Glenn, sorry to sort of pick on you a little, but I do want to respond to your post. I know you are entitled to your opinion and it IS valuable - dont get me wrong. But, I am concerned about your thoughts that you are not considering the big picture. That's all. Anyways...
You mentioned that Bennett and McClendon want the team here. Be glad that that is the case, otherwise the Sonics surely would be going to KC.
You mentioned that Bennett and McClendon want the team here so they should absorb the majority of the cost. Well, wont they? I mean, they've already paid some $350M to purchase the team, and millions of dollars to litigate moving the team to OKC already - with much more millions to litigate going 4-ward. NAME ME ANYONE FROM OKC WHO HAS EVER FOUGHT THIS HARD FOR THE SAKE OF OKC'S IMAGE!!!!!! And, lest us not forget - Bennett and co will have to pay the NBA relocation fee and any settlement that the city of Seattle might be entitled to if they move prior to 2010. I'd say Bennett and Co will surely be out some $500M by the end of this - and even then, they will have to spend more to establish marketing and contracts with the media in the OKC/TUL/Wichita/Others in the region.
Compare this to what OKC has/will spend: $89M for Ford Center, $100M for Ford Center updates (most of which are needed anyways to stay a top arena), $20M for a NBA specific practice facility (which I say we make it a OCU combo facility so more than JUST the NBA will use the facility and try to get corporate sponsorship to take on most/all of this cost anyways and Im sure they will step up; so the $20M figure is worst case). That only equals $209M in city money (most likely will be $200M tho given SOME corporate support for the facility should be expected).
$200M from the city VS $500M+++ from Clay Bennett/Aubrey McClendon's PBC. I'd say OKC is getting a STEAL of a deal from this, especially when you consider that CB was asking Seattle to spend $450M in tax money to keep the Sonics up here (people up here are mad about that, by the way).
As for the increase in the hotel/motel/rental car tax. I had posted to this earlier (perhaps in another thread). Even if we did this, we would NOT be able to collect the dollars needed quick enough. OKC is a very small city (when compared to other major cities) with a small amount of hotel rooms (I think around 14,000 now) and of that only 1,200 would be considered premium/luxury.
Also, OKC's low taxes are a competitive advantage. I do agree that OKC should raise it's taxes a little but I think that differential revenue should be used for more tourism/marketing/convention purposes and NOT for the arena. It will be WAY too little of dollars.
Like I said, I understand and appreciate your concerns but I think they are not well grounded. Your concerns sound mostly like someone complaining from the prospective of not doing research or otherwise 'in-the-know', with perhaps a little hate going on for Bennett/McClendon.
Irregardless if the above is true, you have to agree with me that getting an NBA team is essential for OKC, and that it is a STEAL for OKC to get one (and a top tier arena) for $200M - which is significantly less than other cities and WAY less than the owners will have shelled out to bring you guys top basketball - NBA talent 41 days (58+ days including the WNBA, more if either make playoffs) of the year!!
I think an additional $121M over only 15 months starting next year is a small yet necessary price to significantly move OKC up a knotch. You have to agree with me/us there (from at least a pragmatic prospective considering my arguments above.)
Glenn, I dont disagree with you that we need to address mass transit in the city BUT as was mentioned earlier - we will begin to address that in MAPS III (or we need to MAKE SURE at least the downtown trolley is in there, for starts).