to go directly to OG&E, however if people choose to use the Action Center's tools we'll get them over to OG&E's customer service department.

  23. Default Re: Streetlight Outages

    I think the City is taking a pretty active and admirable role in addressing this. It’s overwhelmingly OGE’s responsibility, City-wide. The whole thing could be solved by having better monitoring and reporting (including proactive reporting) on the part of the utility. If anything the City will hopefully write those requirements into the next franchise agreement, though technology (LED + sensors + smart network) will hopefully render much of it moot eventually.

    I think the only place where the City struggled a bit (by their own admission) was specific to downtown, where they had quite a few lights (such as Project 180) that were City-maintained or affected by construction and also maybe had some silo effect going on with not every department being fully sure which lights the City was responsible for and which OGE was. And I think that is being aggressively rectified and pretty quickly, thanks to the public discussion.

    I’m don’t want to be harsh on anyone, but if it’s OGE’s responsibility to maintain them (which appears to be the case in most instances) there should be user-friendly public reporting, at least, and internal, proactive reporting at best.

  24. #124

    Default Re: Streetlight Outages

    Honestly, OG&E needs a simple form on their website that creates a ticket and places it in a queue for rectification. I'm not going to take time out of my work day (probably during one of my breaks) to call a number and speak with someone. We need a 24/7 solution to this - a web form specifically for light outages.

  25. Default Re: Streetlight Outages

    Yep. While that Dallas Oncor site I linked above is the gold standard, a simple reporting-specific web contact form would be a great start.

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