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Thread: OKC profiled on History Channel's "Gangland"...

  1. #76

    Default Re: OKC profiled on History Channel's "Gangland"...

    This thread is so full of crap there are too many statements above to quote or respond to.

    IGNORANT. I can say it whenever I want. If it walks, talks, or posts like one...

    I have a coworker who says all the time "I'm not racist, but I hate those d. mexicans." Or "I like black people, I just wish they would get an education."
    Pretty much says the same thing as I'm not racist, I just want white pride. That is racism! Find me a white person. Please. What is white? German? I've never understood this.

    Move to N. Edmond or Mustang or something....WOW. Sorry to burst that bubble...they have rainbows. Mustang even has a gang problem!

    Yep. Arayan brothers have symbols they spray paint all over crap. But you probably just assumed that was a mexican.

    I'm out. It's like arguing with...well...ignorant people.

  2. #77

    Default Re: OKC profiled on History Channel's "Gangland"...

    Our forebears did a lot of good, sacrificed much, struggled and died for this country, built America so that you are where you are today (if you're of European ancestry). What's wrong with being proud of that?
    One wonders how different the poster's reaction might be, in a decade or so, to visit a board and read someone of a different ancestry posting the above sentiment from his or her own perspective at that time, the perspective of a new, strong and growing more and more powerful, non-white majority, ala

    Our forebears did a lot of good, sacrificed much, struggled and died for this country, built America so that you are where you are today (if you're of Hispanic ancestry). What's wrong with being proud of that?
    Oh, and for the record, if you just whistled to yourself, or muttered a naughty word, or spewed your drink, or threw up a lil' in your mouth, read the revised quote daily throughout 2010 and beyond, because like it or not, it is more than possible for whites to be replaced as the majority here, just as the natives were so many years ago.

    Well, actually white folk will probably get treated a far sight better than the white European ancestors treated the Native Americans.

    Pleasant dreams ...........

  3. #78

    Default Re: OKC profiled on History Channel's "Gangland"...

    Quote Originally Posted by SoonerDave View Post
    For one thing, it should spark caution.

    Friend of mine who works in law enforcement, and deals with this type of activity on nearly a daily basis and was involved indirectly with the subject production, says what Gangland showed in their documentary was a grossly sensationalized and misleading portrayal of gang activity in the OKC area. Said it leaves a frustratingly incorrect perception about OKC in general and gang activity in particular.

    Take it for what its worth, but the information he gave was more detailed than is reasonable to post here, and I hold him to be an entirely credible, no-nonsense person.
    That's funny because the police officer's I work with thought it was a pretty good representation (though there was some sensationalization going on for sure). The bottom line is the South Side Loco's are a violent gang and if you are messing around in those areas you might get confronted by it.

    Most of the citizenry of OKC (and most cities for that matter) will never have to deal with it if they avoid the areas or just mind their business in those areas.

    Our Hispanic gangs are our biggest and most active gangs right now in terms of violence and other issues. Juaritos weren't mentioned but they are the Hispanic gang located mostly in the Classen/10 Penn area. They were responsible for the murder of the OCU student a few months ago.

    The bottom line is OKC has a lot more gang problems than most are willing to admit but the way our city is set up it is really easy to avoid it so many others are just ignorant of the problem

  4. #79

    Default Re: OKC profiled on History Channel's "Gangland"...

    Quote Originally Posted by gracefor24 View Post
    The bottom line is OKC has a lot more gang problems than most are willing to admit but the way our city is set up it is really easy to avoid it so many others are just ignorant of the problem

  5. #80

    Default Re: OKC profiled on History Channel's "Gangland"...

    Before anyone else brings race into this conversation, I would like to remind them of the fact that there are gangs of ALL races and ethnicities (mafia, biker, hispanic, asian, religious, and a host of many others). The issue with gangs is NOT race; it's poverty and lack of education. The sad thing for me, while watching the program was that my student was one of the young men shot at Crossroads Mall that day. We had SSL's and GBC's at my school. It got quite heated at times; it's hard to concentrate on academics, while violence surrounds the school.

    Law enforcement has quite a huge job on their hands, but so do the rest of us. Education, sports, and relationships with mentors have all been proven to motivate young people to stay out of or even leave gangs. There are reports that some prisons estimate the number of beds they'll need by the reading levels of third graders. The gang problem is complicated, has a long history, and will take time and multi-tiered efforts to effectively combat it.

  6. #81

    Default Re: OKC profiled on History Channel's "Gangland"...

    Quote Originally Posted by Fastfwd View Post
    What? Are you really trying to ignore that you, the same person who dredged up a reference to George Wallace…… apparently had no knowledge of the Immigration Act of 1924 – that basically makes a complete ass of you for going off on me for how you would like to portray that my ancestors were allowed into the United States without restrictions?

    For somebody that likes to throw around the ignorant label – you sure make it easy to make you look like an ass.
    Your reading of my tone is lacking. It is exactly because you "dredged up" legislation that is wholly inaplicable to the 21st century that I wrote what I wrote. If you like 1924 so much why don't you marry her? Nyah.


    You are right, nobody should be afraid to speak freely about race. No one race is more important, and the rest of your spew just rolled on like the Rush Limbaugh/Glenn Beck dirge claiming indoctrinations and incantations in the school and scanning the horizon for a new Hester Prynne to scorn and burn. (She was a character - in a book.)

    I'll cop to being more liberal than you are. Why don't you cop to what it is you are?

  7. Default Re: OKC profiled on History Channel's "Gangland"...

    Why are we politicizing the issue? What do we have to gain by doing that? We shoot ourselves in the foot because we're desperate to argue over something other than our gang problem.

  8. #83

    Default Re: OKC profiled on History Channel's "Gangland"...

    Quote Originally Posted by MikeOKC View Post
    kmf: There's a difference between "gangs" and "extremist groups."

    Same difference as "terrorists" and "freedom fighters"?

  9. Default Re: OKC profiled on History Channel's "Gangland"...

    I for one see absolutely no difference between these tea partiers and the Crips and the Bloods, but that's my politics lol.

  10. #85

    Default Re: OKC profiled on History Channel's "Gangland"...

    Quote Originally Posted by MGE1977 View Post
    Your reading of my tone is lacking. It is exactly because you "dredged up" legislation that is wholly inaplicable to the 21st century that I wrote what I wrote. If you like 1924 so much why don't you marry her? Nyah.
    There you go again…..your ‘tone?’ LOL, what a load of ****. You specifically were making reference to ‘me’ squeaking into this country before I wish to ‘pull up the drawbridge’ as if there has never been any restriction in immigration policy which, while not my expertise, is easily disproved as not being the case.

    Does it make you feel better about yourself not sounding like a dolt for issuing such a statement if you claim your ‘tone’ was misinterpreted? I’m ready to hear how your ‘tone’ gives you a leg to stand on regarding the history of immigration policy in this country and how you are going to insist that you are somehow intellectually superior to my ‘ignorant’ ass. LOL

    You know, I was going to go off on a tirade about how liberals claiming an opposing opinion on immigration policy that denounces ‘open borders’ has nothing to do with ‘ignorance’, but actually, it’s hard for me to say that because I really do feel as though those who support ‘open borders’ are ignorant themselves. I can’t begin to comprehend the thought process that trashes the value of citizenship of the greatest country in the world. Just let ‘em pour in unchecked. There should be no borders. We should just give up everything that we as a country have fought for and divvy it up with the rest of the world? Is that ultimately what you would prefer? Yeah, that’s nice….. give it all away.

    What I love, and it never fails, is how liberals are adamant that you must accept everyone……that is unless you have a conservative viewpoint on a subject and then you’re ‘ignorant’ or a ‘racist’. You really like that throw that ‘racist’ label around as though it’s going to cause the accused to fall to their knees and beg to please forgive them for having an opinion you don’t agree with. **** that ****. Call me a racist all you want. I really don’t give a ****.

    I don’t even really consider myself a ‘conservative’ overall…… I voted for Obama actually. For my own reasons. Not to promote illegal immigration for sure, but it seemed as though there was no winning vote on that count anyway. They’re both already clamoring for the ‘hispanic’ vote. That makes a lil of that puke being talked about cough up into my mouth thinking about it.

  11. #86

    Default Re: OKC profiled on History Channel's "Gangland"...

    Quote Originally Posted by Spartan View Post
    I for one see absolutely no difference between these tea partiers and the Crips and the Bloods, but that's my politics lol.
    Wow, well for one us "tea partiers" aren't running around killing people...but hey keep thinking whatever...

    How the hell did tea parties get drug into this discussion?

  12. #87

    Default Re: OKC profiled on History Channel's "Gangland"...

    Quote Originally Posted by soonerguru View Post
    You mentioned that you don't want white people to be a minority. This is out of either fear or hate, and I'm guessing with you it's a mixture of both. You're afraid that if white people are the minority, you will be subjugated or otherwise victimized. This is based on fear. You have a fear of brown people.
    So, by your logic, every time minorities whine about being in the minority it’s because they ‘fear’ white people? I’d love to see you pass that logic off to your brethren.

    Quote Originally Posted by soonerguru View Post
    You remind of the people before the presidential election who said things like "If Obama wins the blacks are going to run wild."

    You can call treating other people with respect and dignity "politically correct," but you're not going to get many people here to go along with you. Get a grip. The world has passed you by and your thinking is primitive. This has nothing to do with border issues. This has to do with your xenophobia about there being more brown people than white people.
    Treating other people with dignity and respect? Like how I have been treated for expressing my dismay for the news of whites being marginalized in the United States?

    LOL, again, without fail – I love how ‘liberals’ preach tolerance, but if you dare share a ‘conservative’ opinion on an issue you come out of the woodwork with your guns blazing with ‘racist’ labels in some pathetic hopes of shaming someone with a opinion differing from your own into submission. It doesn’t work with me. Sorry. You can call me a racist all you want and I really don’t give a ****.

    So, you preach tolerance, but that only applies to tolerating those who share your views? LOL Otherwise I’m ‘ignorant’ and ‘primitive?’ You might try ‘hypocrite’ on for size.

  13. #88

    Default Re: OKC profiled on History Channel's "Gangland"...

    white, black, brown, yellow, green, chartruse and blender benders .... there are good folk and there are turd folk in every race, color, creed, religious leaning, or combination de jour one cares to concoct.

    There really can not be any serious disagreement on that point.

    So, might it be possible for folks to just zip up, put away their rulers, drop the posturing and go back to what had been a rather interesting thread before some folks apparently decided to start inputting missives more appropriate for submission to Jerry or Maury auditions.

  14. #89

    Default Re: OKC profiled on History Channel's "Gangland"...

    Just another perspective here:

    I think that the majority of gang problems aren't due to race per se, but because of poor populations. Since the majority of the poor are minorities in this country, then the majority of gangs are minorities. Race is a correlation, not causation. I know parts of my city (Amarillo) that are full of poor white people and have rampant crime - especially relating to meth and, interestingly enough, sexual abuse.

    So I think what we're talking about is a problem in poor neighborhoods, not necessarily minority neighborhoods.

    Let's get that straight then begin to address the problem.

  15. #90

    Default Re: OKC profiled on History Channel's "Gangland"...

    Welp. All sides have been covered. Except...I think it's a gender problem. Most of gangs are male. So males have a gang problem. One more reason for me to bash them. And why girls rule and boys drool.

  16. #91

    Default Re: OKC profiled on History Channel's "Gangland"...


  17. Default Re: OKC profiled on History Channel's "Gangland"...

    Quote Originally Posted by OUGrad05 View Post
    Wow, well for one us "tea partiers" aren't running around killing people...but hey keep thinking whatever...

    How the hell did tea parties get drug into this discussion?
    Talking about the difference between a "gang" and "fringe groups" and "terrorists" and "freedom fighters." Some person said it was all in the way you look at it and which side you're on and I was offering a facetious point to the contrary..

  18. #93

    Default Re: OKC profiled on History Channel's "Gangland"...

    Quote Originally Posted by kevinpate View Post
    white, black, brown, yellow, green, chartruse and blender benders .... there are good folk and there are turd folk in every race, color, creed, religious leaning, or combination de jour one cares to concoct.

    There really can not be any serious disagreement on that point.

    So, might it be possible for folks to just zip up, put away their rulers, drop the posturing and go back to what had been a rather interesting thread before some folks apparently decided to start inputting missives more appropriate for submission to Jerry or Maury auditions.

    i agree with this. lets get back to topic.
    i didnt see the gangland on okc but will def set it to record for tonight. i'll be at the trans siberian orchestra concert, so i'll watch it later or tomorrow.

  19. #94

    Default Re: OKC profiled on History Channel's "Gangland"...

    Quote Originally Posted by Spartan View Post
    Talking about the difference between a "gang" and "fringe groups" and "terrorists" and "freedom fighters." Some person said it was all in the way you look at it and which side you're on and I was offering a facetious point to the contrary..
    So me protesting the governments misuse of dollars and rampant spending of MY money and your money makes me a fringe group, terrorist, freedom fighter or gang?

    Why can't I be an american that wants government back under control? We've had 8+ years of NONSENSE coming from DC.

  20. #95

    Default Re: OKC profiled on History Channel's "Gangland"...

    I wonder where the most violent (Hood) is in OKC?The South side or The East side? I remember alot of drivebys and retalliation shootings on The East side awhile back.and MWC has it's problem area's also!

  21. Default Re: OKC profiled on History Channel's "Gangland"...

    Quote Originally Posted by OUGrad05 View Post
    So me protesting the governments misuse of dollars and rampant spending of MY money and your money makes me a fringe group, terrorist, freedom fighter or gang?

    Why can't I be an american that wants government back under control? We've had 8+ years of NONSENSE coming from DC.
    I don't know, good questions. But we've had a lot longer than 8+ years of nonsense from Washington..

  22. #97

    Default Re: OKC profiled on History Channel's "Gangland"...

    Quote Originally Posted by Spartan View Post
    I don't know, good questions. But we've had a lot longer than 8+ years of nonsense from Washington..
    I agree but at least they could do math in the 90s, that all ended in 2001.

  23. #98

    Default Re: OKC profiled on History Channel's "Gangland"...

    Quote Originally Posted by dmoor82 View Post
    I wonder where the most violent (Hood) is in OKC?The South side or The East side? I remember alot of drivebys and retalliation shootings on The East side awhile back.and MWC has it's problem area's also!
    don't forget some of the areas on the north and west side.
    up north, right near nichols hills you have the highlands areas. got some rough neighborhoods.

  24. #99

    Default Re: OKC profiled on History Channel's "Gangland"...

    Quote Originally Posted by Fastfwd View Post
    I don’t even really consider myself a ‘conservative’ overall…… I voted for Obama actually. For my own reasons. Not to promote illegal immigration for sure, but it seemed as though there was no winning vote on that count anyway.
    You shouldn't consider yourself conservative. One of the most conservative parties in this country wants an open border.

    Quote Originally Posted by Fastfwd View Post
    Treating other people with dignity and respect? Like how I have been treated for expressing my dismay for the news of whites being marginalized in the United States?
    White Europeans have done a lot for this country... yeah, sure, they just happened to use other immigrant groups to do the majority of it, but still, a lot that is damn well something to be proud of, and something to lament as they begin to lose the masses of power they've built up over time. But don't fret, I'm sure being in the minority eventually won't be nearly as disastrous as the last time the immigrants took over the country from the majority population.

  25. #100

    Default Re: OKC profiled on History Channel's "Gangland"...

    Is it just me, or did all the girls they had posing with them for pictures were fat and ugly?

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