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Thread: New OCU Law School (dead)

  1. Default Re: OCU law school to move downtown?

    Quote Originally Posted by Comm'l Real Estate Guy View Post
    Onthestrip, I'm not qualified in the parking garage area, but I think they cost even more than that. $10,000/spot is what they might be bought for, but I'm not sure they can built for that. Back to your point, if OCU built a 500 space garage and it cost $10,000/space....that's a $5,000,000 garage. There might be money from other sources available for that garage, but I bet people would cry foul over public money being spent this way.
    Like I said, it has already been done. Public money has already been used to build structured parking for a private development downtown, with no public outcry that I know of. That's the type of thing TIFs were created for, and in fact as far as I know can't be used for purposes OTHER than providing incentive for private development within the area of the TIF district in question. Outcry happens when people don't understand the TIF mechanism and confuse the money with money from the City's general fund.

  2. Default Re: OCU law school to move downtown?

    Assuming that a parking garage has to cash flow to make sense is myopic. Preserving the surrounding buildings rather than knocking them down for surface parking OR replacing them with new buildings has the potential to offset the cost of a parking structure in the long term, especially one with a public funding component. Despite its cheapness, surface parking is pretty much the OPPOSITE of "highest and best use" of downtown property.

  3. Default Re: OCU law school to move downtown?

    Quote Originally Posted by Urbanized View Post
    Assuming that a parking garage has to cash flow to make sense is myopic.
    It's just another example of the kind of narrow thinking that has people voting against MAPS 3 because they don't think it will affect them in any positive way.
    Don't Edmond My Downtown

  4. #104

    Default Re: OCU law school to move downtown?

    I don't know whether you've driven around that area Urbanized, but much of the area is already surface parking as many of those buildings were razed many years ago (probably during the urban renewal days).

  5. Default Re: OCU law school to move downtown?

    Yeah, I'm actually really familiar with the area. In fact, I'm pretty familiar with exactly which buildings/property are/is owned by the Hall family, since another of my nine lives included working for them for about 5 years.

    There are a number of buildings there still worth preserving IMO. That said, I'm not such a hardcore preservationist that I don't also believe that sometimes new buildings replacing old, when done right, is OK and even at times preferable. It's the "higher and better use" standard. The old Model T plant is non-negotiable from a preservation standpoint, but some of the others are not.

    A sea of surface parking should ALWAYS be considered a temporary solution at best and frowned upon from an urban development standpoint, which I know you know.

    I feel pretty confident that the Halls and OCU will find and do the right thing. Those are two very community-minded entities.

  6. #106

    Default Re: OCU law school to move downtown?

    Quote Originally Posted by Urbanized View Post
    I feel pretty confident that the Halls and OCU will find and do the right thing. Those are two very community-minded entities.
    There's no question about that. I'm hoping that they simply demolish some of the less historical significant (and functionally useless) parts of the plant in favor of an on-site parking garage. The facility could theoretically all be self-contained if done right.

    As I've said before, the land surrounding the Plant will probably be in high demand for the construction of buildings for office space, storefronts, copy shops and those sorts of things.

  7. Default Re: OCU law school to move downtown?

    If surface parking already exists, it makes for a good temporary solution, but I agree that OCU and the Halls' should aim to build a garage eventually if not immediately. As the area grows, it will be needed more by the general public in addition to the students and faculty.
    Don't Edmond My Downtown

  8. Default Re: OCU law school to move downtown?

    Which is why TIF makes so much sense. I think typically one of the requirements for TIF funding of a parking structure attached to a private development is that a certain number of spaces are set aside for public use.

  9. Default Re: OCU law school to move downtown?

    jbrown - as a student, i would have said BOOO to that. Students should be first and foremost the main thought behind parking. Any public needs to come second. If they don't provide enough parking for students because the public ends up paying to use the garage, then the public needs to go....same for a surface lot. This would first be an academic institution...the public needs to take a back seat.

    With that in mind, if it doesn't make sense witht he number of students versus the number of spaces available...then why build a garage? Is there anyone here that things adding a garage won't detract from the look of the building? Even a small 3 or 4 floor structure would significantly change the look of the area and who would rather look at garage instead of that building?

  10. Default Re: OCU law school to move downtown?

    I'm not saying students should be pushed out for the public, but as an example, they might have fewer students using it on a weekend and could make up some of the cost by doing public parking for events and general use.
    Don't Edmond My Downtown

  11. #111

    Default Re: OCU law school to move downtown?

    Quote Originally Posted by bombermwc View Post
    jbrown - as a student, i would have said BOOO to that. Students should be first and foremost the main thought behind parking. Any public needs to come second. If they don't provide enough parking for students because the public ends up paying to use the garage, then the public needs to go....same for a surface lot. This would first be an academic institution...the public needs to take a back seat.

    With that in mind, if it doesn't make sense witht he number of students versus the number of spaces available...then why build a garage? Is there anyone here that things adding a garage won't detract from the look of the building? Even a small 3 or 4 floor structure would significantly change the look of the area and who would rather look at garage instead of that building?
    Have you actually looked at the building? Apparently not. The entire south end of the building consists of a single story structure which isn't all that big. Could be easily removed and replaced with a 3-4 story parking garage. The facade of the building wouldn't change one iota. The south end wouldn't suffer either. It's not like that structure is historical or even good looking.

  12. Default Re: OCU law school to move downtown?

    Seems like they could simply include the cost of parking in a parking structure - which would be used to pay FOR the parking structure in the tuition. Make the garage exclusive to the law school to keep the public out. Then it would be a moot point.

  13. #113

    Default Re: OCU law school to move downtown?

    Quote Originally Posted by mugofbeer View Post
    Seems like they could simply include the cost of parking in a parking structure - which would be used to pay FOR the parking structure in the tuition. Make the garage exclusive to the law school to keep the public out. Then it would be a moot point.
    Unless the school built a structure with space to spare.... then they could charge the public for parking.

    But yeah, I agree.

  14. Default Re: OCU law school to move downtown?

    Maybe open floor 1 to paying public and floors 2+ to security badged students only?

  15. #115

    Default Re: OCU law school to move downtown?

    Is this project moving along? I haven't seen or heard much since the MAPS 3 vote.

  16. #116

    Default Re: OCU law school to move downtown?

    Drove by the other day, nothing seems to have changed.

  17. #117

    Default Re: OCU law school to move downtown?

    I would think that it would be in the planning stage with architects putting things together.

    Does anyone know if they have selected an architect?

  18. #118

    Default Re: OCU law school to move downtown?

    Quote Originally Posted by okclee View Post
    I would think that it would be in the planning stage with architects putting things together.

    Does anyone know if they have selected an architect?
    Or they could be stuck waiting for leases to expire.

  19. Default Re: OCU law school to move downtown?

    I know a design team has been selected. That's all I got.

  20. #120

    Default Re: OCU law school to move downtown?

    I always understood it that it was going to be over the course of several years starting in 2011 or 2012 if I understood correctly. Not sure how long the Vodka distillery has a lease for.

  21. #121

    Default Re: OCU law school to move downtown?

    Dunno, but I have seen a lot of redevelopment going on between the Fred Jones building and downtown. A lot of those old buildings are being cleaned up and it looks like businesses are moving in.

  22. Default Re: OCU law school to move downtown?

    Quote Originally Posted by metro View Post
    I always understood it that it was going to be over the course of several years starting in 2011 or 2012 if I understood correctly. Not sure how long the Vodka distillery has a lease for.
    Well the school should be open by 2013, and it's going to be a very large construction project. Keep in mind this building is huge..nearly 200,000 sf, $35 million project.

  23. #123

    Default Re: OCU law school to move downtown?

    Quote Originally Posted by hoyasooner View Post
    Dunno, but I have seen a lot of redevelopment going on between the Fred Jones building and downtown. A lot of those old buildings are being cleaned up and it looks like businesses are moving in.
    Yes, you're referring to the Film Row streetscaping project, which has been in the works for many years, but just got off the ground late last year, FINALLY, but it is looking nicely now. Fred Jones Bldg. has nothing to do with the streetscape.

  24. #124

    Default Re: OCU law school to move downtown?

    Quote Originally Posted by metro View Post
    Yes, you're referring to the Film Row streetscaping project, which has been in the works for many years, but just got off the ground late last year, FINALLY, but it is looking nicely now. Fred Jones Bldg. has nothing to do with the streetscape.
    Didn't say it did. I was just noting that the development is between Fred Jones and the rest of downtown.

  25. Default Re: OCU law school to move downtown?

    I hear it's going to be at 800 N Harvey now..

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