Happy to see Trader Joe's on the list although I would be surprised if they committed without being able to sell wine, as their "Two Buck Chuck" is an iconic staple in their inventory (although at $1.99 a bottle, not sure how important it is from a profit standpoint). Probably a loss leader. I believe Trader Joe's is owned by one of the Albrecht brothers and affiliated with, or, is a part of the Aldi empire which is doing pretty well in Oklahoma. They might put in a store on the assumption the wine question will eventually come to fruition and pass, although references to the question stipulate wine being sold "in grocery stores of a certain size"....whatever that means. Trader Joe's might be too small to be included in this category. Trader Joe's, from my experience would greatly enhance the variety and selection of organic and natural food products at prices that would be strong competition to Whole Foods and Sprouts/Sunflower.