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Thread: Dave and Buster's

  1. #101

    Default Re: Dave & Buster's coming to OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by BoulderSooner View Post
    how people can think parking is a "nightmare" in bricktown is beyond me ..
    When was the last time you where in Bricktown? Paying somewhere between $10-$20 to park isn't what I consider ideal. Given, if you drive around long enough or lie to the parking attended in the In the Raw parking lot you can find something if you give it enough time. But until I can get off a bus or train in Bricktown and walk to my destination the parking will remain a nightmare. For the types of establishments located there, the time spent looking for parking isn't worth it. I can go anywhere else in the city, order a beer and finish it before I find free parking in Bricktown.

  2. #102

    Default Re: Dave & Buster's coming to OKC

    List the top 20 attractions in OKC pre-1994 and see how many were downtown (answer - 2, the Myriad and Civic Center). OKC focused on the urban fringe for 60 years and it almost killed the city.

  3. #103

    Default Re: Dave & Buster's coming to OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by swilki View Post
    When was the last time you where in Bricktown? Paying somewhere between $10-$20 to park isn't what I consider ideal. Given, if you drive around long enough or lie to the parking attended in the In the Raw parking lot you can find something if you give it enough time. But until I can get off a bus or train in Bricktown and walk to my destination the parking will remain a nightmare. For the types of establishments located there, the time spent looking for parking isn't worth it. I can go anywhere else in the city, order a beer and finish it before I find free parking in Bricktown.
    I have been to Bricktown countless times and never paid to park, or found it overly difficult to find a parking place. Plenty of plentiful and free parking by Bass Pro or north of Bricktown if you can walk a few blocks. You have to know where to look.

  4. #104

    Default Re: Dave & Buster's coming to OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by swilki View Post
    When was the last time you where in Bricktown? Paying somewhere between $10-$20 to park isn't what I consider ideal. Given, if you drive around long enough or lie to the parking attended in the In the Raw parking lot you can find something if you give it enough time. But until I can get off a bus or train in Bricktown and walk to my destination the parking will remain a nightmare. For the types of establishments located there, the time spent looking for parking isn't worth it. I can go anywhere else in the city, order a beer and finish it before I find free parking in Bricktown.
    lets see 2 or 3 times a week for several years now .. and park for free most of the time .. only time i pay to park is when i am in a hurry or late and then i at most pay 5 or 6 bucks ..

  5. #105

    Default Re: Dave & Buster's coming to OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by Kerry View Post
    List the top 20 attractions in OKC pre-1994 and see how many were downtown (answer - 2, the Myriad and Civic Center). OKC focused on the urban fringe for 60 years and it almost killed the city.
    Kerry - I don't disagree. However, I don't really consider NW Expressway and May urban fringe. If this thing were going in on Memorial, Edmond, Moore or Norman I would be against it.

    To all those who seem to think that parking is the only thing that stops me going to Bricktown, that's not the case. I am always willing to walk somewhere, as long as the destination warrants it so. The resturants and bars in Bricktown just don't do it for me and almost all my friends, aged 23-30. Bricktown needs to become more Urban and unqiue. Sonic, Earls, Abuelos, Zios, Hooters, a canal that goes no where, starbucks, texadelphia and the like can be found anywhere in the city, well I guess minus the canal. If places like McNellies, Big Truck Tacos, VZDs, Sean Cummings, Picasso's, etc. began to open up in Bricktown I would be there everynight. I think we have touched on this before in a different forum, so I don't wanna get to deep into this issue, but the crowd in Bricktown isn't great in my opinion. You have a bunch of high schoolers mixed with tourists and trashy drunks - not my type of crowd.

    I'll end with this, if everyone is so concerned with keeping my age group in the city, we better start focusing on how to provide other opportunities for entertainment and such out of Bricktown. Quality of life is obviously the key issue, but making sure the quality of life in one area is great and ignoring other pockets of the city won't cut it. I am sure that the dynamic in Bricktown would change if more people my age could afford to move down there, but everyone keeps building apartments and lofts that cost the same as a house. I and many I know can't afford that. Therefore we are forced to live in other areas of the city and when there is very little to do elsewhere other than what is in Bricktown, the quality of life begins to diminish. I know that there are many on this forum that will disagree with me, sorry. But honestly, the whole thing I outlined above is one of the main factors I would consider living else where.

  6. #106

    Default Re: Dave & Buster's coming to OKC

    swilki - it won't be long until you can park anywhere near downtown and take the streetcar to Bricktown. That should put an end to any and all parking complaints. It should also allow for the addition of more affordable housing on the fringes of downtown but still in walking distance to a streetcar stop.

  7. Default Re: Dave & Buster's coming to OKC

    Guys, the rumor that Dave & Buster's is having to relocate due to protests from nearby churches is false. The ABC zoning went through with no protests and was unanimously approved by the council.

  8. #108

    Default Re: Dave & Buster's coming to OKC

    Steve nothing about protests, just city ordinance concerns.

  9. #109

    Default Re: Dave & Buster's coming to OKC

    * * *
    Last edited by kevinpate; 02-08-2011 at 02:21 PM. Reason: wasn't on-topic

  10. Default Re: Dave & Buster's coming to OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by metro View Post
    I heard they may be looking at a new location because they have a bar and the proximity to the church ar the corner of NW 50th and May.
    This would refer to the ABC zoning, which allows the sale of alcohol at an establishment. An ABC zoning is typically challenged through protests of nearby property owners. When I refer to protests, it's not usually people getting out in the streets, holding up signs, etc., but rather people filing notice at City Hall that they object to a zoning request. The ABC zoning was passed unanimously today by the council with no protests, no city staff concerns expressed. Not trying to make a big deal out of the post from a week or two ago (I didn't even remember who made the post so it wasn't directed at Metro). As with anything, there might have been a concern out there at one point or another. Just letting folks know D&B apparently is not looking for a new site.

  11. #111

    Default Re: Dave & Buster's coming to OKC

    But, Steve, .... This still doesn't solve the Dave & Buster problem with parking in Bricktown issue.

  12. #112

    Default Re: Dave & Buster's coming to OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by swilki View Post
    Kerry - I don't disagree. However, I don't really consider NW Expressway and May urban fringe. If this thing were going in on Memorial, Edmond, Moore or Norman I would be against it.

    To all those who seem to think that parking is the only thing that stops me going to Bricktown, that's not the case. I am always willing to walk somewhere, as long as the destination warrants it so. The resturants and bars in Bricktown just don't do it for me and almost all my friends, aged 23-30. Bricktown needs to become more Urban and unqiue. Sonic, Earls, Abuelos, Zios, Hooters, a canal that goes no where, starbucks, texadelphia and the like can be found anywhere in the city, well I guess minus the canal. If places like McNellies, Big Truck Tacos, VZDs, Sean Cummings, Picasso's, etc. began to open up in Bricktown I would be there everynight. I think we have touched on this before in a different forum, so I don't wanna get to deep into this issue, but the crowd in Bricktown isn't great in my opinion. You have a bunch of high schoolers mixed with tourists and trashy drunks - not my type of crowd.

    I'll end with this, if everyone is so concerned with keeping my age group in the city, we better start focusing on how to provide other opportunities for entertainment and such out of Bricktown. Quality of life is obviously the key issue, but making sure the quality of life in one area is great and ignoring other pockets of the city won't cut it. I am sure that the dynamic in Bricktown would change if more people my age could afford to move down there, but everyone keeps building apartments and lofts that cost the same as a house. I and many I know can't afford that. Therefore we are forced to live in other areas of the city and when there is very little to do elsewhere other than what is in Bricktown, the quality of life begins to diminish. I know that there are many on this forum that will disagree with me, sorry. But honestly, the whole thing I outlined above is one of the main factors I would consider living else where.
    I am of the same age group and I agree... kind of. Bricktown is definitely not the scene unless you just turned 21 or are a tourist. I don't go out on Friday and Saturday nights in Bricktown, but I do support it before/after Thunder games by going to places like Brix or Texadelphia. I think that with Level and other developments that will hopefully follow that the Deep Deuce area will become a cooler place to hang out. As of now, Western and Classen are much more popular with 20-30 somethings.

  13. #113

    Default Re: Dave & Buster's coming to OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by KilgoreTrout View Post
    I am of the same age group and I agree... kind of. Bricktown is definitely not the scene unless you just turned 21 or are a tourist. I don't go out on Friday and Saturday nights in Bricktown, but I do support it before/after Thunder games by going to places like Brix or Texadelphia. I think that with Level and other developments that will hopefully follow that the Deep Deuce area will become a cooler place to hang out. As of now, Western and Classen are much more popular with 20-30 somethings.

  14. Default Re: Dave & Buster's coming to OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by okclee View Post
    But, Steve, .... This still doesn't solve the Dave & Buster problem with parking in Bricktown issue.
    1. Awesome response.
    2. I predict the discussion you refer to will continue for weeks.

  15. #115

    Default Re: Dave & Buster's coming to OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by okclee View Post
    But, Steve, .... This still doesn't solve the Dave & Buster problem with parking in Bricktown issue.
    There is no parking issue in Bricktown, I go to Bricktown 5--6 times a month and I've never had a parking problem. The only ones that claim otherwise are those that expect front door parking, they are the same ones you see circling the parking lot at Walmart looking for a closer spot.

  16. Default Re: Dave & Buster's coming to OKC

    Swiki and Kilgore - but that's precisely why I'd like to see this in Bricktown. We know it's a more touristy area, which isn't all bad, but why not add more things to make it more resident entertainment friendly? That's exactlly the type of development that would make a difference for your argument....

    1 - It would add something than food for something to do down there
    2 - It would offer food that isn't available anywhere else in town
    3 - I ignore people that complain about parking in Bricktown, sorry

    So why not be motivated to help make Bricktown better for the people that live here. OK, so this one is going in on May.....we're just speaking hypothetically about a Bricktown location anyway. Had Sega Gameworks come in, that would have been something unique down there. I would agree that there really isn't that much that's unique down there. Bolero is a great tapas bar, you've got Red Pin, and a handful of places like that, but mostly what you find down there can be found somewhere else.

    I would say, the atmostphere and the canal are reasons to go there anyway though. My wife and I enjoy parking near the land run monument and walking the canal in the summer on our way to eat dinner somewhere. You get a nice little walk and view with lots of people that are doing the same thing. It can be relaxing....and you walk off your desert on the way back to the car...LOL

  17. #117

    Default Re: Dave & Buster's coming to OKC

    I should have never mentioned parking in my original argument.....it has caused many to over look the other points I mentioned.

    Bomber - You are correct, it would add something different and unique in Bricktown, no doubt about it. However, it would still be another national chain going into Bricktown.

    Sorry guys if I am dreaming of a place that is more unique and urban. Bricktown just isn't there yet, maybe when some places like Level are built and open the dynamic will begin to change because a younger, more local crowd will be down there.

  18. #118

    Default Re: Dave & Buster's coming to OKC

    swilki and I are on the same page. Foe Bricktown to become a really cool place to hang out it needs to develop a local vibe... at least in a part of Bricktown. You'd need local resaurants, music venues, and other local places that actually feel local. Bricktown still feels like it is made for tourists. I would love to to see Bricktown develop a feel like the Plaza District, Plaza Court, Western, or Paseo, but it doesn't have that feel yet. Again, I think the Deep Deuce area has the best chance to develop as a place to go.

  19. #119

    Default Re: Dave & Buster's coming to OKC

    Most of Bricktown IS local, what are y'all talking about. Only national chains are McD's, Sonic (national HQ in Btown), and Melting Pot.

  20. #120

    Default Re: Dave & Buster's coming to OKC

    Would the large empty building on the NW corner of Reno and Oklahoma be big enough for a Dave and Busters. That building is huge and would be a very cool location in my opinion. Large parking lot right across the street.

  21. Default Re: Dave & Buster's coming to OKC

    I think, in this case, Dave and Buster's looked at the demographics. North May is booming from NW 50th all the way north. Not only that, they're going to be at the NWX/May corner just blocks east of Lake Hefner Parkway. People actually live close by. Easy access from all points in NW Oklahoma City. No-brainer for D&B in my opinion.

  22. #122

    Default Re: Dave & Buster's coming to OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by MikeOKC View Post
    I think, in this case, Dave and Buster's looked at the demographics. North May is booming from NW 50th all the way north. Not only that, they're going to be at the NWX/May corner just blocks east of Lake Hefner Parkway. People actually live close by. Easy access from all points in NW Oklahoma City. No-brainer for D&B in my opinion.
    I agree

  23. #123

    Default Re: Dave & Buster's coming to OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by metro View Post
    Most of Bricktown IS local, what are y'all talking about. Only national chains are McD's, Sonic (national HQ in Btown), and Melting Pot.
    Ever been to IHOP, Abuelo's, Hooters or Spaghetti Warehouse? ...not so much local.

  24. #124

    Default Re: Dave & Buster's coming to OKC

    True forgot about those, but nonetheless it has plenty of locals red dog. Brown couldn't survive without some national chains, and I'd argue they need more for long term sustainability.

  25. #125

    Default Re: Dave & Buster's coming to OKC

    I love going to Bricktown, especially on warm summer nights. Walking along the canal holding hands with my girlfriend, a nice breeze blowing by. Possibly some thunder storms waaaayy out in the distance putting on a silent light show.... Bricktown is what it is, it's not going to be the anything and everything in OKC.

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