Originally Posted by
Lindsay Architect
Just a thought...if one could turn back time and Bass Pro (very SUB-urban?) located to an established suburban area like crossroads, and something as popular as The Warren followed, how would the area look today? It seems like a better place for Bass Pro or Cabelas or something, if you had those as 'anchors' and could remove all of the run-down strip malls facing I-35 traffic, the mall would be visable again and something would survive. The area will never compete with the Penn Square area for the same type of retail, but would be a great Redneck Mecca, maybe J.R.'s could resurface in the food court... Moore has re-sprawled with horribly unplanned developments stacked on top of each other - that you can barely get to without waiting on 5 stop lights once you exit the poorly planned off-ramps, 240 should have moore potetial than Moore.