I'd rather them demo the 2 story short term, build a 5 story. Put your short term on the top two floors. Put your rental cars on the ground floor and up to level 3. But that still doesn't eliminate the need for the support facilities (extra storage, washing and cleaning facilities, etc.).
Many people probably don't fully appreciate what happens to the rental car before or after they drop it off and assume it goes right back on the rental line the second they get out of it. Watching the flow of vehicles at the Atlanta facilty is pretty cool. A full service all in one facility must be orders of magnitude more efficient than how OKC does it now, which probably explains why Pete paid twice as much for his rental car in OKC than I did this week for my rental car in Atlanta ($107.07 for 5 days - after all fees and taxes).
Mark Kranenburg, who is the director of airports for OKC, gave a short talk this morning at a breakfast I attended. In giving an update on what is planned at the airport he talked about. He gave several reasons for this decision but there were two main points that stuck with me. He said the airport can't devote enough parking in the current lots to satisfy what is realistically needed and that it's not unusual for the rental companies to run out of cars. He also mentioned that most rental companies have to maintain off airport locations to service and wash the cars which is very inconvenient. As Kerry mentioned, that probably contributes to the high cost of rentals in OKC.
My gripe is the back and forth switching. We only in the last few years went to ON airport rentals. It was just a short few years ago that we had people riding shuttles to the off airport sites. Then we switched and everyone said "YAY, this is great". Travelers had a much better experience. The parking garages still really dont run out of room (and we'd have more if they'd finish working on the damned things instead of it being a 10 year project just to fix some crusty concrete). In the years since the new garage was opened, i've yet to go up to the gate and is say it was full...and OH MY, have to park and take the shuttle.
I've taken that shuttle and actually used to regularly rather than use the garage. Believe it or not, i've timed it, and i get to the security checkpoing in the same amount of time whether i walk the tunnel or ride the shuttle from the next lot.
As I had said in a previous post, if you drive up meridian, you'll see all the old buildings for the rental companies from how things have flipped back and forth over the years. And most of the last round of them are EMPTY now. The lots were mostly pretty small as well. And the larger ones were just stupidly designed <- Budget/Dollar/Thrifty/Hertz. ALL of the lots were dumb in their design and weren't set up to manage a flow like a real rental facility either. They're most small office parking lots than rental lots.
I just with the airport would make up its mind. Either do it in the garage or don't...but stop flip-flopping.
The new garage just doesn't make any sense and most of the construction quality was just piss poor on some things. I really hate our airport.
This reminds me of the rental car scene from Planes, Trains, and Automobiles.
Our airport, like most, is constantly being updated and rebuilt. Unless we tear it down and start again from scratch there will be issues that people don't like. (And, even then, about half of the people would complain) I really prefer Will Rogers to many others that I go to or through.
Will Rogers is definitely convenient compared to others I've visited, but the construction quality was really piss poor and the design elements just lacked all common sense. I've been really disappointed by the quality displayed.
I really like our airport as well. It's size limits what sort of amenities it's going to be able to offer, but it's also not an airport you're going to spend hours and hours at. It's not a hub or a transfer point, so you're not "connecting" in OKC and laying over for 4 hours. It's not DFW and it doesn't try to be. What it does do, and does pretty well, is move the OKC residents to their airplane in quick manner.
I feel like the new garage works just fine, and the airport itself is perfectly fine. It's still a small airport and not really any bigger than it was when it was built, it's just more modern.
The one thing I do wish they would do....open up that second security point in the mornings. Business travelers have a pretty super long line at 7am. Personally, i always go Southwest Business Class so i can go to the short line, but that other line is dang long. The other point is there, it's just not staffed. In comparison, i went through the John Wayne airport in Anaheim, CA earlier this year. In the middle of the day in the middle of the week, they had multiple points open (granted that airport is laid out in a long line), but the point i went to had ZERO people in line. I even got to have a coversation with the TSA employee about how empty it was. A few minutes later i overheard them discussin closing down that point since traffic was so low....but even the busier gate down the terminal only had 30 people in it.
Any, just blabbering.
It was poorly designed when they did the remodel... plain and simple. It is aesthetically pleasing, but it is still extremely "small-town".
Other airports our sized and smaller who have done recent remodels have much better and "smoother" looking facilities that function very well. Plenty were designed with space for full service restaurants (or atleast one), wider hallways, better and larger signage (that is logically and strategically placed), etc.
Our airport does offer some connections, my company alone handles about 30 connecting passengers a day in the winter and upwards of 60-80 a day in the summer. A very small percentage overall, but it does add up.
There was not much thought put in to the airport's interior design and movement. Lots of conflict points in the lobby and baggage claim areas, and illogical signage everywhere. The amount of people who cannot find their way around the airport is staggering.
They need to scrap the central concourse and start over....
I still think they should go ahead and start The East Concourse...about time they complete it, there will be a demand...and secure some international flights, at least to Mexico...
Not until they get the central terminal area fixed. But that's insanely wishful thinking.
For the most part garage vs. surface parking comes to down to cost, surface parking averages out to about $5,000 per parking spot, structured parking is around $20,000 per parking spot. If you have the room to do surface parking (like at DIA) then you do it, if not you do structured parking. Right now we are doing a CONRAC QTA facility at Louisville (SDF), this is in preparation for a rental car garage attached to the west end of the terminal. The main reason why they are going to a garage is they do not have enough surface area to park enough cars, mainly on Kentucky Derby weekend. We had to pack the QTA in there and underground utilities have been a huge challenge at the site.
As far as the CONRAC for OKC, nothing is happening on our end, in the year plus that I have been there has been no movement on the project. I haven't seen anything on it, so I don't know anything about the project other than we did the study (in 2009 it seems). We are just wrapping up a new CONRAC at New Orleans (that has been a fiasco), it is garage based but also is an almost $100 million facility (and probably will be when all is said and done). The two principles are from Oklahoma (MWC/Tulsa) and are OU alums so they understand the area, if it made sense to do a garage, it would have been proposed because we have done plenty of garages (airport and RTD). If the airport had additional uses for that property then a garage might be necessary.
Security issues caused a lot of problems with the design. The design work was performed pre-9/11, with construction barely under way we had to redesign the bulk of the security areas and eat up a lot of the space and traffic flow so it ended up being less than optimal. If the design work had been performed post-9/11 I would imagine there would be significant differences to the design. You also have to remember, most of these projects are designed to budgets that are not sufficient for what the airport would like to see, so compromises are made in every area and finishes are the area that always seems to be cut. We are doing a brand new terminal at Minot, ND (6 gates) next to the existing terminal (2 gates) which makes it much easier to do things "right". Renovation work is always a compromise in every way and even more so when you have to keep a facility operational.
And you realize the central area is the one area that wasn't dozed, right? It's still the original structure with a facelift. And if you get lost in the OKC airport, that's pretty dumb...it's one short walk of all of 2 minutes from one end to the opposite end. And the numbers go in order. I'm not sure how you can get lost there. Go check out O'Hare and then come back to OKC and tell me you get lost in OKC because of signage.....please.
I did not say the concourse, I said the central terminal. I can imagine how confusing it is for someone unfamiliar with it.
O'hare is a breeze to navigate, they have excellent signage. O'hare is just large/time consuming, but the signage prevents you from getting lost.
Next time you are in the airport, look at our signage and imagine this was the first time you ever used our airport...
Be sure to enjoy the trek through the 3rd world underground walkway from the garages to the terminal.
I've never understood the negativity some have on here for the airport. There's always room for improvement. But most people I know who are from out of town are usually very complimentary on it and it gives quite a favorable impression on the city. Just look at the reviews on Yelp or Google.
The security areas are awkwardly placed but as bluedogok pointed out that's a post 9/11 reality.
Besides the leaks in the tunnel when it rains, it is functional. But it is very bland, unimaginative, and an ugly tunnel.
It has Okie development syndrome, do the basic necessary for function and do not allow any excess to make it look good or be "artsy".
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