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Thread: Family Being Prosecuted For Pots of Marijuana

  1. #76

    Default Re: Family Being Prosecuted For Pots of Marijuana

    Quote Originally Posted by Midtowner View Post
    Actually, I do know an attorney who saw his client acquitted because these pretty plants with pretty yellow flowers just started growing in pots on her front porch and she decided that since they were aesthetically pleasing, she'd keep them.

    So it is conceivable that those plants did just "jump" into those pots and grow themselves. The plant is apparently indigenous to this area.
    I have lived in northeast KS and saw plenty of ditch weed because it grew wild around Manhattan, KS. But I have yet to see any wild marijuana "ditch weed" growing in Oklahoma.

    And I am sure I would know about it as would every teenager. So please share with us what area it is indigenous to and I will take your word for it.

    My landlady was 92 years young in KS, and she had a marijuana plant growing in the flower bed. She thought it was pretty, so she watered it.

    *I don't recall ditch weed having yellow flowers though...*

    Her grand daughter told her what it was and they called the police to make sure and sure enough, it was good old KS ditch weed.

    You can imagine my surprise when I first saw wild marijuana plants 10 feet tall growing along side the bike path in Manhattan, KS!

    But we both know the difference between knowing and unknowingly growing marijuana, so let's not kid ourselves or insult anyone's intelligence.

    ...and ditch weed will give you a headache. It's not like the cover of High Times by any means.

  2. #77

    Default Re: Family Being Prosecuted For Pots of Marijuana

    Quote Originally Posted by mugofbeer View Post
    Did they die of OD's simply because heroin is illegal? NO! They died because heroin is deadly.
    The effects of heroin on a family is god awful. Some of my worst GAL cases have a parent who is hooked on heroin. Just awful. If you (not Mug) saw the distruction it causes the kids, you'd NEVER made the boneheaded argument that regulation would make it okay. As if an addict can adhere to legal regulations or is capable of the restraint we expect from a parent. They are buying it illegally to begin with. And they will prostitute themselves and anyone around them to get it.

    You haven't seen anything so pathetic as a young woman with a heroin habit who will do anything to get her drug. The degradation of a human would bring tears to any feeling person. Just because it was legal in the first place wouldn't protect her from getting hooked and needing more and more and more.

  3. #78

    Default Re: Family Being Prosecuted For Pots of Marijuana

    Quote Originally Posted by possumfritter View Post
    East Coast Okie,

    Are you by chance a child of the 1960's? And no ma'am, I am not suggesting you are old.
    Oh, darling, I was born in the 50's - and I am not sensitive about my age so not to worry!

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