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Thread: FlashBack RetroPub

  1. #101

    Default Re: FlashBack RetroPub

    Did you all talk to Steve Mason about property he has on 8th St.? With the Metropolitan going in, that street is ripe for redevelopment and close enough to AA and 9th St. to not get lost.

  2. #102

    Default Re: FlashBack RetroPub

    8th st. would be perfect for a pub like this! There is already a small salon there working on opening a full men's shop with Barbers and Retail. Starbucks is rumored to be going in on the corner of 8th and Oklahoma ave. as well. The pub could be a nice anchor for 8th st.

  3. #103

    Default Re: FlashBack RetroPub

    Quote Originally Posted by pahdz View Post
    What are the hurdles for Film Row? Seems like a place like this could liven up the night there.
    It really depends on what end of Film Row there's space available? If you're on the East end you have to be cautious and stay at least 300 ft from the Elementary School, but that seems to be the only hurdle. It's just being able to find a building that doesn't need too much work done to it.

  4. #104

    Default Re: FlashBack RetroPub

    Quote Originally Posted by JRod1980 View Post
    It really depends on what end of Film Row there's space available? If you're on the East end you have to be cautious and stay at least 300 ft from the Elementary School, but that seems to be the only hurdle. It's just being able to find a building that doesn't need too much work done to it.
    Film row needs the development, but it's going to be a long time until film row has the residents and foot traffic that deep deuce, AA, or midtown have. I would feel that film row is too much of a risk to do something like this, now.

  5. #105

    Default Re: FlashBack RetroPub

    Quote Originally Posted by betts View Post
    Did you all talk to Steve Mason about property he has on 8th St.? With the Metropolitan going in, that street is ripe for redevelopment and close enough to AA and 9th St. to not get lost.
    Our broker reached out to their contact, but nothing came of it. One thing to keep in mind here is that while some properties may look available, there's already been a plan put in place for what that property will become. I can honesty say that there were only 2-3 spots in AA that might work for us. I've learned a ton throughout this entire process, which has been a blessing at time and also a curse at others.

  6. #106

    Default Re: FlashBack RetroPub

    Quote Originally Posted by Chadanth View Post
    Film row needs the development, but it's going to be a long time until film row has the residents and foot traffic that deep deuce, AA, or midtown have. I would feel that film row is too much of a risk to do something like this, now.
    I think that the 21C Hotel will go a long way in helping that traffic, as well as the OGE Center. You will potentially have hotels on both ends of Film Row, just off Sheridan. So who knows, 2 years from now Film Row could be filled with tons of traffic on a nightly basis.

  7. #107

    Default Re: FlashBack RetroPub

    Quote Originally Posted by JRod1980 View Post
    I think that the 21C Hotel will go a long way in helping that traffic, as well as the OGE Center. You will potentially have hotels on both ends of Film Row, just off Sheridan. So who knows, 2 years from now Film Row could be filled with tons of traffic on a nightly basis.
    It probably will be. If you can hold on with potentially lower traffic for those two years, being first mover could have it's advantages. You'd have better pick of the space as well.

  8. #108

    Default Re: FlashBack RetroPub

    Have you all considered the open space next to fassler/dustbowl?

  9. #109

    Default Re: FlashBack RetroPub

    Quote Originally Posted by PhiAlpha View Post
    Have you all considered the open space next to fassler/dustbowl?

    Flashback Retropub would perfectly complement that area in my opinion.

  10. Default Re: FlashBack RetroPub

    Quote Originally Posted by PhiAlpha View Post
    Have you all considered the open space next to fassler/dustbowl?
    This is brilliant and would create a little bar hopping district with McNellies, Fassler Hall/Dust Bowl, all the way up Walker.

  11. #111

    Default Re: FlashBack RetroPub

    That would be awesome. What is the sf of the rise vs. this open space?

  12. #112

    Default Re: FlashBack RetroPub

    I'd not go FilmRow. This is a niche concept, and FilmRow needs non-niche night-life before it's going to do justice to a place like Flashback. Flashback being right by DustBowl makes for a fantastic little adult entertainment corner.

  13. #113

    Default Re: FlashBack RetroPub

    Quote Originally Posted by Teo9969 View Post
    I'd not go FilmRow. This is a niche concept, and FilmRow needs non-niche night-life before it's going to do justice to a place like Flashback. Flashback being right by DustBowl makes for a fantastic little adult entertainment corner.

  14. #114

    Default Re: FlashBack RetroPub

    Quote Originally Posted by Teo9969 View Post
    I'd not go FilmRow. This is a niche concept, and FilmRow needs non-niche night-life before it's going to do justice to a place like Flashback. Flashback being right by DustBowl makes for a fantastic little adult entertainment corner.
    I agree 100%. I like film row and think it could support some restaurant and bar concepts, but It would seem that flashback would be pretty risky there right now. There would definitely be first mover advantages but with at least a year or two before the first hotel openning and 2-4 years before the first new residential developments open, it might just be too soon.

  15. #115

    Default Re: FlashBack RetroPub

    Quote Originally Posted by PhiAlpha View Post
    I agree 100%. I like film row and think it could support some restaurant and bar concepts, but It would seem that flashback would be pretty risky there right now. There would definitely be first mover advantages but with at least a year or two before the first hotel openning and 2-4 years before the first new residential developments open, it might just be too soon.
    In defense of Film Row, the same could have been said when McNellies opened in Midtown, when Grandad's opened in Uptown or when Saints opened in Plaza. They all faced risky situations of being the first of their concept with no other real nightlife draw to the area. Look at them now, all anchors to those districts. There's something to be said for being the first at the right time.

  16. Default Re: FlashBack RetroPub

    Quote Originally Posted by JRod1980 View Post
    I love that Old Gas/Repair Station on 10th & Harvey, but I can only imagine how much work that building needs.
    All I can say is: MORE THAN YOU CAN POSSIBLY IMAGINE!!!! Knock it down and build it brand new in identically the same fashion, you'll be better off and save a ton.

  17. #117

    Default Re: FlashBack RetroPub

    Has anybody mentioned this building at 10th and Classen? Is it the right size or is it too small?


  18. #118

    Default Re: FlashBack RetroPub

    Quote Originally Posted by bchris02 View Post
    Has anybody mentioned this building at 10th and Classen? Is it the right size or is it too small?

    I've been aware of this building being available for several weeks. It's the former home of Verdigris, who moved to H&8th. It's a cool building, I'm sure it would make for a good restaurant location once The Lift is completed. But not the location for FlashBack RetroPub.

  19. Default Re: FlashBack RetroPub

    Quote Originally Posted by JRod1980 View Post
    I've been aware of this building being available for several weeks. It's the former home of Verdigris, who moved to H&8th. It's a cool building, I'm sure it would make for a good restaurant location once The Lift is completed. But not the location for FlashBack RetroPub.
    I agree. Too far from everything else.

  20. #120

    Default Re: FlashBack RetroPub

    While I would probably make my way to Flashback 1-2x a month regardless of location, I want them to be successful in the short and long run, and I have trouble believing it would do well in Film Row in the near term. Foot traffic is low and it's a ghost town after dark. It's a risk I'm not sure I would take. I get the feeling that they're considering it or even further along, and if that's the case, I wish them luck and will certainly be a customer, but I see a Film Row location as a serious struggle in the foreseeable future.

  21. #121

    Default Re: FlashBack RetroPub

    Quote Originally Posted by Chadanth View Post
    While I would probably make my way to Flashback 1-2x a month regardless of location, I want them to be successful in the short and long run, and I have trouble believing it would do well in Film Row in the near term. Foot traffic is low and it's a ghost town after dark. It's a risk I'm not sure I would take. I get the feeling that they're considering it or even further along, and if that's the case, I wish them luck and will certainly be a customer, but I see a Film Row location as a serious struggle in the foreseeable future.

    Bars like Flashback Retropub do best when they compliment other nearby establishments. That's why I think it would be a slam dunk in Midtown.

  22. #122

    Default Re: FlashBack RetroPub

    We have not signed a lease in at any specific location as of today. The point I was trying to make was that with the growth of the OKC Downtown area, a good bar can look outside of the Midtown, Auto Alley districts to be successful. The other hurdle we have to jump is getting an ABC3 permit, we have no plans to serve food, so the requirements to get an ABC3 can be hard to overcome when you look at places like Midtown and AA. In regards to my comments about Film Row, I could say the same for Farmers Market. Both cool areas, lots of growth in the near future. And in a year should have a hotel drawing more people to both areas. Now Film Row is currently in a better position then Farmers Market, but as we have all seen with Midtown, Plaza and AA it just takes one great investor to turn the district around.

  23. #123

    Default Re: FlashBack RetroPub

    In defense of Film Row, all that Arts District housing will be coming online soon and that will help Film Row's late night cause.

    What I worry about for Flashback, is that while there are almost certain to be super avid regulars, I predict a sizable segment of the drinking public that will actively lobby for other options when they are going out with friends. A lot depends on the way the concept is laid out, but even if a way is found to provide adequate separation of the arcade aspect from the bar aspect, I imagine the sheer amount of noise from the machines will push away the average person looking for the average bar, but if it's located in a bar hopping district, people who otherwise might not come will definitely stop in and take in the experience for a minute. It would be super awesome to have it right next to Dust Bowl.

  24. #124

    Default Re: FlashBack RetroPub

    Film Row does have major potential and excellent building stock (probably among the most intact in the metro next to Auto Alley and Capitol Hill). It is definitely ripe for revitalization and I think it will really take off once the 21c Hotel gets built. Looking back, it's hard to believe Midtown was virtually as dead three years ago. Looking at the long term vision, something like Flashback would be ideal at Film Row.

    My only concern would be the near term for reasons Teo9969 laid out above. Something like this seems like it would have the most success in a bar hopping district rather than by itself. Film Row will eventually be that, but can it survive on its own during the transition?

  25. #125

    Default Re: FlashBack RetroPub

    Is any of that 8th St property between Robinson and Broadway available and suitable? I think being situated near the OCU law school would be good for business.

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