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Agreed 100%. The sales tax initiative was well-intentioned (mostly) but as you said regressive, and especially harmful in a state that charges sales tax on groceries.
Honestly, I was in the "fix it at the state level" camp until I saw the reactions of my teacher friends to the 'No' vote on the 1% sales tax. They were all very disheartened, feel the people of this state don't value their work, and some have begun to explore job possibilities elsewhere. This doesn't necessarily mean I wish that particular SQ had passed, but I definitely support this initiative since it doesn't have the same problems: this tax is progressive, and all the money (ostensibly) is going to OKC teachers and staff, none for administrators and none for higher education.
Personally, I'm done waiting around while we hemorrhage teachers, and I'm not willing to sit and watch our great city be dragged down by the state legislature. Is this the best case scenario? Absolutely not. But it appears to be the best case that's actually realistic.