That's not true at all because he still wasn't going to do enough to bring us back from a 21 point deficit. Nothing he, or the offense under him, had done leading up to that point indicated otherwise. Every yard seemed like a mile for the entire first half of the season with exception to maybe the second half against KSU. It wasn't just one play in Dallas either, he was shaky at best aside from one drive prior to the fumble. And while the pick may not have completely been his fault, he still threw it. The conversation would've happened after the UT game regardless of the fumble he least this way we won the game.
No, he likely wouldn't have put up the same numbers against TCU because he hadn't against anyone this year (and he definitely wouldn't have put up near the rushing numbers). I agree that the fans booing him was excessive but I'm sorry.. if you think he deserved another chance to redeem himself or didn't get enough chances in general, you haven't been watching the same team I have. It would be a different story if WIlliams hadn't so emphatically lit up the score board since stepping in, but he did. He is clearly the better option and it isn't remotely close. He makes the entire team better in a way that Rattler just didn't. If you haven't been in attendance for the last two games, I could understand why you might feel the way that you do...but if you were there, you would get it.