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Thread: SandRidge Center & Commons

  1. #1176

    Default Re: Sandridge Demolition Appeal Hearing This Thursday!

    Quote Originally Posted by betts View Post
    Unobstructed views of what?
    Of Sandridge's new investment:


  2. Default Re: Sandridge Demolition Appeal Hearing This Thursday!

    Quote Originally Posted by lasomeday View Post
    I would love to live in one of those buildings and work at Sandridge.
    Did you recently decide this?

  3. Default Re: Sandridge Demolition Appeal Hearing This Thursday!

    Quote Originally Posted by metro View Post
    Let's do a case study, have Rogers Marvel created a corporate plaza that has been successful?
    Sheesh, I would rather not do a case study on Rogers Marvel architecture..lol

  4. #1179

    Default Re: Sandridge Demolition Appeal Hearing This Thursday!

    If they offer me a job. Just waiting on that phone call.

  5. #1180

    Default Re: Sandridge Demolition Appeal Hearing This Thursday!

    Quote Originally Posted by lasomeday View Post
    Popsy, I don't know if you know this. Most 20 and 30 year olds that are single don't want to live in the suburbs and commute to work. They want to live in the heart of the city and have a place with character and history. It is a different generation than yours.
    I'm 40 and I would love to live in downtown OKC (or downtown Jax) and walk to work. However, I don't want to raise my kids in an urban environment, but that is just me. My sister-in-law lives in downtown Chicago and she has two children and they seem to enjoy it.

  6. #1181

    Default Re: Sandridge Demolition Appeal Hearing This Thursday!

    Quote Originally Posted by lasomeday View Post
    Popsy, I don't know if you know this. Most 20 and 30 year olds that are single don't want to live in the suburbs and commute to work. They want to live in the heart of the city and have a place with character and history. It is a different generation than yours. I know this is not your cup of tea but most 20 year olds that graduate from OU and OSU that don't get hitched usually move away to cities that have vibrant areas where they can ride mass transit to get to work or ride their bike to work.

    I would love to live in one of those buildings and work at Sandridge. How convinent would that be! I could wake up at 7:30 and be at work at 8! I could go home for lunch and watch one of my favorite shows and eat and be back at work in under an hour. I could walk to bricktown on the weekends or Midtown for fun! This location is perfect for residential! I could also walk to Automobile Alley or The Myriad Gardens!

    That is what most 20 and 30 years that are single think Popsy. Just thought I would let you know. I understand and respect your opinion but not everyone is like you and your generation is totally different.
    Well said

    I too would like Popsy to give some logical reasoning as to opposition other than "it's their property, they can do what they want". No one has provided a successful case and point to the Sandridge side either.

  7. Default Re: Sandridge Demolition Appeal Hearing This Thursday!

    Quote Originally Posted by Popsy View Post
    Steve. By diverse views, do you mean views other than your own? Or do you mean my views are so much different than that of the preponderance of urbanist that have migrated to this forum since it's inception? Are you going to write a story to be published about people that apparently don't know the differences between suburban design and urban design? I will answer your questions if you will answer mine. In my early life I was a reporter for a newspaper and even owned a weekly at one time, so that might be fun even if I am rusty. Then you could have both articles published in the Oklahoman. Deal?
    Wow ...
    OK. Diverse means I've expressed a similar interest in Spartan and others. I was complimenting you. I'm not doing any story on this thread. If you don't want to answer, forget it. There are hundreds of other people on this board who are more interested in having conversations rather than being combative.

  8. #1183

    Default Re: Sandridge Demolition Appeal Hearing This Thursday!

    I love listening to Rob Rogers describe the SR plaza during his presentation.

    It is like a little slice of heaven being placed in downtown Okc.

  9. #1184

    Default Re: Sandridge Demolition Appeal Hearing This Thursday!

    Metro. Not trying to place you in a position of trying to trace where I said "it's their property, they can do what they want", as I do not remember having written that combination of words. I do feel however that I have given some logical reasons for the Sandridge case, however I also understand that one person's logical reasoning is not that of another. I also understand that when people are extremely passionate about a subject their minds can become so small and closed off that there is no reasoning contrary to their own that will seem logical to them. I do not feel passionate for any of the issues in this debate. Which category do you fit in the most accurately?

  10. #1185

    Default Re: Sandridge Demolition Appeal Hearing This Thursday!

    No your still dodging the questions, you can disagree, but you're not providing an answer as to why the demolition is beneficial and I've seen no supporter give a case and point of a successful example.

  11. Default Re: Sandridge Demolition Appeal Hearing This Thursday!

    Yep, some folks like to say a lot of things but definitely don't like questions.

  12. #1187

    Default Re: Sandridge Demolition Appeal Hearing This Thursday!

    Quote Originally Posted by metro View Post
    No your still dodging the questions, you can disagree, but you're not providing an answer as to why the demolition is beneficial and I've seen no supporter give a case and point of a successful example.
    I think it would be beneficial because their plan for the park area, etc. I understand that there are those that do not agree with that position, but I think that it is the best chance for something useful to happen at those locations. If they are not allowed to demolish, the buildings will sit there and continue to be an eyesore for the conceivable future.

  13. #1188

    Default Re: Sandridge Demolition Appeal Hearing This Thursday!

    I have asked this question before.

    Were any of the outlying buildings actually for sale prior to the KerrMac-Anardarko / Sandridge deal?

    If so what was the asking price?

  14. Default Re: Sandridge Demolition Appeal Hearing This Thursday!

    okclee, they were never offered up for public sale. Kerr-McGee CEO Luke Corbett confirmed in 2005 he had numerous parties approach him about buying and/or developing the buildings, but he declined to consider any of them until the Triangle Group came up with the proposal to buy the Braniff/Kermac/India Temple Buildings, turn them into housing, and use tax increment financing to tear down the original YMCA building and build a parking garage in its place that would have served the residents and the tower's occupants. The deal was on the verge of being completed when Anadarko bought Kerr-McGee and called it off.

  15. #1190

    Default Re: Sandridge Demolition Appeal Hearing This Thursday!

    That is what I was thinking.


  16. #1191
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    Default Re: Sandridge Demolition Appeal Hearing This Thursday!

    If they are not allowed to demolish, the buildings will sit there and continue to be an eyesore for the conceivable future.
    Eyesores? I think the biggest eyesore on the block is the tower, but that's just my opinion. If they tore it down to build a building that actually suited their needs (read: smaller) and then saved the ones with character, that'd at least be better than just thinning out downtown this way. And at least it would make sense from a utilitarian perspective. Instead, they're just tearing down buildings because they think no potential is better than the potential to have an iconic block of mixed used historic properties like Kerr McGee had planned.

  17. #1192

    Default Re: Sandridge Demolition Appeal Hearing This Thursday!

    Steve and Metro. Apparently you have read little of what I've posted because the reasons for my support for Sandridge have been detailed over and over, just the same as the U/P have reiterated their opinions. There is only so much that can be said about the subject and it has become very redundant on both sides of the debate. I am not suggesting that my argument is any more compelling than the U/P arguments. It is just individual opinions being discussed and I doubt either side will change their opinions from hearing those of another. My motive for sticking with the debate was to attempt to give another face to the debate as it was mostly one sided until myself and a few others started chiming in with our opinions. You still have us out numbered by about ten to one or greater. Chill guys, you know what I have to say means nothing to you.

  18. Default Re: Sandridge Demolition Appeal Hearing This Thursday!

    Metro, do you think the demand for rental housing downtown is dead?

  19. #1194

    Default Re: Sandridge Demolition Appeal Hearing This Thursday!

    Not at all, but I too would like to see some more AFFORDABLE (around $120K or less) housing options downtown, I think if we could get some in the $80K-$100K range, they'd sell like hotcakes.

  20. #1195

    Default Re: Sandridge Demolition Appeal Hearing This Thursday!

    Quote Originally Posted by BDP View Post
    Eyesores? I think the biggest eyesore on the block is the tower, but that's just my opinion. If they tore it down to build a building that actually suited their needs (read: smaller) and then saved the ones with character, that'd at least be better than just thinning out downtown this way. And at least it would make sense from a utilitarian perspective. Instead, they're just tearing down buildings because they think no potential is better than the potential to have an iconic block of mixed used historic properties like Kerr McGee had planned.
    I think the vacant building with the cement facade of some of those are pretty bad looking.

  21. Default Re: Sandridge Demolition Appeal Hearing This Thursday!

  22. #1197

    Default Re: Sandridge Demolition Appeal Hearing This Thursday!

    Ah crap, more real world examples that will only cloud the picture. They are even in the right price range.

  23. #1198

    Default Re: Sandridge Demolition Appeal Hearing This Thursday!

    As interesting as it is hearing a developer talk about some great project they are going to do I do not see this one happening as it is described. Someone that is willing to spend up to a million dollars on a home is not going to want to be in the same building as someone who is only spending 135K on their home. Those numbers do not make sense.

  24. #1199

    Default Re: Sandridge Demolition Appeal Hearing This Thursday!

    I agree with you Popsy...

  25. #1200

    Default Re: Sandridge Demolition Appeal Hearing This Thursday!

    Quote Originally Posted by DirtLaw View Post
    As interesting as it is hearing a developer talk about some great project they are going to do I do not see this one happening as it is described. Someone that is willing to spend up to a million dollars on a home is not going to want to be in the same building as someone who is only spending 135K on their home. Those numbers do not make sense.
    It happens all the time here in Florida.

    Here are condos for sale in Mayfair in midtown Atlanta. Penthouse goes for nearly $600,000 while other units go for $110,000.


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