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  1. #76

    Default Re: MTP Launches GOTV Campaign VOLUNTEER FOR YES MAPS NOW

    Default Re: My Maps 3 Signs got stolen right in front of me!


    Originally Posted by Wambo36 View Post

    As for Urban Pioneer, he's been pretty vocal to this point. I'm just asking for some honesty.

    Here is my honest answer. I knew that it was illegal to put political signs on public right-of-way. I did not know that it is illegal to remove them.

    Myself and my volunteers have been very careful to put them at locations that have specifically requested them of of the right-of-way and on people's physical property.

    Basically, do not touch signs period! Even if they are illegally placed, it is illegal to remove them even though it may cost taxpayers money to pay the parks and city maintenance workers to do it.

  2. Default Re: MTP Launches GOTV Campaign VOLUNTEER FOR YES MAPS NOW

    So there's no such thing as a "citizen's arrest" when it comes to illegally placed signs?
    Don't Edmond My Downtown

  3. #78

    Default Re: MTP Launches GOTV Campaign VOLUNTEER FOR YES MAPS NOW

    Oh now, why would someone want to touch a sign thief! You'd get cooties.

  4. #79

    Default Re: MTP Launches GOTV Campaign VOLUNTEER FOR YES MAPS NOW

    Quote Originally Posted by Urban Pioneer View Post
    ... I knew that it was illegal to put political signs on public right-of-way. I did not know that it is illegal to remove them.
    ... Even if they are illegally placed, it is illegal to remove them even though it may cost taxpayers money to pay the parks and city maintenance workers to do it.

    For what it's worth Urban, you're not the only person unaware of this. I haven't lifted any signs in this election cycle, but I wasn't aware all your typical Joe Public can do on an illegally placed sign that's on public property is report it.

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