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Thread: HUGE NEWS! Clay Bennett & Co. buy Supersonics!

  1. #76

    Default Re: HUGE NEWS! Clay Bennett & Co. buy Supersonics!

    there is no "world class" arena, the ony arena is the Ford Center, and world class was included so Seattle will know that the price tag for an acceptable arena will be in the half billion dollar range, in other words, there is NO chance that the Sonics will stay in Seattle, and Shinn can go back to the swamp. It's going to be perfect, local owners that care about OKC and will never want to move.

  2. #77

    Default Re: HUGE NEWS! Clay Bennett & Co. buy Supersonics!

    Share the WNBA with Tulsa? Are you crazy? Why in the world would OKc want to share with Tulsa? This is one of the things that keeps OKC down. For 80 years Phillip's was in Bartelsville - how many times do you think OKC tried to get them to move to OKC? I would bet none. Citgo was in Tulsa for how many years? Do you think OKC ever tried t0 get them to move to OKC? No. How about Wal-Mart. An OKC rep should be calling on them everyday to move to OKC.

    OKC should give nothing away. We are in competition for jobs, entertainment, and people with Tulsa just like we are with KC, Dallas, an Denver. If a company does want to locate to OKC why should Tulsa have a marketing tool that OKC gave them. What happens in OKc should stay in OKC.

  3. #78

    Default Re: HUGE NEWS! Clay Bennett & Co. buy Supersonics!

    I no longer believe OKC will get the team they have earned. Seattle WILL put up the $$ for a new arena. The Hornets will return to NO, and unless DS is lying expansion is not on the table. In addition, Clay Bennett has stated that the new owners as well as local Seattle monied people would contribute to the areana.Maybe I am just a pessimist or you all are just way to optimistic. I do think it would be a shame for local business people to own a team in another City when OKC is deserving, ready and able to support an NBA team

  4. #79

    Default Re: HUGE NEWS! Clay Bennett & Co. buy Supersonics!

    Quote Originally Posted by Shake2005
    there is no "world class" arena, the ony arena is the Ford Center, and world class was included so Seattle will know that the price tag for an acceptable arena will be in the half billion dollar range, in other words, there is NO chance that the Sonics will stay in Seattle, and Shinn can go back to the swamp. It's going to be perfect, local owners that care about OKC and will never want to move.
    You are right, but there is going to BE one according Bennett, so will there be a new “world-class” arena in OKC? Do you all think that Bennett will let OKC down, I hope not.

  5. #80

    Default Re: HUGE NEWS! Clay Bennett & Co. buy Supersonics!

    Quote Originally Posted by dcsooner
    I no longer believe OKC will get the team they have earned. Seattle WILL put up the $$ for a new arena. The Hornets will return to NO, and unless DS is lying expansion is not on the table. In addition, Clay Bennett has stated that the new owners as well as local Seattle monied people would contribute to the areana.Maybe I am just a pessimist or you all are just way to optimistic. I do think it would be a shame for local business people to own a team in another City when OKC is deserving, ready and able to support an NBA team
    If the Mr. Seattle himself (Howard Shultz of Starbucks) couldn't get funding for a new arena, what chance do you think a bunch of "cowboys" from Oklahoma are going to have? Especially considering these cowboys' hometown is one of the most NBA fanatical cities without a team. Surely the politicians up in Seattle will smell something funny and just let the Sonics come here.

  6. #81

    Default Re: HUGE NEWS! Clay Bennett & Co. buy Supersonics!

    "in the summer Seattle gets on average less rain than OKC"

    Yes, on average Seattle get less rain than alot of places, it's just that it rain less frequently in Oklahoma but it also rains harder where as in Seattle there are more rainy days but it doesn't rain as hard, it just drizzles constanlty. Averages can be misleading. Still, I'd like to visit Seattle sometime. Just a visit though.

  7. #82

    Default Re: HUGE NEWS! Clay Bennett & Co. buy Supersonics!

    Quote Originally Posted by traxx
    "in the summer Seattle gets on average less rain than OKC"

    Yes, on average Seattle get less rain than alot of places, it's just that it rain less frequently in Oklahoma but it also rains harder where as in Seattle there are more rainy days but it doesn't rain as hard, it just drizzles constanlty. Averages can be misleading. Still, I'd like to visit Seattle sometime. Just a visit though.
    huh, did I miss something, when did we start talking about rain??

  8. #83

    Default Re: HUGE NEWS! Clay Bennett & Co. buy Supersonics!

    Why share with Tulsa? Both the NBA and WNBA can play in the new "world-class" facility the Bennett is promising, especially if it is in OKC!

  9. #84

    Default Re: HUGE NEWS! Clay Bennett & Co. buy Supersonics!

    Bennet is smart. He is in a no lose situation, imo. He has stated he wants a new arena and for the community to pay for a lot of it. If he gets it, the Sonics will be worth much more than he paid for it. Good market + good arena = greater value. The team could use some work, but I don't think that will hold the value down long term if there's a new Staples Center or American Airlines type venue. In fact, just an announcement of a new arena in the market would probably immeditaley boost the team's worth into an unrealized profit for the Bennet group.

    If it doesn't happen he can try to move the team to his hometown that is a proven market with a plug and play arena. Sure, some minor improvements could be made and some major ones would be welcome, but it will make money on day 1.

    Either way, the Bennett group will make money with this investment within 2 years. They will either have positive cash flow in OKC, increased net worth in Seattle, or, if they choose to do so, a realized profit from the sale of the Sonics once a new arena deal is made. I don't see how they miss.

    And, the spin for OKC if the Sonics do stay in Seattle is that the Bennet group could use that money from the sale of the Sonics on the next opportunity that comes along for the market. Who knows how this will end up, but Bennet's group puts OKC closer to having a team than the Hornets ever have and I don't feel like the Sonics satying in Seattle means game over for OKC. All it would likely mean is more money for Bennet's group to make a play for the next team that comes along.

  10. #85

    Default Re: HUGE NEWS! Clay Bennett & Co. buy Supersonics!

    Nicely put. However, I don't think the Ford Center is a world class facility on the scale that Bennet is talking about. Granted, it would be plug and play but not world class.

  11. #86

    Default Re: HUGE NEWS! Clay Bennett & Co. buy Supersonics!

    Quote Originally Posted by keving
    Nicely put. However, I don't think the Ford Center is a world class facility on the scale that Bennet is talking about. Granted, it would be plug and play but not world class.
    the Ford Center is in the middle third of NBA arenas. It would need some upgrades if it were to be a permanent home for an NBA franchise. I think if an announcement were made that we are getting a team, then you would see a push for some upgrades.

  12. #87

    Default Re: HUGE NEWS! Clay Bennett & Co. buy Supersonics!

    it would be plug and play but not world class.
    Exactly. The Ford Center is nice, but nowhere near a show piece. The problem with key and the Seattle lease is that it can't make money despite decent support. The only problem with the Ford Center seems to be who gets what profits.

    Now any new team will have a new agreement, but I don't see Bennett getting a bad deal with OKC. I also think that, for better or worse, the OKC community would support publically assisting improvements.

  13. #88

    Default Re: HUGE NEWS! Clay Bennett & Co. buy Supersonics!

    It would need some upgrades if it were to be a permanent home for an NBA franchise
    I believe I read an article to that effect in the Oklahoman a few months ago, and that such plans are more or less in the "press the START button" stage. In other words, they already know what they need - seems like a bigger central scoreboard with better video was among them, some refinishing of certain areas, etc...wish I could remember more of the details!!

    Everything I've read so far says that Seattle has absolutely zero practical interest in keeping the NBA up there, and there's simply no way anyone's interested in paying for a new arena. Bennett's playing his cards perfectly.


  14. #89

    Default Re: HUGE NEWS! Clay Bennett & Co. buy Supersonics!

    Here is the article:

    SEATTLE - New SuperSonics owner Clay Bennett is looking for an NBA arena modeled after Safeco Field, the home of baseball's Seattle Mariners, and his team's current home doesn't cut it.
    "As we've said before, we don't believe KeyArena is a satisfactory facility," Bennett said Wednesday.
    Bennett made his first trip to Seattle since buying the Sonics and WNBA Storm from the Basketball Club of Seattle on July 18 for $350 million. When Bennett bought the team he said that whether the Sonics remain in Seattle would depend on whether the team can agree with the city to renovate KeyArena, or replace it with another arena in the region.
    Bennett, chairman of the Oklahoma City-based Professional Basketball Club LLC, said his group is not ruling out a possible remodel of KeyArena, but made clear he'd rather put together a "world-class" sports and entertainment complex on a yet to be determined site.
    "That's the idea we have in mind, the development of the finest building in the world. Where that ends up, I don't know," Bennett said. "We want to develop that profile ... and everything in our minds today is on the table."
    While in Seattle, Bennett met with local and civic leaders, including Mayor Greg Nickels. He also met with Gov. Chris Gregoire on Wednesday afternoon, before returning to Oklahoma City.
    "He envisions a world-class, multipurpose facility which I believe is good for our communities and our state," Gregoire said in a statement. "Mr. Bennett assured me that he and his partners will present a business plan to the public and decision makers so that we can work together to keep the teams in our state."
    Nickels said the city wants to keep the Sonics at KeyArena and previous offers for a remodel are still available.
    "The deal offered to the previous ownership group is still on the table," Nickels said.
    KeyArena was remodeled in 1994-95 and the Sonics have a lease until 2010 with the city. The team and NBA commissioner David Stern both have said that lease is the league's most unfavorable to a team and must be changed — or better yet, a new place must be built with a new lease — for the teams to prosper in the region.
    Bennett also met with Sonics All-Star Ray Allen and reassured current Sonics employees that the focus is on keeping the team in Seattle.

    Ok people, did you read the article; Bennett said build an arena (not the Ford center). It is suppose to be like Safeco Field.

    What does this mean: The Ford Center is in the middle third of NBA arenas?

  15. #90

    Default Re: HUGE NEWS! Clay Bennett & Co. buy Supersonics!

    ETl please read previous posts.

    A link to this article has been posted before.

  16. #91

    Default Re: HUGE NEWS! Clay Bennett & Co. buy Supersonics!

    We've all read the article. It says 0 about the Ford Center. In fact, it doesn't even mention Oklahoma City, except to say that's where Bennett's group is from.

    What does this mean: The Ford Center is in the middle third of NBA arenas?
    Rank the arenas. Group them into three groups. The Ford Center would be in the middle group.

  17. Default Re: HUGE NEWS! Clay Bennett & Co. buy Supersonics!

    With all due respect, I was under the impression that Clay Bennett's mission was to bring a permanent home team to Oklahoma. I understand it's business, and I would assume his hidden agenda is going on the premise that things don't work out in Seattle. What if they do? Sounds like another Gaylord scheme. Invest hundreds of millions of dollars in another state. Don't give me that argument about how much better the Seattle market is. Sure its larger with more corporate support. But until the Utah Jazz fail in Salt Lake City, an NBA team that really is in the middle of no where, questioning OKC's support versus another city is something I won't buy.

    My only last hope with this is that should the Sonics get their new arena in Seattle, that Bennett can sell the Sonics off after their value jumps, make his $350 million back plus the remainder from appreciation, turn around and buy a near defunct team. Who would that be? Would Bennett have to comb through the NHL? Because I don't really know of any other NBA team that is on the fritz with their home city the way the Sonics were with Seattle. Maybe Bennett can make Shinn a sweetheart of a deal, the way that Ron Norick tried to court the NHL back in 1997. Oh, well. Wishful thinking.

    But honestly, Clay, what in the hell are you doing?
    Continue the Renaissance!!!

  18. #93

    Default Re: HUGE NEWS! Clay Bennett & Co. buy Supersonics!

    Quote Originally Posted by okcpulse
    With all due respect, I was under the impression that Clay Bennett's mission was to bring a permanent home team to Oklahoma. I understand it's business, and I would assume his hidden agenda is going on the premise that things don't work out in Seattle. What if they do? Sounds like another Gaylord scheme. Invest hundreds of millions of dollars in another state. Don't give me that argument about how much better the Seattle market is. Sure its larger with more corporate support. But until the Utah Jazz fail in Salt Lake City, an NBA team that really is in the middle of no where, questioning OKC's support versus another city is something I won't buy.

    My only last hope with this is that should the Sonics get their new arena in Seattle, that Bennett can sell the Sonics off after their value jumps, make his $350 million back plus the remainder from appreciation, turn around and buy a near defunct team. Who would that be? Would Bennett have to comb through the NHL? Because I don't really know of any other NBA team that is on the fritz with their home city the way the Sonics were with Seattle. Maybe Bennett can make Shinn a sweetheart of a deal, the way that Ron Norick tried to court the NHL back in 1997. Oh, well. Wishful thinking.

    But honestly, Clay, what in the hell are you doing?

    Clay's making himself a win-win proposition. Either he gets the "nicest facility in the world" in Seattle for his team, and he makes a ton of money, or he doesn't get the facility and moves to OKC and gets a ton of money. In the event of the later, if he moves to OKC, the city of Seattle is now the bad guy, and not Bennett.

    The city has pretty much blown off past ownership on the same request. Now that there's a more urgent threat of losing their team, the city might be more prone to deal with Bennett.

    We'll see though. If I were in Bennett's shoes, I would have done exactly the same thing.

  19. #94

    Default Re: HUGE NEWS! Clay Bennett & Co. buy Supersonics!

    Quote Originally Posted by BricktownGuy
    ETl please read previous posts.

    A link to this article has been posted before.

    I did that because people repeatedly said how the Ford Center was not a world-class facility. DUH!!!! I sounded to me that people were not reading the article because they would have realized that Bennett wants to BUILD a “world-class” facility. That is how I justified it. Where this NEW facility will be, we don’t know. I think, no, I hope that Bennett will build that facility here, but I see no reason for that here. Also, I fear that the Sonics may stay in Seattle due to the fact that he wants the NEW stadium to look like Safeco Field, but he could just be playing his cards so that he will be able to bring the Sonics here and not build a NEW stadium. Too, what is wrong with the Ford Center as is?

    Now, tell me I was wrong with my justification for posting the article. If I am wrong please tell me.

  20. #95

    Default Re: HUGE NEWS! Clay Bennett & Co. buy Supersonics!

    easy, easy, I was just stating cause you had made a complete new post for Frontier City also.

    Nothing against u.

  21. #96

    Default Re: HUGE NEWS! Clay Bennett & Co. buy Supersonics!

    Quote Originally Posted by BricktownGuy
    easy, easy, I was just stating cause you had made a complete new post for Frontier City also.

    Nothing against u.

    Ok, well I had a reason this time. Sorry about the new thread though.

  22. #97

    Default Re: HUGE NEWS! Clay Bennett & Co. buy Supersonics!

    His requests for a new "world class" venue are in context with Seattle, not Oklahoma City. If Seattle does not build one, he is not going to make the same request to OKC. Why? Because the Ford Center is about 2000 capacity bigger than Key and is nicer. So, that's about 80k more seats a year to sell in OKC than Seattle at the moment.

    He has not said that the Sonics need a new world class arena wherever they play. He's just saying that's what he wants Seattle to have to keep the team there. He's very early in negotiating with the city and he's not going to compromise right out of the gate.

    Now, if he does move them to OKC, is he going to ask for improvements? For sure, but he's not going to ask for a new arena.

    This all actually supports what I was saying above. If the team stays in Seattle, he is going to try and add as much value to that team as he can at a minimum of the cost. That way he can flip it. It's only fair that Seattle gets a shot and if they succeed, then he gets paid.

    I understand it's business, and I would assume his hidden agenda is going on the premise that things don't work out in Seattle. What if they do?
    The he gets paid and has more money with which to try and locate a team in OKC.

    I was under the impression that Clay Bennett's mission was to bring a permanent home team to Oklahoma.... what in the hell are you doing?
    I think he's doing exactly that. Look around the league. Look around the markets. This is the best shot at a relocation in the near future.

    No doubt he wants to have a team in OKC, but he can't just ask nicely and hope to get a team. Teams have leases with cities, teams have loyal owners (some exist), and many teams do just fine. I think Stern made it clear a few months ago that if you are looking for a team any time soon, Seattle is the play.

    But there is a lease and it is Seattle's team. Because of that they get a shot to make it work and that makes sense. If it does work out for Seattle, then he's made a little money and he's on to the next play. Las Vegas wants a team. Kansas City wants a team. Lots of cities want a team and Bennett's purchase of the Sonics puts OKC closer than any of those other cities right now. Whether it works out that way, we'll see.

    BTW, Seattle is a great market, but Key and the lease suck. With a new arena, no doubt it would be successful and I think Bennett is serious about keeping them there if they build it. Again, he'll just make some money and wait for the next team and see if Oklahoma City can be in the mix at that time, but right now, the play is Seattle and there really aren't any other options.

  23. #98

    Default Re: HUGE NEWS! Clay Bennett & Co. buy Supersonics!

    That makes phenomenal sense to me. That was well put, and thanks you for making it clear!

  24. #99

    Default Re: HUGE NEWS! Clay Bennett & Co. buy Supersonics!

    Quote Originally Posted by ETL
    Ok, well I had a reason this time. Sorry about the new thread though.
    ETL, its cool. It happens to all of us.

    I didn't point it out the first time, cause we all make mistakes and make new threads when not needed.

    Please do not take offense to my previous remarks, just keep it in mind, thats all.

  25. #100

    Default Re: HUGE NEWS! Clay Bennett & Co. buy Supersonics!

    Quote Originally Posted by BricktownGuy
    ETL, its cool. It happens to all of us.

    I didn't point it out the first time, cause we all make mistakes and make new threads when not needed.

    Please do not take offense to my previous remarks, just keep it in mind, thats all.
    I have not taken offense, and thank you for letting me know.:spin:

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