Cheaper for the city in the short term.. The value per acre of low density sprawl is rarely enough to pay for the maintenance of roads and services needed over time. The quality of life you speak of is heavily subsidized. If people who lived in sprawling subdivisions had to pay for the extra miles of roads, water pipe , police, fire, etc. to make up for the lack of tax revenue it would be extremely expensive to live there.I would advocate for more sprawl as it's cheaper for the government to subsidize freeways and give people cheaper living options increasing quality of life. Less density gives more bang for their buck.
I understand that we are a suburban city, nation. We can't just bomb all the sprawl and start over. All I am saying is that since we aren't a mega metro yet, we can begin to think about alternatives to auto based sprawl. and restrict that type of development from here on out. We have room and time to build infrastructure that is inherently more economically stable and we can begin to create an atmosphere that is pleasant by reducing the necessity of the automobile.