Re: Core to Shore
Urban, that sounds like a wonderful idea and I think NWX and Classen thrufares are 'natural' light rail corridors (and possibly the ONLY ones that exist today in OKC) - BUT
I also agree with the critics that we should START that light rail corridor with bus. Begin with Express bus to build ridership. Once critical mass is achieved, then we move to Commuter Bus (which is expanded Express Bus for those who are not aware [express runs during rush hours and has very limited stops, commuter bus runs more frequently and moreso through the day and typically has a few more stops than express]). I wouldn't feel very good (and neither would the feds/state) by OKC planning to JUST build a light rail line without first having critical mass numbers/transit users built up along the corridor first. And no doubt, such a light rail line (even if it is so-called Expanded/Rapid Streetcar - which I think is a horrible idea given the distance/just build LRT) will require monies above what MAPS could/SHOULD contribute.
I honestly think/hope that MAPS IV capitalizes on the MAPS III Streetcar portion, and is more or less a TRANSIT MAPS for the region - with the suburbs chipping in this time (at least where the lines would likely go).
Oklahoma City, the RENAISSANCE CITY!