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My Father is pretty much the same situation, he's retired, social security, does have a small pension in addition to that, to be completely honest. He liked reading the paper, and he is certainly not the type to be reading it on the computer and/or tablet (take a guess who got called to change the clocks this morning). That $12/month is only for the Sunday paper (with a Wednesday 'bonus'), the last quote they gave him that made him say no, this isn't worth it was north of $200. It basically boiled down to pretty much the same price as getting it at the store or a dispenser, I think when figured it was like a "month free" or something. Even at $12/month for just the Sunday, that's $144 for 52 issues, a cost of just over $2.75 per paper. If you roll in the cost of the 'bonus' Wednesday edition, that's $2.25 for the Sunday paper.
Now again, my Father is not going to be getting one byte of information from the website. So telling him he gets "full access" means absolutely nothing to him. If the Oklahoman really had an interest in keeping subscribers to the print edition, they would come up with a plan that doesn't include web access, and actually presents a savings to the customer in return for the guaranteed income. But instead, as mentioned earlier, they consider such a deal to be a "liability" rather than "life blood".