Originally Posted by
Larry OKC
That is B.S. and you know it. Edmond was the most recent example. I also gave you the examples of MAPS 1. Others have given you the examples of other tax issues. Exactly where is your "hard data"? You have admitted before, you don't have any then say that since you don't have any, no one else has any either (or it is "incomplete", and the only way for it to be complete is long after the damage is done).
Maybe this will help explain it. Approach this the same way you would a patient. Look at the "patients" history. Listen to what he is telling you (may not be telling you everything or could even be lying). Run tests, if tests are inconclusive or self-contradicting run some more tests. But don't wait until he is terminal and "all the data is in." Preventive measures can and should be taken. The same should apply to MAPS 3.
The fact that the 1st MAPS were "completed" (but not on time and definitely not any where close to on budget) is because there was a legally binding language that had some teeth to it. That is completely missing from this MAPS and you know it. This has accurately been described as basically a "handshake deal". This requires a heck of a lot more faith and trust than what a correctly worded Ballot/Ordinance requires. And they can legally list all of the projects, they deliberately chose not to do so. The Mayor is on record twice as saying they chose the all-or-nothing format because it is what people are "used to". Completely ignoring the fact that voters are also use to separate propositions (the most recent G.O. and School bond issues where EVERY proposition passed, something like a 80% margin if not mistaken). Of course there is no guarantee that any (many examples of issues completely failing) or ALL props will pass (Tinker bond is the most recent example, some passed some didn't), but there is no guarantee that an all-or-nothing one will pass either. Hopefully there are enough projects included to garner solid support over the negative ones, but the reverse may be the case and there may be just enough negative ones that torpedo the whole measure. I haven't seen recent polling data, but there are some projects (like the Convention Center) that may bring down the whole thing. I don't agree with the anti C.C. but also realize their numbers are most likely inflated and we are in agreement that putting it off to last doesn't make any sense for many reasons.
You have said before that something is better than nothing, so why not do sep propositions (besides being the legal way to do it)? You have to ask yourself, why is it they have set this up so they aren't committed to building any of the proposed projects? There are other ways around the anti-log rolling (which has been pointed out isn't what causes it to be illegal anyway) and they ran smack dab into the "specified" requirement.