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Thread: Century Center

  1. #1126

    Default Re: Century Center

  2. #1127

    Default Re: Century Center


    Looks like those cross-braces are permanent.

  3. #1128

    Default Re: Century Center

    I like the look of the cross braces actually.

  4. #1129

    Default Re: Century Center

    The last time I was down there they were painting them white so I guess that's going to become an architectural element

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  5. Default Re: Century Center

    Very nice.

    This project has been on my "nicely designed" list since the Butzer Gardner renderings. It hasn't disappointed me yet.

  6. #1131

    Default Re: Century Center

    From Monday:

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	2014-08-25 16.11.43.jpg 
Views:	140 
Size:	3.04 MB 
ID:	9052Click image for larger version. 

Name:	2014-08-25 16.12.18.jpg 
Views:	137 
Size:	2.33 MB 
ID:	9053

  7. #1132

    Default Re: Century Center

    Just that little peek as to what-is-to-be gets me excited. What an incredible improvement this is going to be!

  8. #1133

    Default Re: Century Center

    Quote Originally Posted by Bullbear View Post
    I like the look of the cross braces actually.
    Quote Originally Posted by 5alive View Post
    The last time I was down there they were painting them white so I guess that's going to become an architectural element

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Fine by me, it's a nice visual interest element.

  9. #1134

    Default Re: Century Center

    Couple from today from catch22:

  10. #1135

    Default Re: Century Center

    From Will:

  11. #1136

    Default Re: Century Center

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    CVS corporate killed the deal -- not enough residences in a 1- and 3-mile radius.
    CVS put one in on Campus Corner. What a great, walkable district that is. But are there really more households near that CVS in Norman? How did they sneak that one past corporate?

  12. #1137

    Default Re: Century Center

    Campus Corner has a CVS? Did not realize that, but other than King Kopy and O'Connell's I am not down there much and I tend to use alleys to reach either.
    Where is the CVS located.

    on edit: a 1 and 3 mile radius ring around a center point of Asp and Boyd covers a lot of rooftops (but also includes a couple of other CVS stores).

  13. #1138

    Default Re: Century Center

    Quote Originally Posted by soonerguru View Post
    CVS put one in on Campus Corner. What a great, walkable district that is. But are there really more households near that CVS in Norman? How did they sneak that one past corporate?
    My guess is that CVS corporate only considered current rooftops and not everything that is going up. If they re-ran their formula in two years, it will probably pass for downtown OKC.

  14. #1139

    Default Re: Century Center

    Quote Originally Posted by soonerguru View Post
    CVS put one in on Campus Corner. What a great, walkable district that is. But are there really more households near that CVS in Norman? How did they sneak that one past corporate?
    OU houses a ton of people.

    I think the ultimate issue is that someone tried too early to get CVS downtown. In 2 years, I don't think it will be difficult at all, though the location will certainly be different. There's still relatively little housing downtown, but it is about to explode.

  15. Default Re: Century Center

    There are dense neighborhoods on three sides of Campus Corner, dense student housing on the south side of the campus, and tens of thousands living within a 2-3 mile radius. There is no comparison. Zero.

  16. #1141

    Default Re: Century Center



    I would bet the OU and OSU campuses offer by far the densest population concentrations in the state, both night (dorms/apartments) and day (workers/students).

  17. #1142

    Default Re: Century Center


    The CVS is on Asp on the north side of Campus Corner where Sooner Textbooks used to be eons ago.

  18. #1143

    Default Re: Century Center

    Quote Originally Posted by soonerguru View Post

    The CVS is on Asp on the north side of Campus Corner where Sooner Textbooks used to be eons ago.
    I've never been really familiar with campus corner, until recently. I'm just never that deep into Norman.

    It's a great area, to me it's the best urban environment in Oklahoma. Small streets, a ton of people, and a festive atmosphere.

  19. #1144

    Default Re: Century Center

    Quote Originally Posted by catch22 View Post
    I've never been really familiar with campus corner, until recently. I'm just never that deep into Norman.

    It's a great area, to me it's the best urban environment in Oklahoma. Small streets, a ton of people, and a festive atmosphere.
    Yes. It's really great. It was off the charts for game day. Super atmosphere. Norman is really one of the best college towns anywhere.

  20. #1145

    Default Re: Century Center

    It amazes me how threads get off topic so easily and can stray so far...

  21. Default Re: Century Center

    Have you previously participated on a message board?

  22. #1147

    Default Re: Century Center

    Quote Originally Posted by Of Sound Mind View Post
    It amazes me how threads get off topic so easily and can stray so far...
    Threads are like driving downtown during Project 180 ... there are no straight lines from point A to point B

  23. #1148
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    Default Re: Century Center

    I seem to remembering hearing one time that 10k residents is kind of a magic number for retailers. I think DT will be there in two years. Personally, I don't want to see a big influx of national retailers. If the city is involved at all, I'd rather see it encourage more local retail that usually offers something more unique that is of more interest to visitors and those looking for an urban living experience.

    However, I do think the only way DT gets a drug store of CVS or Walgreens size is for one of them to do it. You just don't see any new independent pharmacies any more. There are a lot better locations for them downtown than CC, imo. Deep Deuce would be a good one, as it could be accessible to a lot of hotel guests, locals, and kind of centrally located between St. Anthony's and the Med Center. I know those facilities have pharmacies, but I think a more full service drug store would draw from the medical complexes as well. Either way, I think it's only a matter of time now and I think both any drug store locating downtown and the Century Center will be better off if it was somewhere else.

  24. #1149

    Default Re: Century Center

    The absolute best location for a Grocery store or Drug Store (Or better yet, BOTH) in downtown would be a new build on the NE corner of 5th and Robinson…It's a bit further for the Midtown crowd, but it's definitely between Midtown and Deep Deuce.

    The nice thing about a restaurant going into the Century Center is that it's something that will bring-in people from all over the city to use the space. The problem with CVS/Grocery Store is that those are neighborhood specific things, and that corner of CC would no longer be a high profile destination for a multitude of people. Whether or not it gets more foot traffic is another question entirely, but foot traffic is not the goal, place-making is…That is too high-profile of a corner to not contribute to place-making. This is why I'm also a major advocate of a Patio here.

  25. #1150
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    Default Re: Century Center

    Quote Originally Posted by Teo9969 View Post
    The absolute best location for a Grocery store or Drug Store (Or better yet, BOTH) in downtown would be a new build on the NE corner of 5th and Robinson…It's a bit further for the Midtown crowd, but it's definitely between Midtown and Deep Deuce.

    The nice thing about a restaurant going into the Century Center is that it's something that will bring-in people from all over the city to use the space. The problem with CVS/Grocery Store is that those are neighborhood specific things, and that corner of CC would no longer be a high profile destination for a multitude of people. Whether or not it gets more foot traffic is another question entirely, but foot traffic is not the goal, place-making is…That is too high-profile of a corner to not contribute to place-making. This is why I'm also a major advocate of a Patio here.
    Good thoughts. I agree about Robinson too. Robinson, especially with its role with the streetcar, is really going to be key to bridging the two main urban neighborhoods in the city. It will be a good corridor for merchants who provide "essentials" to consider.

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